GCSE Mathematics Revision 2016/2017 The Bewdley School and 6th Form Centre
Format of the GCSE There are 3 examinations. Each one lasts for an hour and a half. Paper 1 is non-calculator. You can use a calculator on Papers 2 and 3.
How to Revise Mathematics The ONLY way to revise mathematics is to actually DO mathematics. Think of it like this… I want to learn how to do skateboard stunts so I buy a really good board, watch instructional videos and read a book telling me how to do stunts….I’m now brilliant at skateboard stunts – correct??? WRONG!!! Without actually practising what I am learning, I’ll never improve.
What Mathematics to Revise? None of us like doing difficult things so we all tend to opt for an easy life. However this means that all too often we end up revising the stuff we can already do! You need to be revising the material you CANNOT do in order to improve your marks.
How do you find out what you don’t know? There are several ways of finding out what you don’t know! Look back at all of your RAG sheets – they were given out each half term and are glued into your notebooks, you should have been completing these each half term to help identify what you needed to learn for each test. Look at the Test Analysis sheet for each half termly test. Anything in red or amber definitely needs to be dealt with and you should also plan on revisiting anything in green.
How do you find out what you don’t know? However the easiest way of doing this is to use your MathsBuster. Put in your target grade and it will sort out a whole host of things for you…
Use your MathsBuster …
How to Use MathsBuster Do the Timed Tests. These will clearly identify your areas of weakness and will direct you to the relevant revision topic. The tests are automatically marked and give you feedback.
After the Timed Tests I now know that if I got Question 1 wrong, I need some help with this topic. Click on the purple button SHOW REVISION TOPIC. This will take you to the relevant topic, even if you don’t know what that is! There are then Revision Notes, Teaching Videos and Practice Questions on this topic.
Practice Questions If you get the Practice Questions correct then you end up with medals! The more you get correct the better the medal… If you get the Practice Question wrong then you can look at the worked example. Of course, you could always look at the Worked Example before you tried the real thing….
Another way of using MathsBuster Do the Levelled tests. Input your target grade and it will set you tests. You have to unlock each grade before you can move onto the next test.
Yet another way of using MathsBuster Do the Challenges….
A fourth way of using MathsBuster… Try the mock papers…
A fifth way of using MathsBuster… Browse the Revision topics… You can either type the topic you want to revise into the search engine or use the drop down boxes to find what you are looking for. If you have done the timed papers, it automatically takes you to the relevant revision topic for those questions you got wrong, see above.
Trophies, Credits and Medals This is a very easy way to keep track of what you have completed and how much time you have spent on revising your mathematics… Parents – please look at this section on their MathsBuster… you will soon be able to tell if your child is “fine” with their maths revision. “How is the maths revision coming along”? “Fine….”
Haven’t got MathsBuster? Why not? We’ve tried to sell it to you…twice at the beginning of Year 10 and then again, twice, at the beginning of Year 11. Visit CGP and get yours today. https://www.cgpbooks.co.uk/Student/books-gcse-maths- new.books_gcse_maths_aqa_mathsbuster_range?range=n ew
Diagnostic Questions These are on-line diagnostic tests which very quickly identify your misconceptions. Tests are assigned by your teacher each week. Use your school login and don’t forget your password. We suggest you use the password you use for your school account…
Click here to Sign In You will need to Sign Up the first time you use this site.
Diagnostic Questions Click on the start button, do the test. It automatically saves whenever you close the site down so you don’t have to worry about saving it. If you don’t know the answer, use MathsBuster to help. When you go back into the test, press resume rather than restart.
This is the Start button
Do NOT press this, it restarts the test This is the Resume button…
Diagnostic Questions Don’t forget to give a reason for each of your answers. As teachers, we can see what you have written which will help us to determine what your misconceptions are and therefore how to help you to improve.
Diagnostic Questions When you have completed the test, review it. Read the comments that other students have written as their explanation of why they think that answer is correct. If you still don’t understand why you got the question wrong, come and talk to a maths teacher.
Do NOT press Try Again. Press Review to learn from your mistakes.
Reasons why this is the correct answer Lots more explanations… Your answer Click here to see the question
Diagnostic Questions Initially we will set one a week as part of your normal homework allowance. Closer to the exam we will be setting them more frequently… Very close to the exam, we will set one a day…
Just Maths This is another way of independently revising. Please login to www.justmaths.co.uk/online The Maths Department have paid for your login Username BewdleyStudent Password Bewdley It’s been kept simple so you won’t forget it…
Just Maths There are 60 teaching videos with accompanying worksheets and solutions. The Super 60 cover most of the topics needed for the GCSE and more are being added. This site is being developed by practising maths teachers so they know what you have to learn and the best way of doing so. The worksheets are GCSE past paper questions and the worked solutions are just that, fully worked out answers.
How much revision should you do? Obviously the more you do the better your results will be! Mathematics needs to be practised regularly to get the best effect so plan your time carefully.
How much to revise Get a plan together. Print off a calendar, write on it when you are going to revise which subject and try to stick to it. Give yourself rewards when you achieve these goals. It is often a good idea to start with the exams and work backwards – use the last few revision sessions for past paper practice.
Ask for help and support Ask your family to help and support. Calendars on kitchen walls being crossed off when revision has happened/days have gone is very motivational (or scary!). Teachers are here to help! We will guide you and provide as much help and support as you are willing to access.