ESPON Project 2.3.1 Application and effects of the ESDP in the Member States ESPON Seminar 17-18 May 2005 Lead partner: Nordregio Partners:Eurofutures, IRPUD, University of Leuven, ÖIR, OTB Delft, PhDB, Politecnico di Torino, SDRU, University of Liverpool Subcontractors: ICS, NIRSA, AUREX, ETH Zurich, IGSO, RKK, UMS RIATE, Universitat de Valencia, University of Maribor, UUR
Scope of research Identify the potential of the ESDP Highlight examples of ESDP application and implementation at the European, transnational, national and regional/local levels Develop methodology for assessing ESDP’s impacts Define indicators for mapping the degree of ESDP application Assess what spatial integration means in theory and practice Develop useful tools for future application of European policy orientation for territorial development Scope: Entire ESPON space (EU 27+2)
Scope of research Assess to what degree horizontal and vertical integration and spatialisation, i.e. the spatial awareness of policies has increased over the last decade 1. Changes in policy (indirectly / directly) pointing towards an application of ESDP => investigate the degree of convergence between policies at various levels and the aims outlined in the ESDP National policies Strategies developed by regions and metropolitan areas 2. Changes in the institutional settings (vertical and horizontal integration) pointing towards the application of ESDP Institutional preconditions Change of institutional setting 3. The relationship between spatial structures and spatial policy aims Focus of national policies and existing spatial structures
Methodology Macro: European Level (EU & CEMAT) Scientific Literature Review / Policy review ESDP application at the EU level Case studies Meso: national and transnational level Scientific Literature Review 29 national reports ESDP application at the transnational level Micro: regional and local level 29 national reports (regional level)
First results Themes: a1. polycentricity a2. new urban-rural relationship a3. parity of access to infrastructure and knowledge a4. wise management of the natural and cultural heritage B. Ways: b1. vertical integration b2. horizontal integration b3. spatial integration
First results C. Means: c1. Tampere ESDP Action Programme c2. cross-border co-operation (Interreg IIIA) c3. transnational co-operation (Interreg IIIB) c4. urban governance c5. Structural Funds
First results D. Effects: d1. institutional changes d2. changes in planning policies d3. changes in planning practices d4. changes in planning culture (discourses) d5. spatial development E. Levels: e0. European e1. national e2. regional e3. local
Working hypotheses Themes Polycentricity rules Ways Promoted vertical / horizontal integration Other driving forces exist Means TEAP: limited impact INTERREG: concrete examples, widening of perspectives SF:major means of application Effects emerging spatial planning agenda Levels / Actors Variation of understanding and interpretation of ESDP
Next steps Perform 29 comparable national studies => guidelines ESDP Application in the Member and Partner States (WP 3) Perform 29 comparable national studies => guidelines Perform around 25 case studies => guidelines ESDP Application at the EU level (WP 4) Assessment of the horizontal integration of EU policies Assessment of Interreg as an element for applying the ESDP Final Analysis of Application of the ESDP (WP 5) Cross analysis of national studies Development of typologies and maps showing the application and effects of the ESDP The Development of Policy Recommendations (WP 6)