Digital Citizenship focus on Digital Etiquette Presented by Todd Hamontree
Introduction to Digital Etiquette Digital etiquette or netiquette as it is sometimes called, is a basic set of rules you should follow in order to make the internet better for others, and better for you. It's just as important to treat people with courtesy and respect online as it is in real life. When you instant message, chat, or email someone over the Internet, they can't see your face to tell if you're teasing them or saying something in jest. How do you practice good Netiquette? It's simple � just treat others as you want to be treated with courtesy and respect. People know these rules but usually do not follow them when using the Internet. This includes hacking others computer, downloading illegally, plagiarism, and using bad language on the Internet. Information obtained from this website:
Is Improper Etiquette harmful in a digital world? Does it effect your effectiveness? What problems may occur? What are some effective ways to increase correct Digital Etiquette?
Lets start our journey with a few reasons why improper etiquette might occur Hiding behind a computer Don’t know any better Emotional Did not see the possible outcomes
Hiding behind a computer Bravery comes with anonymity Masks in real life Phones Digitally now computers and internet
Don’t know any better Children to Parents Students to Teachers Manners and Common Courtesy where has it gone? Children to Parents Students to Teachers Teachers to Teachers This lack of knowledge leads to digital etiquette problems
Emotional Anger causes venom Love causes heart felt emotions Love causes heart felt emotions
Did not see the possible outcomes Posting pictures Impersonating someone Texting at inappropriate times
Lets look at some possible solutions These guidelines hopefully will help you: Be brief Make a good impression Be selective on what information Forward e-mail messages you receive Remember you are not anonymous Consider others Obey copyright laws Cite others' work you use Use distribution lists appropriately Do not send SPAM Don't forward chain letters Don't respond to "flames" or personal attacks Information obtained from this website:
Conclusion We have gone over some causes of digital etiquette problems We talked about some guide lines to help say away from digital etiquette miss steps Now lets take a minute to answer some of the questions posed at the beginning