Fortune 500 View of Business Incubation Tony Stanco Executive Director National Council of Entrepreneurial Tech Transfer (NCET2) January 27, 2015
Background National Council of Entrepreneurial Tech Transfer (NCET2) started at GWU in 2005 Spun out in 2009 Organization Representing ~ 200 Research Universities Creating ~ 600 startups per year Entrepreneurial Tech Transfer Tech Transfer via startups and venturing Not Licensing Tech Transfer
Background Partnered with NIH and NSF to organize University Startups Conference NIH and NSF Fund $35 Billion in Research at Universities annually Wanted to See More Startups Created based on Federally Funded Research Google and Genentech
Background Signature Event: University Startups Conference in Washington DC 10th year 400 attendees Half University Enterprise Creation Officers Half Funders of Startups SBIR ANGELS VCs FORTUNE 500/GLOBAL 1000 CORPORATES
Fortune 500/Global 1000 Over Years Ended Up with 135 Global 1000 Corporates Interested in Research- Intensive Startups Companies Where VCs and Angels Have Limited Appetite Harder Companies Longer Horizons More Funding
PARTICIPATING GLOBAL 1000 3M BD Technologies Ericsson ABB Technology Ventures Best Buy Capital Evonik Abbott/Abbvie Biotech Ventures BG Group ExxonMobil Adidas Boehringer-Ingelheim Faurecia Air France-KLM Boeing FIS Global Air Products & Chemicals Bosch GE Ventures AMD British Petroleum General Motors American Airlines Chevron Technology Ventures Gennext Ventues, Reliance Industries American Express Cisco Systems Georgia-Pacific Chemicals Amgen Ventures Citi Hersheys Applied Ventures Colgate-Palmolive Honda Ashland ConocoPhillips Technology Ventures Hyundai Venture Capital Astra Zeneca Dell IBM AT&T Dow Chemical IHI BASF DSM Independence Blue Cross Bausch and Lomb DuPont Intel Capital Baxter Edenred Bayer EMC BBC EMD Serono BBVA
PARTICIPATING GLOBAL 1000 JNC Corporation Pfizer SKTA Innopartners Johnson & Johnson Philips Solvay Johnson Controls, Inc. Procter & Gamble Sony JSRMicro Purina-Nestle SROne (GSK) Kimberly-Clark Qualcomm STNewVentures Lockheed Martin QVC Syngenta MeadWestvaco Reckitt Benckiser Group Takeda Ventures MedImmune Roche Molecular Systems TEL Merck Rogers Venture Partners Telefonica Ventures Microsoft SABIC The Sherwin-Williams Company Monsanto SAIC Total Motorola Solutions Venture Capital Saint-Gobain Tyco Samsung United Services Automobile Association National Association of Realtors Sanofi Nike Verizon Communications Saudi Aramco Ventures Northrop Grumman Corp Visteon Corporation Schlumberger Novartis Volvo Group Venture Capital Sharp Novo Nordisk Waste Management, Inc Shell Panasonic Siemens PepsiCo Silicon Valley Bank
CORPORATE VENTURING 3.0 8 The fastest growing venturing activity $10 billion invested in the first quarter of 2014 (1/3 of of total investments) About $100 billion in venturing assets and more than $3.5 trillion in corporate revenues Established itself as a significant source of both money and value 8 8
Company Stages The Global 1000 do transactions with companies in all stages, from startup all the way to exit 9
Global 1000 Deal Models Early/late stage investing Revenue sharing Distributor agreements Partnering Joint venturing Licensing with the startup Co-developing products Mergers & acquisition Incubation Gaining favored access to their customers Product sourcing White labeling 10
Corporate Areas Of Interest Chemical Consumer Products and Services Materials Internet Electronics Medical Devices and Equipment Energy Networking and Equipment Engineering Semiconductors Environmental Telecommunications Healthcare Financial Services Biotechnology Security Infrastructure Industrial Life Sciences Information Technology Manufacturing Media/ Entertainment Communications Retailing/Distribution Nanotechnology Software Services Clean Technology
GLOBAL 1000 PROGRAM 2013 NCET2 Created Global 1000 Program MEET | PARTNER | DEAL Conference and Platform Focused on Fortune 500/Global 1000 Open Innovation Corporate Venture Capital
GLOBAL 1000 CONFERENCES Company Showcases for Significant Transaction and Investment With Global 1000
Company Showcases We look for portfolio companies in portfolios of trusted portfolio-holders Companies in all stages from 6 main portfolio-holders: VCs Angels Accelerators/Incubators Universities SBIR Agencies State Programs
Incubator Showcases Arrangement with NBIA to Submit Incubator- Affiliated Companies to Showcase February 4 Deadline We Have an email to Send to Companies
NBIA Email For Submissions January 13 Different Due Date for NBIA
Use your NBIA-member incubator as the Primary Reference
Company Profile Profile of company contact 23 Company name and industry area Profile of company contact The Followers Tab show how many Fortune/Global 1000 are interested in the company Tabs on Company Summary, Team Portfolio Holders are added to the Reference Tab 23
FOLLOWED COMPANY VIEW The progress of the G1000 is linked to the Company’s profile * G1000 followers are anonymous up to Stage 3
G1000 FOLLOWED COMPANIES DASHBOARD Under each company is a process; a series of steps that a G1000 company goes through to know the company better as it goes through the discovery process
GLOBAL 1000 CONFERENCES Companies that get most votes Receive meeting invitations Most meetings receive showcase slots on stage
GLOBAL 1000 CONFERENCE March 10-12, 2015 in Washington DC
REGIONAL GLOBAL 1000 CONFERENCES Working with incubators to organize regional Global 1000 conferences Aim is to highlight assets, possible deals, and startups in the region Bring Global 1000 corporations to meet portfolio holders and their companies
REGIONAL GLOBAL 1000 CONFERENCES Partnering with James Spencer at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute BOSS Conference in November 2015 Add global 1000 component to his conference We bring global 1000 corporates National and international attendees and companies to showcase
REGIONAL GLOBAL 1000 CONFERENCES If Interested in Being a Venue for a Regional Global 1000 Conference, please contact me:
Fortune 500 View of Business Incubation Tony Stanco Executive Director National Council of Entrepreneurial Tech Transfer (NCET2) January 27, 2015