UNIT 9: DNA REPLICATION & HEREDITY INSTRUCTIONS FOR NOTETAKING: Copy all words unless otherwise indicated. Copy no tables or diagrams unless otherwise indicated. Use Cornell (2-column style) format Leave room after each EQ for a 3 sentence summary.
RESEARCH THAT LED TO DISCOVERY OF DNA STRUCTURE Watson and Crick determined the3-D structure of DNA by building models. They realized that DNA is a double H_____ made up of a sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside B____ on the inside.
RESEARCH THAT LED TO DISCOVERY OF DNA STRUCTURE Watson and Crick’s discovery built on the work of Rosalind Franklin. Franklin’s x-ray images suggested that DNA was a double helix of even width.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION #1: What makes the genetic code universal? Why is it common to almost all organisms? SC.912.L.16.9
KEY CONCEPT DNA structure is the same in all organisms.
DNA STRUCTURE DNA is composed of F___ types of nucleotides. DNA is made up of a long chain of nucleotides. Each nucleotide has three parts. a phosphate group a deoxyribose S_______ a nitrogen-containing base phosphate group deoxyribose (sugar) nitrogen-containing base Sketch and label diagram
DNA STRUCTURE The bases are connected by hydrogen bonds to form a D______ H_______. hydrogen bond covalent bond
DNA STRUCTURE The nitrogen containing bases are the only difference in the four nucleotides. (Write down names of 4 bases only.)
Nucleotides always pair in the same way. DNA STRUCTURE Nucleotides always pair in the same way. The base-pairing rules show how nucleotides always pair up in DNA. A pairs with ___ C pairs with ___ C G T A
ESSENTIAL QUESTION #2: What is the basic process of DNA replication and how does it relate to the transmission and conservation (accurate copying) of genetic information? SC.912.L.16.3
DNA replication copies the genetic information of a cell. A strand of DNA serves as a template for a N___ strand. The rules of base pairing control replication.(A-T, C-G) DNA is replicated during the S_______ stage of the cell cycle. Each body cell gets a complete set of identical DNA.
Proteins carry out the process of replication. The Process of DNA Replication Proteins carry out the process of replication. DNA is only a template. Enzymes and other proteins do the actual work of replication. 1. Enzymes unzip the double helix. 2. Free-floating nucleotides form H_____ bonds with the template strand. nucleotide The DNA molecule unzips in both directions.
The Process of DNA Replication 3. enzymes bond the nucleotides together to form the double helix. 4. Enzymes can find and correct E______. DNA polymerase new strand nucleotide
The Process of DNA Replication 5. Two new molecules of DNA are formed, each with an O_____ strand and a newly formed strand. original strand new strand Two molecules of DNA
ESSENTIAL QUESTION #3: What are the basic processes of transcription & translation, and how do they result in the expression of genes. SC.912.L.16.5
Structure of RNA RNA stands for RiboNucleic Acid RNA differs from DNA in three major ways. RNA has a ribose sugar. RNA has uracil(U) instead of thymine (T). RNA is a S______-stranded structure.
RNA carries DNA’s instructions. How is a Gene Converted to a Protein? RNA carries DNA’s instructions. BIG IDEA!!! information flows in one direction from DNA RNA proteins.
How is a Gene Converted to a Protein? This includes three processes. Replication Transcription Translation replication transcription translation RNA is a L___ between DNA and proteins.
What is The Function of Transcription? Transcription converts a G____ into a single-stranded RNA molecule. start site nucleotides transcription complex
What Steps Are Involved in Transcription? 1. An enzyme recognizes the start of a gene and unwinds a segment of it. 2. Nucleotides pair with one strand of the DNA. 3. Enzymes bond the N________ together. DNA RNA polymerase moves along the DNA
What Steps Are Involved in Transcription? 4. The DNA helix winds again as the gene is transcribed 5. The RNA strand detaches from the DNA once the gene is transcribed. RNA
Transcription makes three types of RNA. 1. Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries the message that will be translated to form a protein. 2. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) forms part of ribosomes where proteins are made. 3. Transfer RNA (tRNA) brings amino acids from the cytoplasm to a ribosome.
Transcription compared to Replication Both involve complementary (matching up) base pairing. The two processes have different end results. Replication copies A___ the DNA; transcription copies a gene. Replication makes one copy; transcription can make many copies. growing RNA strands DNA one gene
Translation converts mRNA messages into proteins. What Is the Function of Translation? Translation converts mRNA messages into proteins. Amino acids are coded by mRNA base sequences. A codon is a sequence of three nucleotides that codes for an A____ A____. codon for methionine (Met) leucine (Leu) Copy Diagram
What Steps Are Involved in Translation? 1. The genetic code matches each codon to its amino acid or function.(Don’t copy chart) The genetic code matches each RNA codon with its amino acid or function. three stop codons one start codon, codes for methionine
What Steps Are Involved in Translation? A change in the order in which codons are read changes the resulting protein. COPY DIAGRAMS Regardless of the organism, codons code for the same amino acid.
2. Amino acids are linked to become a protein. What Steps Are Involved in Translation? 2. Amino acids are linked to become a protein. READ BUT DON’T COPY. LEAVE A BLANK PAGE IN NOTES FOR A HANDOUT TO ATTACH HERE An anticodon is a set of three nucleotides that is complementary to an mRNA codon. An anticodon is carried by a tRNA.
What Steps Are Involved in Translation? READ BUT DON’T COPY For translation to begin, tRNA binds to a start codon and signals the R______ to assemble. A complementary tRNA molecule binds to the exposed codon, bringing its amino acid close to the first amino acid.
What Steps Are Involved in Translation? READ BUT DON’T COPY The ribosome helps form a B__ between the amino acids. The ribosome pulls the mRNA strand the length of one codon.
What Steps Are Involved in Translation? READ BUT DON’T COPY The now empty tRNA molecule exits the ribosome. A complementary tRNA molecule binds to the next exposed codon. Once the S___ codon is reached, the ribosome releases the protein and disassembles.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION #4: How can mutations (changes)in the DNA sequence result in phenotypic change? How can mutations in gametes result in phenotypic changes in offspring. SC.912.L.16.4
Types of Mutations A mutation is a change in an organism’s DNA. Many types of mutations can occur, especially during R_________. A point mutation substitutes one nucleotide for another. (figure below) Gene mutations affect a single gene. Chromosomal mutations affect an entire chromosome. mutated base
Mutations may or may not affect phenotype. How Do Mutations Affect Organisms? Mutations may or may not affect phenotype. Chromosomal mutations tend to have a big effect. Some gene mutations change phenotype. Some gene mutations do not affect phenotype. Mutations in body cells do not affect offspring Mutations in sex cells can be harmful or beneficial to offspring. Natural selection often removes mutant alleles from a population when they are less adaptive. blockage no blockage
Mutations can be caused by several factors. Replication errors can cause mutations. Mutagens, such as UV ray and chemicals, can cause mutations.