Romeo & Juliet: A tale of star crossed lovers Julius Caesar: A tale of betrayal Monday, March 6th
Today’s learning targets I can identify and recall the main events and the main characters from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar I helped prepare my group for tomorrow’s Shakespeare Kahoot challenge
Two opposing families Capulet House of Juliet, age 13 Key connections: Cousin: Tybalt Confidant: Nurse Parents Montague House of Romeo Key connections: Friend: Mercutio Confessor: Friar Lawrence Cousin: Benvolio
Major Events The story begins in Verona with a brawl between two long feuding families: The Capulets and the Montagues Prince Escalus, the leader of Verona, decrees death to anyone who disturbs the peace moving forward Romeo, of House Montague, tells his cousin Benvolio that he is in love with some girl named Rosalind Juliet, of House Capulet, is being chased around by some guy named Paris Both happen to attend a feast thrown by House Capulet (Romeo, his cousin, and his best friend, Mercutio, sneak in hoping to see Rosalind) Romeo falls in love with Juliet at first sight
Major Events Juliet’s hotheaded cousin Tybalt sees Romeo at the feast and freaks out, but Capulet prevents him from attacking Romeo and Juliet meet and almost immediately fall in love without knowing each other’s names They both learn each other’s identities and are distraught…for like 15 minutes As his friends leave, Romeo hops the wall to the garden and hides, looking out for Juliet Juliet walks out onto her balcony…Where art thou Romeo? They exchange vows of love
Some more things that happen Friar Lawrence agrees to marry the two with hope for peace They are married in secret the next day The nurse knows and sets up a ladder Benvolio and Mercutio run into Tybalt… Romeo shows up and tries to play peacemaker Tybalt stabs Mercutio under Romeo’s arm Romeo freaks out, fights and kills Tybalt Romeo is banished from Verona Juliet is all upset
Near the end of the story, this happens Romeo and Juliet depart each other the morning after their wedding Juliet’s father plans to wed her to that Paris guy Juliet’s Nurse says to marry that Paris guy, but Juliet refuses and runs to Friar Lawrence Friar Lawrence comes up with the plan the ends up with Romeo and Juliet both dying…nice one Einstein. The plan mainly doesn’t work because Romeo never gets the letter informing him of the plan. Juliet drinks a potion that makes it seem like she was died. She is entombed. Romeo finds her, thinks she is dead, and drinks poison. Juliet wakes up, finds Romeo dead, kisses him to get some poison, and when that doesn’t work, she stabs herself
In the end…. both families decide that the meaningless fighting is not worth all the loss that results of it. Perhaps there shall be peace in Verona after all.