Northern New Mexico College Chemical Analysis of Groomed/Un-Groomed Antennae Extracts Phil Duran, Isaac Jeantete, Brenda Porta Linnell (Ph.D) Northern New Mexico College Department of BCES: Chemistry Abstract Results and Analysis Results and Analysis Conclusions The species Blaberus discoidalis and Perpiplaneta Americana cockroaches were prevented from grooming their antennae, so that they could not remove excess hydrocarbons. These hydrocarbon debris impede the insects olfactory receptors an modify their behavior.(1) Antennae extracts were analyzed by UV Spectrometry and Gas Chromatography to identify substrates. UV spectra shows the maximum absorptions for ungroomed roaches shift to the right in both specimens, indicating the presence of the same molecular effect. Data from Gas chromatography, supports the hypothesis of stearic acid being present in the ungroomed antennae cockroach extract. No geranyl acetate was detected in either extract. Ultra-Violet Spectra, Max absorption Wavelength (nm) Gas Chromatographs Big Cockroach Groomed Big Cockroach Controlled Data Collection and Methods Cockroaches were pacified with an ice water bath. Super glue sealed their mouths shut. Small pipettes were placed around the antennae, to prevent the roaches from using their front forelegs from interacting with their antennae. The roaches were anesthetized by refrigeration, their antennas removed with scissors, and extracted with 4ml hexane into four separate vials. Hexane evaporated over time, leaving behind crystal structures. These structures were later tested using UV Spectrometry and Gas Chromatography. Future Work To develop a method for quantification of stearic acid, by Gas chromatography is needed. Standards of other hydrocarbons will also be tested in new specimens Small Cockroach Groomed Small Cockroach Controlled Hypotheses Stearic Acid UV spectra Analysis Groomed cockroaches gave an extract with less absorbance than the Ungroomed cockroaches. More absorption means that there is more particles to take in the UV light. In this case hydrocarbons. Stearic acid will be the main hydrocarbon in the antennae extract from surface. Geranyl acetate may also be evident from air. Stearic acid is a common fatty acid found on many lifeforms, when they are unable to perform hygienic practices on themselves. References (1)Böröczky, Katalin, et al. "Insects groom their antennae to enhance olfactory acuity." Proceedings of the national Academy of Sciences 110.9 (2013): 3615-3620. Acknowledgements GC chromatograph Analysis The peak identified as stearic acid was observed with more intensity in ungroomed cockroaches. This confirms the presence of the hydrocarbon Catherine Pacheco Dr. Ulises Ricoy and Aspen Lowance for their assistance Stearic Acid Geranyl acetate