Listening to Jesus How have you been listening?


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Presentation transcript:

Listening to Jesus How have you been listening? What has He been saying? What have you been doing?

The Church in ‘Acts’tion Acts 1:9-26 Pastor David Kobelin

The church in ‘acts’tion Introduction Jesus is Coming Back, but Don’t Stand Around Looking for Him! We’re Going to Gather Together and Pray! Choosing Leaders Can Take a ‘Lot’ of Patience! The church in ‘acts’tion

The church in ‘acts’tion Acts 1:9-26 New Century Version (NCV) 9 After he said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud hid him from their sight. 10 As he was going, they were looking into the sky. Suddenly, two men wearing white clothes stood beside them. 11 They said, “Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking into the sky? Jesus, whom you saw taken up from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you saw him go.” The church in ‘acts’tion

The church in ‘acts’tion 12 Then they went back to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. (This mountain is about half a mile from Jerusalem.) 13 When they entered the city, they went to the upstairs room where they were staying. Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, Simon (known as the Zealot), and Judas son of James were there. 14 They all continued praying together with some women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and Jesus’ brothers. The church in ‘acts’tion

The church in ‘acts’tion 15 During this time there was a meeting of the believers (about one hundred twenty of them). Peter stood up and said, 16-17 “Brothers and sisters, in the Scriptures the Holy Spirit said through David something that must happen involving Judas. He was one of our own group and served together with us. He led those who arrested Jesus.”  The church in ‘acts’tion

The church in ‘acts’tion 18 (Judas bought a field with the money he got for his evil act. But he fell to his death, his body burst open, and all his intestines poured out. 19 Everyone in Jerusalem learned about this so they named this place Akeldama. In their language Akeldama means “Field of Blood.”) 20 “In the Book of Psalms,” Peter said, “this is written: ‘May his place be empty; leave no one to live in it.’ Psalm 69:25 The church in ‘acts’tion

The church in ‘acts’tion And it is also written: ‘Let another man replace him as leader.’ Psalm 109:8 21-22 “So now a man must become a witness with us of Jesus’ being raised from the dead. He must be one of the men who were part of our group during all the time the Lord Jesus was among us—from the time John was baptizing people until the day Jesus was taken up from us to heaven.” The church in ‘acts’tion

The church in ‘acts’tion 23 They put the names of two men before the group. One was Joseph Barsabbas, who was also called Justus. The other was Matthias. 24-25 The apostles prayed, “Lord, you know the thoughts of everyone. Show us which one of these two you have chosen to do this work. Show us who should be an apostle in place of Judas, who turned away and went where he belongs.” 26 Then they used lots to choose between them, and the lots showed that Matthias was the one. So he became an apostle with the other eleven. The church in ‘acts’tion

The church in ‘acts’tion Jesus is Coming Back – But Don’t Stand Around Looking for Him! 2 Timothy 4:8 New Century Version (NCV) 8 Now, a crown is being held for me—a crown for being right with God. The Lord, the judge who judges rightly, will give the crown to me on that day[a]—not only to me but to all those who have waited with love for him to come again. The church in ‘acts’tion

The church in ‘acts’tion We’re Going to Gather Together and Pray! 12 Then they went back to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. (This mountain is about half a mile from Jerusalem.) 13 When they entered the city, they went to the upstairs room where they were staying. Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, Simon (known as the Zealot), and Judas son of James were there.  The church in ‘acts’tion

The church in ‘acts’tion 14 They all continued praying together with some women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and Jesus’ brothers. The church in ‘acts’tion

The church in ‘acts’tion Choosing Leaders Can Take a ‘Lot’ of Patience! 21-22 “So now a man must become a witness with us of Jesus’ being raised from the dead. He must be one of the men who were part of our group during all the time the Lord Jesus was among us—from the time John was baptizing people until the day Jesus was taken up from us to heaven.” The church in ‘acts’tion