CILIP Performance Framework – Business metrics & KPI Agenda Item 17 BOARD 16/30 14 July 2016 CILIP Performance Framework – Business metrics & KPI Nick Poole, Chief Executive, CILIP Board Update (14.07.2016)
Why a Performance Framework? CILIP has published an ambitious Action Plan 2016-2020 which sets out a programme for growth. This programme is structured around a Business Strategy which involves a higher degree of risk. An ongoing Performance Framework (alongside the Risk Book) provides a mechanism for: Establishing meaningful targets and triggers Ongoing monitoring and reporting Active management of business activities Evidence and advocacy to members
National Audit Office Guidance 5 stages of ‘organisational maturity’ in performance monitoring... Existing A Performance Framework exists and gives at least a basic expectation of inputs, outputs and outcomes. Performance information is collected and reported to the Board. Functioning The Performance Framework is structured around shared strategic objectives and provides an overview of the organisation’s performance. Performance data and information are quality-controlled, robust and timely. The Board monitors consequences and impacts of performance reports. Enabling Performance measures are based on business models and delivery maps. Performance reports are accessible and actionable. Performance information is used by the Board to evaluate the effectiveness of activities. Challenging The Performance Framework is integrated across the organisation, with a clear link between day-to-day activities and outcomes. Targets and benchmarks are used as comparators. Performance information is linked to financial information and used to determine value for money. Optimising The links among key drivers of performance are quantified and validated to produce leading indicators. Performance reports explain the story of the organisation’s performance and suggest a course of action. Analysis and reporting promotes cost-effectiveness by providing informed options appraisal to improve decision-making. Performance information is communicated and used throughout the organisation and a performance culture exists.
CILIP Outcomes CILIP is a Chartered Institute with the charitable object to “work for the benefit of the public to promote education and knowledge through the establishment and development of libraries and information services and to advance information science (being the science and practice of the collection, collation, evaluation and organised dissemination of information).” We think about outcomes and impact against 4 themes, each of which corresponds to a facet of our governance: Outcomes for the public (charitable/public benefit- FRS102) Outcomes for our profession (Chartered Institute) Outcomes for our members (membership body) Organisational outcomes (performance)
Equality and diversity CILIP has made a commitment to embedding equality and diversity across all of our work. This commitment is reflected across all 4 themes, specifically: Supporting and promoting diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion for the public through the promotion of ethical principles and best practices in information and library services; Actively promoting workforce diversity through the promotion of equal opportunities, combating conscious and unconscious bias and developing policies which encourage information and library services to attract and retain talent from diverse backgrounds. This includes developing strategies and methodologies which promote equalities including by addressing gender inequality; Ensuring that our membership is diverse and representative of the wider UK workforce and population, and; Ensuring that we are a diverse organisation (Board, staff and Presidential Team) which champions equal opportunities and acts against conscious and unconscious bias.
CILIP 2020 Goal Public outcomes (Public Benefit) Democracy Equality Prosperity Professional outcomes Desirable outcomes/impacts of CILIP’s work for the Information & Library Profession Workforce diversity & equalities (workforce development) Member outcomes Desirable outcomes/impacts of CILIP’s work for CILIP Members Diversity & equalities reflected in Membership Organisational outcomes Sustainability Visibility Influence Effectiveness Diversity & equalities reflected in Board, staff & Presidential team Business Metrics/KPI Service indicators Financial indicators Usage indicators Quality indicators Other metrics
Business Metrics The CILIP Action Plan 2016-2020 sets out 42 ‘Programmes’ (eg. ‘Campaigns’, ‘Influence’, ‘Evidence-base’) through which we will deliver our strategic priorities. The Performance Framework will set out, monitor and report on 4 ‘groups’ of metrics: Customer service indicators (qualitative & quantitative) Financial indicators (quantitative) Quality indicators (qualitative) Usage indicators (quantitative)
Timeline Initial discussion with Leadership Team May/June 2016 Resources Committee update 23.06.2016 Interim update to Board 14.07.2016 Draft of Performance Framework August 2016 Draft presented to Resources Committee 06.09.2016 Revised draft to Board 15.09.2016 Performance Framework published September 2016 Rollout and staff training/implementation To year end