Finish Challenge Prayer Resource The MILLION HOUR Prayer Campaign For Unreached Peoples NO 27 Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –
Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY – The Mandate: You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8). Clearly you are an epistle of Christ… written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God… on tablets of flesh… (2 Corinthians 3:3). Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –
Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY – The Meditation: PASTOR: Jesus, after all you have done for me, I know that I am supposed “to be” a witness. And that should lead to “doing witnessing.” PEOPLE: I am often stuck. It is not happening. Sadly, I am a part of a silent, unproductive majority. I don’t want to be this way any longer. PASTOR: Lord, we know that our “doing” comes out of our “being.” And our “being” comes out of our intimate “knowing.” PEOPLE: I want “to know” you Lord. To know, in my heart, in every fiber of my being, the reality of your life, your resurrection life. PASTOR: Shepherd talk to us today. Lead us. Let us sense your presence. Make us witnesses for Your Kingdom. PEOPLE: What you have called me “to be” is impossible without the power of your Holy Spirit. Fill me. Teach me prayerful reliance. PASTOR: Make us who you created and redeemed us “to be” so that we can “do” what you want us to do. Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –
Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY – The Profile … The Chamar people live primarily in India's western states. They are considered untouchable, and most of them know nothing else their entire lives. This translates into frequent joblessness, lack of education and lifelong poverty. Their main occupation is manufacturing shoes and chappals from finished leather. Their staple cereals are rice and jowar. The Unreached People Group Chamar of Bangladesh Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –
Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY – Prayer … Pray for the Chamar people to break through the caste barrier; be accepted and accept other communities. Pray for the church planting movement underway among Chamars in several districts across India. Pray that these Chamar believers will be salt and light to Chamar communities throughout India. Pray that church planting will grow across all Chamar communities. Pray for more workers to enter the Chamar harvest. The Unreached People Group Chamar of Bangladesh Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –
Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY – MISSION QUOTE: Love is the root of missions, sacrifice is the fruit of that love. The Unreached People Group Chamar of Bangladesh Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY – Finish Challenge Prayer Resource The MILLION HOUR Prayer Campaign For Unreached Peoples (NO 27) Produced by Alive Ministries PROJECT PRAY In conjunction with Billion Soul Network Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –