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CHALENGES FACING DEMOCRATIC INDIA Population Control in India Effects of population Unemployment India’s million plus cities Child Labour Dowry ILL treatment of women in India
Population control in India Even more serious than the physical consequences of expected scarcities are the potential social consequences. As is already quite evident worldwide, industrial growth can, and is taking place with virtually no increase in the demand for labour.. To view the next page click here
Effects of population Since most of the population growth in India is taking place amongst those who will have the least skills when entering the job market - India is likely to be inundated with either completely illiterate or poorly schooled youth and children in a stagnant or perhaps even shrinking job market. To view the next page click here
Unemployment More and more children from the slums are being pushed into the job market as their parents find it impossible to feed their families. Village youth and young adults from poor and desperate villages migrate to the cities to compete with the existing pool of unskilled workers for a very limited supply of service-sector jobs. To view the next page click here
India’s million plus cities Mumbai 14.5 Kolkatta 12 New Delhi 10.1 Chennai 5.7 Bangalore 4.5 Hyderabad 4.7 Pune 2.7 Luck now 2.3 Ahmedabad 3.6 Jaipur 1.8 Vizag 1.1 To view the next page click here
Child Labour Child Labour is a serious socio-economic problem all over the world especially in developing countries like Pakistan, India, China, and Vietnam etc. While it is difficult to get an accurate count because much child Labour is hidden or denied by those who profit from it, a conservative estimate would indicate 250 million world-wide fall into the category of child Labour. Estimates suggest that 3.61 million Pakistani children are economically active on full-time basis. To view the next page click here
Dowry India calls for a large sum of money to be paid to the groom at the time of marriage. Brides that cannot meet the husband's expectations are sometimes harassed after the wedding. To view the next page click here
Ill treatment of women in India Many families blame the untimely death of a husband to the misfortune of the woman. In extreme cases, the widow is made to wear only unattractive clothing and shave her head, although this practice is on the decline. To view the next page click here
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