San Luis Obispo County Leadership Development
The World Class Organization Provide a high level of customer service. Be responsive to community wants and needs and exceed expectations. Operate efficiently and relentlessly pursue continuous improvement Strong financial performance Utilize data driven decision making Communicate well (clearly and frequently) Focus on learning (seek new ideas and information and learn from mistakes) Measure performance (measure all of the above) 2 mins
Leadership Development The County of San Luis Obispo Learning & Development Center is partnering with The Centre for Organization Effectiveness to deliver tiered leadership development programs over several years The Learning & Development Center will manage and organize the programs as well as selection and continuous support The programs are competency based, which means they are specifically designed to ensure participants gain skills in 18 competencies that have been validated as competencies necessary for public sector leaders Each program will be offered twice per year, once in the Fall and once in the Spring Interest Forms can be submitted at any time for those who are interested in attending an academy 2 mins
About The Centre Established in 1993 Joint Powers Authority Mainly public sector client base – clients include local, regional, and state agencies Specialize in multi-level leadership development programs 4 mins
EXAMPLE: Differentiated & Competency Based Curriculum EXECUTIVE Political Acumen Vision EXAMPLE: Differentiated & Competency Based Curriculum MANAGER Strategic Agility Risk-Taking & Innovation Systems Perspective Strategic Agility Risk-Taking & Innovation Systems Perspective Comprehensive Sophisticated Admired Educational SUPERVISOR Resilience Interpersonal Awareness Decisiveness Public Relations Ethics Resilience Interpersonal Awareness Decisiveness Public Relations Ethics Resilience Interpersonal Awareness Decisiveness Public Relations Ethics LEAD AND JOURNEY LEVEL Conflict Resolution Team Orientation Development Orientation Conflict Resolution Team Orientation Development Orientation Conflict Resolution Team Orientation Development Orientation Conflict Resolution Team Orientation Development Orientation ENTRY LEVEL Accountability Cultural Sensitivity Service Orientation Adaptability Communication Accountability Cultural Sensitivity Service Orientation Adaptability Communication Accountability Cultural Sensitivity Service Orientation Adaptability Communication Accountability Cultural Sensitivity Service Orientation Adaptability Communication Accountability Cultural Sensitivity Service Orientation Adaptability Communication
Source, Select, & Onboard Talent Management Source, Select, & Onboard Support Retain Exit Exemplify Realign Good match = Successful lifecycle Need to rehire = Loss of resources Who are the superstars? Let them shine! Continue providing high performers with the support and training they need to stay engaged and act as role models Training & Coaching Succession Planning Compensation/ Benefits Wellness Programs 3 mins Can we get poor performers back on track through effective performance management practices?
2 minutes kr Your preferred way of thinking and behaving Understanding your preferences can help you to: -be more successful -deal with other people better -contribute more to the team -reduce stress -enjoy your work more -get more out of life YOU decide how accurate the report is for you
Individual Contributor Overview Kick-Off Collaboration Introduction and overview of University Key Topic: Emotional Intelligence, Generations Mid-Year Panel, Keynote Speaker Individual Coaching Executive Academy Management Academy Supervisor Academy S.T.A.R.T. 3 days, Fall & Spring Bridging topics between sessions for vertical teams (i.e. emotional intelligence, generations, etc.) Project work – vertical or cross-functional teams Coaching groups/Action Learning Groups 6 days – Fall & Spring 5 days – Fall & Spring 5 mins Supervisor Academy & S.T.A.R.T. program Bridging topics between sessions for vertical teams Active practice homework for vertical teams between modules 2 days – Fall & Spring Individual Contributor Targeted Trainings 6 half days
Academy Approach Assess Develop Inspire 1 min
The Participant Roadmap Assess Organizational/ Employee Needs Assessment Selection of Participants Welcome Letter Orientation for and launch of 360-Degree Feedback Design of Training Program(s) Develop Group 360- Degree Feedback Debrief Classroom Sessions Individual Development Plan Vertical Integration Sessions Group Projects Inspire Graduation Follow-up Development Evaluation of Program
S.T.A.R.T. Supervisor Transition and Readiness Training (S.T.A.R.T.) Practical issues facing individual contributors new to or moving to a supervisory role How to move from peer to superior Managing time Delegating Awareness of necessary skills
Supervisor Academy DAY 1: • The Changing Role of Supervisors and Best Practices of Leadership • Communication and the DISC DAY 2: • Components of High Performance Teams • Facilitation Skills and Meeting Effectiveness DAY 3: • Coaching and Influencing Others • Communication and Conflict Resolution DAY 4: • Creative Problem Solving • Decision-making and Accountability DAY 5: • Career Management • Accountability, Performance Management, and Goal Setting Vertical Integration Session with All Academies
Management Academy Day 1: • Decision Making and Decisiveness • Leadership Day 5: • Communication and the DISC • Ethics and Ethical Decision Making • Project Teams • Power and Politics Day 2: • Systems Perspective/Mind Map Day 6: • Strategic Thinking/Agility • Career Management • Issues Facing the Region • Personal Development Plans • Competency Instrument • Team Presentations/Graduation Day 3: Vertical Integration Session with all Academies • Nobility of Public Service • Manager as Coach • Constructive Conflict Day 4: • Critical Thinking and Innovation
Vertical Integration: Who/When All Current Cohorts will attend After Graduation so all content will be covered Topics to be covered: Managing Change Resiliency Generational Differences
Participant Selection Two Main Goals for Year One Build Critical Mass to support ongoing programs- Ambassadors Appropriate Departmental Representation
Participant Selection Criteria for Manager Academy Must be responsible for managing other managers, supervisors, or professionals Managers who will embed and support Able to assist in continuous improvement of the development programs
Participant Selection Criteria for Supervisor Academy 1st line supervisors with direct reports at the administrative, technical, or professional level Supervisors who will embed and support Ex: ASO, Social Work Supervisors, Drug and Alcohol Supervisor
Participant Selection Note: Does not replace basic supervisory course currently offered Criteria for S.T.A.R.T. program New to supervisory role within 1 year
Participant Selection Process Interest Submissions are required Simple form Goals/Value to interested employee’s role Project ideas Decision Making Director Recommendation to HR and CAO
Group Projects Criteria Allows for cross-functional collaboration Will create real value – preferably that can be measured with ROI Can be completed during the timeframe of the academy Selection Advisory Group for Learning & Development Center Directors, HR and The Centre for Organization Effectiveness