6/4/17 drshaneljohnson@gmail.com New Life Church Pentecost Sunday Acts 2 6/4/17 drshaneljohnson@gmail.com New Life Church
Our text, acts 2 1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
Intro… On the yearly church calendar, the worldwide Church celebrates the coming of Pentecost, approximately 50 days after Easter As a boy growing up in the Pentecostal Church (AG) I knew nothing of its existence- I only learned about this in my early 30s, when I went to seminary This commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit, as predicted by Jesus in Joel 2 and Acts 1, and as taught by Paul in 1 Cor 12 and 14 I was taught these biblical events since I was a boy I experienced the Baptism in the HS myself when I was about 12 As a boy, I was vocal about my faith and church; because of that, I was often called a “holy roller” I have studied it as a Christian, minister and professor, and know it to be biblical I have seen the real, and I have seen the fraudulent
What happened in aCts 2? Joel prophesied about this in the OT book of Joel, chapter 2 Jesus told the Disciples of its coming in Acts 1 The Disciples were gathered, observing the Jewish Feast of Pentecost While there, the HS came on them all, in the form of wind, fire and speaking in an unknown language (gk, glossolalia) Gentiles in the immediate area heard this group speaking in the native languages of the Gentiles; some thought they were drunk (read on in chapter 2) Peter preached a message, and 3000 came to Christ and were baptized that day
Is this for today? Paul said it is one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, 1 Cor 12.1-11 Many in the US Church will say that this experience is not for today- some will even say it is demonic Some will say that tongues were for the Early Church, but not for today (cessationists) Correct biblical interpretation (hermeneutics) will tell you that NOTHING in the NT states that any of the Gifts of the Spirit has ceased (Paul taught on them- 1 Cor 12, 14) Some pastors in the AG have gone so far as to forbid tongues and interpretation in Sunday morning worship, stating confusion, and concern for a negative impact on numerical growth Paul said (1Cor 14.22) tongues are a sign to the unbeliever – Semeion- wonders by which God authenticates the men sent by him, or by which men prove that the cause they are pleading is God's
What actually happens when one speaks in tongues? I can only speak for myself- I pray in tongues (what some call praying in the Spirit) when I am moved to; I do not do this at will I tend to pray in tongues in times of real spiritual joy, almost euphoria, or when my heart is burdened to pray and intercede for someone or something I do not know what I am saying specifically; I get images in my mind of people and situations about which I am compelled to pray, in the Spirit (in tongues) It is a way for me to unburden my soul- I feel clean and free after I pray in tongues It is a pure form of prayer, as it bypasses my own will and agenda When praying for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, you MUST surrender your pride, understanding and tongue to the will of the Spirit There is a reason the Spirit uses the tongue- James called it the most evil member of the body I believe that Spirit Baptism is to the Christian, what demon possession is to the unbeliever Spirit Baptism is a total surrender of of one’s mind, will and emotions to the agenda of the HS- thus, the prideful, or those who want to “figure this out” often have difficulty with this gift
Is this for everyone? What Paul says in 1 Cor 12.11- All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines. Thus, the HS Himself decides who gets what gift(s) There are many gifts, one Giver Scripture tells us to seek the Holy Spirit for enduement with power (Acts 1)
Is tongues the initial evidence? David Flower said his dad, J Roswell Flower, was intentional when writing our AG doctrinal statement- it is the first, and physical, evidence In Acts 2, 10 and 19, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit was evidenced by speaking in tongues While it is the first physical evidence, it is not the only evidence- Paul said in 1 Cor 13 that if we speak in tongues and do not have love, we are merely making noise The Gifts of the Spirit should be attendant with the Fruit of the Spirit, Gal 5 I have never figured out how people can speak in tongue and yet be mean to each other In the 425 Sundays I was in the pulpit as pastor of my last church, there were 5 Sundays we did not have a message in tongues and interpretation, almost 98.8%- yet, it was chronically divisive, and carnal, and the most difficult 8 yrs of my life I have pastored this church for approximately 884 Sundays, and we have had 3 utterances with interpretation, that I can recall, about 1%- yet, it has been the most peaceful and missions minded of the 5 churches I have pastored
How does one receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit? Seek the Holy Spirit Himself, rather than a certain gift- be intentional about this Find a place where you feel comfortable, and begin to pray audibly Praise Him audibly for all He has done, and tell Him what you want If an unknown word or phrase enters your mind during this time, say it, no matter how silly it may sound Remember to lay your pride at the foot of the Cross, and keep it there If no unknown words come, continue to praise Him anyway- He may have a different gift for you Remember that there are 9 Gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor 12) and He decides who gets what gift(s)