Turbine lube oil system Lube oil cooling & cleaning Well recognised solutions used by leading turbine suppliers and end users Process diagram Benefits Case story
Turbine lube oil system Lube oil cooling & cleaning HP turbine IP turbine LP turbine Generator Lubricating oil coolers Oil cleaning unit Click on icons for product information
Turbine lube oil system Lube oil cooling & cleaning Using Alfa Laval plate heat exchangers and oil cleaning units in your turbine lube oil systems gives you: Reliable operation Minimum downtime
Case story Afsin power plant Plant manager Mr. Tayfun Buyuk: ”We looked for a solution which could restore our power production capacity and ensure long term operation at full output with minimum maintenance costs. The Alfa Laval solution has proven to comply with these demands. The plate heat exchangers will certainly be my recommendation for the sister plant Afsin B which is now under construction.”