Results for the quarter and 6 months ended 30 June 2011
Safety first… 2011 Quarterly lost time injury frequency rate Significant improvement in LTIFR at Loulo following remedial action by management to 0.73 per million hours worked No LTI’s reported from Morila or Tongon Loulo and Tongon make good progress towards OHSAS 18001 certification
Q2 highlights… record overall performance Profits up 180% quarter on quarter and 253% on corresponding quarter of previous year Production up 33% quarter on quarter and 97% on corresponding quarter of previous year EPS for the first 6 months up 188% compared to previous year period Gounkoto pours first gold Tongon posts strong profits after robust production and sale of gold on hand Loulo underground development reaches high grade at Yalea and opens up stopes at Gara Kibali drill holes confirms down plunge of KCD and continue to highlight potential for reserve growth Kibali relocation begins paving the way for construction startup
Summary Financials…record profits Quarter ended 30 Jun 2011 Quarter ended 31 Mar 2011 Quarter ended 30 Jun 2010 6 months ended 30 Jun 2011 6 months ended 30 Jun 2010 US $ 000s Gold sales * Total cash costs* Profit from mining activity* Exploration and corporate expenditure Profit for the period Profit attributable to equity shareholders Net cash generated from operations Cash and cash equivalents Gold on hand at period end# Group production**(ounces) Group sales**(ounces) Group total cash costs per ounce** *(US$) Group cash operating costs per ounce** *(US$) Basic earnings per share (US$) 321 655 137 450 184 205 12 226 128 420 113 308 205 103 405 632 6 710 184 711 213 206 645 579 1.24 186 510 101 390 85 121 10 286 45 942 41 494 84 849 352 264 47 824 139 403 136 267 744 677 0.46 103 411 62 466 40 945 10 137 36 369 34 376 40 966 487 164 5 992 93 880 93 191 670 608 0.38 508 165 238 840 269 325 22 512 174 362 154 802 289 952 405 632 6 710 324 114 349 473 683 617 1.70 226 514 131 995 94 519 22 991 60 263 53 125 59 699 487 164 5 992 206 543 204 034 647 583 0.59 Refer to Q2 2011 report for footnotes
Mali…Morila pays dividends Production up12% over previous quarter to 62 230oz Profit from mining increased to US$ 44.5 million US$ 45 million dividend Total cash costs in line in spite of higher fuel prices and stockpile adjustments Feasibilty study on reprocessing of tailings storage facility expected to be completed by year end Evaluating option of pit push back Sustainable agribusiness makes progress Bee keeping Fish farming
Morila…operating results Quarter ended 30 Jun 2011 Quarter ended 31 Mar 2011 Quarter ended 30 Jun 2010 6 months ended 30 Jun 2011 6 months ended 30 Jun 2010 US $ 000s Ore milled (t 000s) Ore grade milled (g/t) Recovery % Ounces produced Cash operating costs* (US$/oz) Total cash costs* (US$/oz) Stockpile adjustment# (US$/oz) Attributable (40%): Gold sales (US$000)* Profit from mining activity* (US$000) 1 141 1.9 90.5 62 230 708 799 293 24 892 37 703 17 810 1 144 1.7 89.4 55 716 699 783 283 22 286 31 050 13 600 1 110 1.8 90.6 58 736 579 651 262 23 495 28 973 13 262 2 285 1.8 90.0 117 946 704 792 288 47 178 68 753 31 410 2 090 2.0 90.8 121 330 548 617 230 48 533 56 139 26 176 Refer to Q2 2011 report for footnotes
Mali…Loulo - Gounkoto Complex update Loulo mine starts processing ore from Gounkoto Increase in quarterly production attributable to: higher grade ore from Gounkoto, increase in grade from Loulo and increased throughput Total cash cost per ounce decrease by 13% 87% increase in profit from mining to $51.4 million for the quarter Steady increase in total underground development metres Plant upgrade including additional power plant to supply Gounkoto and the new mill, is on track for completion by the end of Q4 Total underground development metres
Loulo - Gounkoto Complex… combined operating results Quarter ended 30 Jun 2011 Quarter ended 31 Mar 2011 Quarter ended 30 Jun 2010 6 months ended 30 Jun 2011 6 months ended 30 Jun 2010 US $ 000s Ore milled (t 000s) Ore grade milled (g/t) Recovery % Ounces produced Cash operating costs* (US$/oz) Total cash costs* (US$/oz) Gold sales* (US$000) Profit from mining activity* (US$000) 951 3.0 86.2 79 639 752 839 115 710 51 355 891 2.5 86.8 62 149 879 959 92 439 27 526 712 3.4 91.4 70 385 618 677 74 438 27 683 1 842 2.8 86.5 141 788 812 895 208 149 78 881 1 506 3.5 92.2 158 010 549 656 170 375 68 343 Refer to Q2 2011 report for footnotes
Loulo…stand alone operating results Quarter ended 30 Jun 2011 Quarter ended 31 Mar 2011 Quarter ended 30 Jun 2010 6 months ended 30 Jun 2011 6 months ended 30 Jun 2010 US $ 000s Ore milled (t 000s) Ore grade milled (g/t) Recovery % Ounces produced Cash operating costs* (US$/oz) Total cash costs* (US$/oz) Gold sales* (US$000) Profit from mining activity* (US$000) 871 2.7 86.0 65 578 858 945 94 426 35 237 891 2.5 86.8 62 149 879 959 92 439 27 526 712 3.4 91.4 70 385 618 677 74 438 27 683 1 762 2.6 86.4 127 727 869 952 186 865 62 763 1 506 3.5 92.2 158 010 549 656 170 375 68 343 Refer to Q2 2011 report for footnotes
Loulo…Yalea UG update 78 113 tonnes of ore at 4.1g/t hauled to surface Development reaches ‘purple patch’ ore on 188 Level Yalea pit declines advances and is expected to hole into Yalea UG mine in August providing an additional intake airway Work on geotechnical issues and revised mine layout continues and further development is required on 113 Level before stoping can commence in August Detailed designs of mine stoping layout, the paste backfill plant and fill reticulation are expected to be completed by end of Q3
Yalea UG mine…development intersects purple patch Yalea Pit P125 Pit Tabaski Decline 063L stoping 188L S FW DRS 013L N stoping 0113L SD N 038L N stoping Yalea Nth Incline 063L SD N 0113L stoping 063-088L Ramp 188L FW DR & SDS 088L SD N 113L FW DR & SD N 088L SD S PURPLE PATCH Q1 2011 Q2 2011
Loulo…Gara UG - focus is on developing mining reserve Gara declines have now advanced to 1108m at a vertical depth of 208m Overall development increases by 333m compared to previous quarter First ore intersected at 40 Level and second ore drive at 65 Level has now been reached New return airway from the pit holed at the end of Q2 as part of the second phase ventilation strategy for deeper part of mine Gara Pit CD2 Return Dam XC 040L Access 040L SD N 040L SD S PVA & Bypass VD1 065L Access VD2 & CD2 Vehicle Crossover VD3 040L Access S Q1 2011 Q2 2011
Loulo North…continues to deliver satellite ounces PQ10 South Geological estimate: 40 000oz @ 2.36g/t Optimisation in progress Loulo 1 Geological estimate: 30 000oz at 2.51g/t Optimisations in progress Baboto structure P129 structure Gara West Indicated and inferred resources: 127 000oz @ 2.31g/t Baboto Geological estimate: 400 000oz at 2.32g/t including: 150 000oz at 3.02g/t from Baboto South. Optimisation in progress Gara Gara structure P129 QT Geological estimate: 24 000 oz @ 2.88g/t Drilling in progress Loulo 3 $1200 pit resources: 300 000oz at 3.2g/t and underground potential with weighted average of 6.5m @ 4.5g/t Optimisation in progress P125 - L3 Gap Geological estimate: 116 000oz @ 2.73g/t Optimisation in progress Yalea Yalea structure N Mineralisation open down dip 2km
Gounkoto…pours first gold Open pit mining operations are fully functioning and first production from Gounkoto was toll treated through Loulo plant in June Infrastructure developed to manage water around the open pit Gounkoto mine’s new mining fleet arrived on site Haul road to Loulo has been established and bridges and culverts are in place with final wearing course scheduled for completion in Q3 Hauling activities affected by limited contractor truck availability – mine fleet due October Relocated Faraba village has been constructed and occupied by affected people Civil foundations for Sandvik crushing equipment are progressing; mobile crushing unit is addressing short term crushing needs Work continued on the updated underground scoping study Mill shell en route
Gounkoto…stand alone operating results Quarter ended 30 Jun 2011 Quarter ended 31 Mar 2011 6 months ended 30 Jun 2011 6 months ended 30 Jun 2010 US $ 000s Ore milled (t 000s) Ore grade milled (g/t) Recovery % Ounces produced Cash operating costs* (US$/oz) Total cash costs* (US$/oz) Gold sales* (US$000) Profit from mining activity* (US$000) 80 6.3 87.0 14 061 277 367 21 284 16 118 - 80 6.3 87.0 14 061 277 367 21 284 16 118 - Refer to Q2 2011 report for footnotes
Gounkoto… underground scoping update 7.30m @ 1.23g/t 1.70m @ 30.54g/t 91.50m @ 3.43g/t incl 50.7m @ 5.21g/t 23.00m @ 1.10g/t 13.10m @ 5.53g/t 11.90m @ 5.06g/t 5.00m @ 1.92g/t 8.45m @ 8.32g/t 12.60m @ 6.00g/t 47.50m @ 1.46g/t GKDH299 2.95m @ 5.30g/t 86.10m @ 1.12g/t 24.00m @ 0.50g/t 12.10m @ 0.68g/t 5.00m @ 0.77g/t 50.85m @ 1.70g/t 13.00m @ 0.54g/t 30m @ 0.29g/t Au in g/t < 0.5 1.0 to 3.0 3.0 to 5.0 5.0 to 10.0 > 10.0 0.5 to 1.0 46.80m @ 1.11g/t 17.20m @ 6.31g/t 12.00m @0.30g/t 14.35m @ 2.83g/t 7m @ 9.84g/t
Loulo district…exploration adds further resolution to the regional model Image shows NS linear structure from Gravity Survey which links Yalea and Gounkoto Structure coincides with a major break in the density values New generative study over Loulo district, including Bambadji, during wet season will have a direct bearing on the exploration strategy GARA GARA Gravity Isosurfaces YALEA 3 Gounkoto Faraba
Senegal…Massawa focus returns to exploration 3.7 M @ 4.11 g/t Mali Massawa Loulo Gounkoto Delya 215 000 oz @ 2.50g/t Geological estimate Bambaraya 340 000oz @ 2.45g/t Geological estimate N Nouma Tina 300 000 ounces zat 1.04g/t Geological estimate Sofia 1 Moz @ 1.0g/t Geological estimate Massira Massawa Kawsara 1.4 Moz at 0.65g/t Geological estimate 1 Reserve Definition 1 Indicated & Measured Resources Sira Inferred Resources Kaldou N 5 Advanced Targets Kaldou S 8 Follow-up 4 Kaya Identified 14 Regional Exploration Senegal Total = 33 10 km
Côte d’Ivoire - Tongon… another star performance 46% increase in quarterly production to 80 180 ounces Mill throughput increased by 28% to 901Kt All gold on hand from previous quarter sold Cash operating costs increased to US$ 431 oz due to rise in fuel cost Connection to national electricity grid expected to be completed in Q3 Flotation circuit commissioned and ready to receive sulphide ore material First phase of secondary and tertiary crushing circuits commissioned Second phase scheduled to come on stream in August in line with mine plan
Tongon…operating results Quarter ended 30 Jun 2011 Quarter ended 31 Mar 2011 Quarter ended 30 Jun 2010 6 months ended 30 Jun 2011 6 months ended 30 Jun 2010 US $ 000s Ore milled (t 000s) Ore grade milled (g/t) Recovery % Ounces produced Ounces sold Cash operating costs* (US$/oz) Total cash costs* (US$/oz) Gold sales* (US$000) Profit from mining activity* (US$000) 901 2.9 94.1 80 180 111 608 431 477 168 242 115 040 701 2.6 93.2 54 968 46 296 370 411 63 021 43 994 - 1 602 2.8 93.8 135 148 157 904 413 457 231 263 159 034 - Refer to Q2 2011 report for footnotes
Tongon exploration moves beyond near mine targets… Dabokiri Kokoriko Tongon West 104,000 ounces at 1.1g/t Geological estimate N Zelenio Katosol Jubula Sekala Seydou NZ & SZ Seydou East TONGON MINE Koulivogo 1000m
DRC...Kibali update Relocation Action Plan moved forward with resettlement of first families, establishment of vegetable gardens and food production programmes and finalisation of detailed plans for Roman Catholic Church Detailed design studies undertaken to optimise use of hydropower in energy plan for the mine Site preparation for plant and shaft infrastructure has commenced Internal reviews of shaft design and stoping design and schedule are nearing completion Adjudication of open pit tender underway DRA appointed as partner for design phase of metallurgucal facility
Kibali…drilling highlights reserve potential Mengu Hill 0.7Moz at 2.62g/t Pamao 0.6Moz at 1.5g/t N Megi 0.2Moz at 2.06g/t Ndala High grade drill results Kombokolo 0.14Moz at 2.13g/t Pakaka 1.2Moz at 2.26g/t Agbarabo Gorumbwa 0.77Moz at 4.72g/t Sessengue 0.54Moz at 1.57g/t KCD Renzi Exploration target Satellite deposit with down plunge potential
Kibali…ongoing exploration points to significant brown and greenfields potential Ikamvu Kalimva N Oere Marakeke-Megi Mofu Pakaka-Pamao Mengu Hill Ndala North Abimva Rambi Agbarabo Ndala Gorumbwa Kombokolo Aindi Watsa KCD Sessengue Renzi Kibali Zambula Gold deposit Gold target Zambula West Au ppb
Randgold Resources… creating value and delivering growth Ounces US$
Randgold Resources…pure gold Randgold Resources (NASDAQ:GOLD) Randgold Goldcorp African Barrick Iamgold Barrick Newmont Gold Fields AngloGold Ashanti
Disclaimer… CAUTIONARY NOTE REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters discussed in this news release are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the US Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the future price of gold, the estimation of mineral reserves and resources, the realisation of mineral reserve estimates, the timing and amount of estimated future production, costs of production, reserve determination and reserve conversion rates. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “will”, “plans”, “expects” or “does not expect”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates” or “does not anticipate”, or “believes”, or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will be taken”, “occur” or “be achieved”. Assumptions upon which such forward-looking statements are based are in turn based on factors and events that are not within the control of Randgold and there is no assurance they will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Randgold (including Kibali) to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to: risks related to the integration of Randgold and Moto, risks related to mining operations, including political risks and instability and risks related to international operations, actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in Randgold’s annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended 31 December 2010 which was filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on 31 March 2011, in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in Randgold’s prospectus published on 30 November 2009 in relation to the indirect acquisition of 10 per cent of the issued capital of Kibali Goldmines SPRL. Although Randgold has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Randgold does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. CAUTIONARY NOTE TO US INVESTORS: the SEC permits companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only proven and probable ore reserves. We use certain terms in this release, such as “resources”, that the SEC does not recognise and strictly prohibits us from including in our filings with the SEC. Investors are cautioned not to assume that all or any parts of our resources will ever be converted into reserves which qualify as ‘proven and probable reserves’ for the purposes of the SEC’s Industry Guide number 7. Randgold Resources reports its Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves in accordance with the JORC code and are equivalent to National Instrument 43-101. The reporting of Ore Reserves is also in accordance with Industry Guide 7. Ore Resources consist of insitu tonnes and grade carried out at US$1,000/oz optimisations. Ore Reserve pit and underground optimisations are carried out at a gold price of US$700/oz. Dilution and ore loss are incorporated into the calculation of reserves. Addition of individual line items may not sum to sub totals because of the rounding off to two decimal places. Mineral Resources are inclusive of Mineral Reserves. Loulo Mineral Resources were calculated by Mr Chiaka Berthe an officer of the company under the supervision of Mr Rodney Quick a Qualified person and officer of the company. Morila Mineral Resources were calculated by Mr Adama Kone an officer of the company under the supervision of Mr Rodney Quick a Qualified person and officer of the company. The Tongon and Massawa Mineral resources were calculated by Mr Babacar Diouf a Qualified Person and officer of the company. The Kibali Mineral resources were calculated by Mr Rick Adams an independent Qualified person and director of Cube Consulting Pty Ltd. The Loulo Mineral reserves were calculated by Mr Samuel Baffoe, Mr Alexander Oduro and Mr Chris Moffat, all officers of Randgold, under the supervision by Mr Onno ten Brinke a Qualified person and officer of the company. Gounkoto,Tongon and Massawa Mineral reserves were calculated by Mr Onno ten Brinke a Qualified person and officer of the company. The Mineral reserves of Morila were calculated by Mr Stephen Ndede a Qualified Person and officer of the company. The Kibali open pit mineral reserves were calculated by Mr Quinton de Klerk a director of Cube Consulting Pty Ltd and independent Qualified Person. The Kibali underground mineral reserves were calculated by Mr Paul Kerr an officer of SRK Consulting Perth and an independent Qualified Person.