TO: TYPE A NAME HERE FROM: TYPE A NAME HERE STEP 1: Select the picture which says ‘client logo’ Click ‘DELETE’ on your keypad. STEP 2: Click on the icon to add a picture. STEP 3: If you want to scale or drag the image go to ‘Picture Tools’ and click on ‘Crop’ Crop The text typed here will appear on the preview video below the cookies appear in an animation. Please delete do not delete or move this? FROM: TYPE A NAME HERE
You can leave the tekst in here as it is, or change it to your preference. WE WISH YOU
You can leave the tekst in here as it is, or change it to your preference. A MERRY CHRISTMAS!
CAUTION: These are two seperate text boxes. You can leave the tekst in here as it is, or change it to your preference. CAUTION: These are two seperate text boxes. A HAPPY NEW YEAR
CAUTION: These are two seperate text boxes. STEP 1: Select the picture which says ‘logo’ Click ‘DELETE’ on your keypad. STEP 2: Click on the icon to add a picture. STEP 3: If you want to scale or drag the image go to ‘Picture Tools’ and click on ‘Crop’ Crop You can leave the tekst in here as it is, or change it to your preference. CAUTION: These are two seperate text boxes. SEE YOU NEXT YEAR