PROSPECTS AND ANALYSIS OF HYDROGEN PRODUCTION FROM RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY SOURCES IN ALGERIA S. Rahmouni*, N. Settou, B. Negrou, N. Chennouf, R. Ghedamsi Univ Ouargla, Fac. Des sciences appliquées, Lab. Promotion et valorisation des ressources sahariennes, Ouargla 30000, Algeria ABSTRACT In response to the global concerns for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and ensure the energy security supply, renewable energy based hydrogen systems appear to be an interesting solution. The purpose of this study is consisted on techno-economic analysis of massive hydrogen production system through water electrolysis using different renewable energy sources. Numerical simulations are carried out to study the performance of the hydrogen production system. The potential of all electric sources are analyzed and assessed. The sizing of a hydrogen production system and annual energy requirements are determined. The correct methodology is demonstrated for a case study in Ouargla region. An approximate costs analysis, which included a total investment estimate, was performed. The levelized cost of hydrogen production was also calculated for comparison purposes. Finally, the results are discussed. Ressources availability in specific geographical location Solar photovoltaic Average solar irradiation incident on the title plan (kWh/m²) Available area for technology deployment (km2) Capacity factor Specifications of the electrolyser Solar tower Average solar irradiation incident on the horizontal plan (kWh/m²) Size of the solar chimney (collector surface m², tower height m) Electrical renewable energy potential Hydrogen production potential 1. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The system mainly consists of tow subsystems; eclectic power source and industrial electrolyser. PV panels, solar chimney power plant (SCPP) and geothermal carbon dioxide system are utilized to produce electricity. This electricity is used to operate electrolyser in which water splits into oxygen and hydrogen. Geothermal energy Geophysical data Effeciency H2 O2 2H20 2H2 + O2 Fig. 4: Flowchart representation for the evaluation of the hydrogen production potential. Fig. 5: Monthly hydrogen production. 5. HYDROGEN PRODUCTION COST Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of hydrogen production system that uses renewable electric source. Total project cost Renewable electricity investment Initial investment O&M costs Electrlolyser investment Capital cost Replacement cost 2. ENERGY REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTROLYSIS Industrial alkaline water electrolyser (supplied by Hydrogenics), with its robust, reliable and highly efficient operation, is used. At full capacity, the electrolyser can generate up to 60 Nm3 of hydrogen per hour, with a power consumption of 5,2 kWh/Nm3 and high quality .Energy efficiency the electrolysis process is 68%. Tab. 1: Energy requirements and number of cells for electrolysis systems MH2 (t/year) 10 250 500 Eel(GWh/year) 0,85 21 42 Pel(MW) 0,01 2,42 4,85 Number of cell stacks 2 31 62 3. SIZING OF THE GENERATING STATION OF ELECTRICITY Tab. 3: Sizing of geothermal power plant Tab. 2: Sizing of the photovoltaic panels Fig. 6: Estimation of total project investment MH2 (t/year) 10 250 500 Pgeo (MWe) 0.01 2.42 4.85 mCO2 (kg/s) 5 60 100 H well (m) 400 3500 4000 MH2 (t/year) 10 250 500 APV (ha) 0.27 6 13 Tab. 4: Solar tower sizing Ht (m) 150 350 550 750 MH2 (t/year) Ht x Acoll (m3) Dcoll (m) 10 4,7 107 632 414 330 283 250 1,17 109 3161 2069 1651 1413 500 2,35 109 4470 2926 2334 1999 Fig. 8: Hydrogen production cost breakdown. Fig. 7: The total capital cost of renewable electricity sources. 4. RENEWABLE HYDROGEN PRODUCTION POTENTIAL IN OUARGLA REGION Ouargla Ouargla region (latitude 31°N, longitude 5°24’E) located in Sahara desert in southern Algeria. It benefits of a hot dsert climate, with very hot, dry summers, mild winters, and very little precipitation throughout the year. The air temperature varies between 12,7 ° C January (the coldest month) and 38,05 ° C in July (the hottest month), with an annual average value of 25,37 ° C.. Fig. 9: Levelized cost of hydrogen production. 6. CONCLUSION Technical and economic analysis of hydrogen production by water electrolysis using three different renewable sources was conducted in this paper. The economic feasibility of renewable hydrogen projects is increasingly being evaluated using the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCA) in order to compare the renewable hydrogen production cost of the different renewable technologies. The results of the evaluation of the technical hydrogen production potential showed a very high potential of hydrogen in the Ouargla region, where the application is been considered. The results of a cost analysis have indicated that the electricity costs contributes significantly to the total project investment and have a major impact on the produced hydrogen price via water electrolysis process. The conclusion is that an even stronger development of renewable energies would be required in the future to satisfy both electricity and hydrogen production and contributes as an opportunity to support economic growth and energetic transition in Algeria. Fig. 2: Ouargla region Fig. 3: Monthly average variations of the solar irradiation received at horizontal and a tilt angle equal to the latitude (31°) of the location. CONTACT Email: