Physical education 7 Mr. Fisher Walter T. Helms Middle School (510)231-xxxx
About Mr. Fisher -Attended WCCUSD as a student -Played Basketball and Football -Graduated @ Pinole Valley High School 2006 -Attended Contra Costa Junior College -Full Football Scholarship University of Massachusetts -Been Teaching for 5 years, various subjects. -Coach College Football
You can call me coach!!
Physical education objective Students learn the health-related benefits of regular physical activity and the skills to adopt a physically active, healthy lifestyle.
Special Needs and medical issues
Classroom expectations and procedures We the people……….
Expectations/procedures Universal Laws of the classroom -Respect!- Your Teacher, Your Peers, Yourself and the Equipment -Listen and Follow Instruction-Follow all instructions and reasonable Request *Simon Says Be Safe -Give Your Best Effort- I do not expect us all to be professional Athletes, But expect an Exceptional Effort.
Grading Policy
Grading Policy 100 points in a week 20 points in a Day 5 points for Dressing Properly for Physical Education 5 points for being on time (seated on your number) 5 points for participation/effort 5 points for being respectful
Grading Policy Points will be deducted for…. Not meeting requirements in the 4 grading categories (Tardy, non participant, Non Dress, Rude) not cooperating with request Being rude and Discourteous being outside of the designated PE Area For anything perceived and mean or cynical
Locker room Etiquette
Locker room Etiquette Be in the locker room prior to the tardy bell Take your clothes home every Friday and wash We are all old enough to wear Deodorant, please have good hygiene. Do not share your locker, combination or clothes with classmates Do not leave any valuables in the locker room AT ALL!!!! Respect others privacy and belongings during dress period Dress then exit locker room, do not hang out. Write down your combination. We have copies but you will “pay” each time you forget . Keep your hands to yourself!!!!!!!!!
Weekly Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Unit Day/fitness Unit Day Play Friday (Democracy/Choice)
Daily Schedule Dress Attendance (Beginning/end of period) Stretch Play
Common Physical Education Activities -Basketball -Football -Soccer -Kickball -Dodgeball -Volleyball -Floor Hockey -Sharks and Minos -Fitness Stations -Jump Rope -Steal the Bacon -Four Square -Mile Run/Extended Walk -
Important information to know Different types of whistle mean different things Short whistle- Please be quiet, pay attention Long Whistle-Oh no you didn’t!! Somebody is in trouble Round Whistle-Signifies beginning/End of Class When Class is over, its over!! Stop Playing!! Double Whistle- Eyes on Teacher
Important information to know Always remain in the teachers line of sight. Do not sit in the middle of play area. Do not leave jackets or backpacks on playing Surfaces. If you see something, say something. Report to teacher.