Barclay Park Lake Project 2012 Presented by Pam Hallesy Parks Manager (North)
The problems Water stagnant Green/blue algae Banks eroded Path falling away Outlet pipe cracked and leaking
Species found identify poor water quality Large amount of silt Debris Flooded areas
The Plan
Project aims and objectives. Our project is to restore, enhance and create natural habitats situated within a public area known as Barclay Park. Raise public awareness of the local history and heritage of the site. Fully utilise and engage members of the local community and maximise participation in helping to deliver both the project and the long term management of the site. Increase our outdoor education programme and deliver more activities and events. Our project concentrates on three main areas:
Spital brook This habitat contains Barbatula barbatula Stone Loach which is currently on the UKBAP species list as Global red list status and Margaritifera margaritifera freshwater mussels which are protected under the wildlife and countryside Act 1988
The lake Has deteriorated and the wildlife particularly the swans have left the area which we believe is due to the lack of nesting areas The overflow pipe is cracked and is leaking
Flood plain An opportunity exists to create a wet sward at the bottom of the slope and a meadow adjacent to the lake. This would create a diverse wet dam area with the benefit of utilising ‘hard’ run off from the path, which congregates as a wet puddled area during heavy rainfall. The area is approximately 70-80m long x 10m wide.
Action Plan Recruit members to form a project delivery group Seek quotations from contractors for works Identify 12 volunteer tasks Submit funding application to heritage lottery fund If funding successful arrange contractor start date and timescale Silt survey and analysis, apply for licenses to Environment Agency Remove fish Contractors onsite once licenses have been agreed Plant reed bed area Sow wild flower seed Plant marginal aquatics in wet sward Research into history of Park and Barclay Family Create heritage interpretation panels and install Create conservation interpretation panels and install Organise and deliver guided walks Organise and deliver school visits Organise programme of events to tie in with national initiatives Evaluate volunteer programme after 12 months and identify next 12 month activities Organise and deliver celebration event Evaluate project
The Survey Results. 60cms silt 9cms water 790 cubic metres of silt Will backfill area 200metres long 1 -2 metres wide and 1 metre deep Therefore able to repair 200 metres of bank
Fish removal Tuesday 29 May 2012 Approximately 320 Carp and 2000 Roach and Rudd removed estimate 40% of existing stock. All fish suffering bacterial infection.
Silt removal The lake will be dredged to remove all silt solids the survey indicates this will not pose any problems to lose behind a bank revetment. Bank erosion There is considerable signs of bank erosion and in other areas the breakdown of ‘hard’ wooden revetment. A coir fibre roll revetment will be used as this will provide valuable habitat diversity whilst facilitating the storage of the silt.
Wildlife/heritage information Boards 6 information boards will also be created. Areas of interest will be Spitalbrook The Pulham bridges The Lake The wet sward Beech Walk Robert Barclay, South lodge and carriage ride.
Project Committee Pam Hallesy Project Manager Elaine Lovick Finance Manager Mike Vaughan Monitoring Officer Glenys Lardi Funding Promoter Jane Keats Volunteer co-ordinator Diane Smith Media officer Marjorie Boulton Committee Member Shirley Pegrum Committee member
Summary project costs and income Total project costs £ 77,900.94 Total project income £ 2,000.94 Total HLF grant awarded £ 75,900.00 Percentage 97%
The Works
Day 1 25th July 2012 Sign installed. (sorry about our chairman's legs
Day 2-3 Mobilisation Preparation and tree works. Excavator lifting container into position. Hazel faggots arriving.
Day 4 Second Fish extraction In total 800+ carp were removed, largest was 28lb! 2000+ Roach and rudd.
Day 5 New banks created.
Day 6 Silt excavated
Day 7 Grazing protection
Day 8 Wet meadow and reed bed created.
Day 9 Drainage & Flood defence.
Day 10 Outlet works
Day 11 Water Lilies planted &Trash screen installed.
Day 12 New inlet system/weir
The lake 2 months after work completed.