Laboratory Safety REVIEW
What things should you remember when using heat?
1. only heat open containers 2. Point the mouth of a container or test tube away from yourself and others 3. Use clamps or tongs to hold glass
What is the last thing you should do before leaving the science lab?
What is the 1st thing you should do when conducting a lab experiment?
You should never work ___________ when doing lab experiments.
What is the proper way to smell an unknown chemical?
Hold container an arm’s length away and wave hand across top, cautiously sniffing
How should you rinse your eye if you get acid in it?
From the inner corner to the outer corner
If you are using flammable materials like alcohol, you should never dispense them if you are near a ____________________.
Near an open flame
How can you tell the difference between hot glass items and cool ones?
Bring the back of your hand close to it BEFORE touching
When lighting a Bunsen Burner, you should first do what?
Strike your match BEFORE turning on the gas
If a laboratory fire erupts, you should first ______.
Notify teacher
Matches should be struck (towards, away from) your body.
Away from
Safety goggles should be worn anytime _____, _____ or _____ is used.
Chemicals, heat or glassware
How should an electrical cord be removed from the wall?
Pull the plug, NOT THE CORD
Can you taste a chemical if your teacher gives permission?
Is it okay to drink water out of a clean beaker?
After completing an experiment, where should your chemical wastes go?
In appropriate waste container as instructed by your teacher
What should you do if you fail to compete a lab experiment?
Discuss issue with your teacher then, not the next day.
If you break a test tube or spill a chemical on your lab table, what should you do?
Caution lab partners and inform teacher
If you have been injured in the laboratory, you should _________________.
Notify teacher at once
If you have long hair, what is the appropriate procedure when in the lab?
Tie it back
When getting glassware for an experiment, what 3 things should you do?
1. Check for cracks or stars 2. Make sure its clean, if not wash it 3. Read directions so you know what you need.
You want to place a piece of glass tubing into a rubber stopper after the tubing has been fire polished,. The best way to do this is ____________.
Lubricate the glass with glycerin or water, put on gloves or use a towel, then twist the tube and stopper carefully
What should you do if a piece of your equipment is not working properly?
Stop what you are doing and turn it off, raise your hand and when called on, inform teacher of the issue.
When finished using a bunsen burner, you should _____________.
Turn off the gas.
If your clothing catches on fire in the lab, what should you do?
Smother it with a safety blanket.
When is the appropriate time to eat or drink in the lab?
Why is it not okay to drink out of clean beakers or other lab glassware?
Because food and drinks don’t belong in the lab and lab glassware is not for use with foods or drinks.
Suppose you break a mercury thermometer Suppose you break a mercury thermometer. You know that mercury is poisonous, so how should you handle the situation?
Notify your teacher, do not pick mercury up with bare hands.
Suppose a fire or tornado drill occurs during the middle of an experiment. What should you do?
Turn everything off, close all containers, exit lab in an orderly and quiet manner.
If you take too much chemical from a stock bottle, what should be done with the extra?
Place in the appropriate container as specified by your teacher Place in the appropriate container as specified by your teacher. NEVER return it to stock bottle because many chemicals look just alike.
Who is responsible for returning all laboratory materials to correct place and cleaning all dirty glassware, picking up trash, etc.
Students who did the lab
If you break a piece of glassware in the lab, what should you do?
Notify the teacher.
When is it appropriate for a student to enter the chemical preparation or storage area?
In Ms. Bramlett’s lab, how many people may be at the sink at any time?
No more than three
If you don’t understand the lab instructions, what should you do?
Ask Ms. Bramlett for help by raising your hand Ask Ms. Bramlett for help by raising your hand. Do not turn around and ask other students for assistance.
Are all chemicals in the lab considered to be dangerous?
YES, although not all chemicals are dangerous, you should consider them all to be dangerous.
What is the best way to clean up broken glass?
Do not pick up with your bare hands, instead use a broom and dustpan.