Dr Tracy Lovatt and Dr Maggie Bartlett t.j.lovatt@keele.ac.uk Dr Potato Head: is GP tutor enthusiasm perceived differently by students and faculty? Dr Tracy Lovatt and Dr Maggie Bartlett t.j.lovatt@keele.ac.uk
Keele University School of Medicine Why? Bartlett, M., Potts, J. and McKinley, B., 2016. Do quality indicators for general practice teaching practices predict good outcomes for students?. Education for Primary Care, 27(4), pp.271-279. Keele University School of Medicine
Satisfaction Outcomes Enthusiasm Turningpoint is very useful, most of audience will have used it This is more versatile, and does away with the need to carry clickers around
Focus groups and Interview GP patch leads Interviews M O D H T E S Year-5 Medical Students Focus groups and Interview Braun and Clarke, 2006 Thematic Analysis GP patch leads (locality lecturers) Interviews Keele University School of Medicine
Student centred approach Tutor development
Keele University School of Medicine Student centred Agrees learning agenda Supportive Assists learning Keele University School of Medicine
Keele University School of Medicine Quote “You need to know that the tutor supports you and will help you get to the answer…in my previous placement, I felt relaxed enough to ‘guess’ and try to piece it together verbally, even if I wasn’t one hundred percent sure. I knew the support would be there and I wouldn’t be made to feel foolish”. Keele University School of Medicine
Keele University School of Medicine Prepared Asks students Updates own knowledge Arranges activities Keele University School of Medicine
Keele University School of Medicine Quotes “In my fourth year placement, there was a timetable but they were actually less prepared as the timetable did not attend to my needs, for me it was much better when there was not a timetable but the tutor prepared learning opportunities for you” (Student 1, interview) “In a recent example, a tutor had a week’s notice to talk about eyes…he went to the text books to look-up what we needed to know and it made the session clear and succinct” (Student 5, focus group) Keele University School of Medicine
Keele University School of Medicine Teaching skills Instructional Make complex concepts easier Appears ‘natural’ Keele University School of Medicine
Keele University School of Medicine Quotes “The best tutors understand that it’s not about how much they know but how to put it across” (Student 4, focus group) “Some are not naturally inclined to be good teachers” (Student 3) “It’s hard to say why; some people are just more comfortable teaching” (Student 5) “You can just see that someone is a natural teacher” (Student 6) Keele University School of Medicine
Keele University School of Medicine Rapport Build relationship Feel safe Value the time Keele University School of Medicine
Keele University School of Medicine Quotes “He (the tutor) made an effort to bond in the first week, I sat with him and we chatted between patients. In retrospect, it helped a lot more than you would think” (Student 1, interview) “It’s more of a feeling you have, in my 4th year placement I was with one tutor and there was no rapport, I felt uncomfortable and thought I would be judged if I asked a question” (Student 6, focus group) Keele University School of Medicine
Keele University School of Medicine Altruism (or not) Greater good Make effort Help Keele University School of Medicine
Keele University School of Medicine Quotes “Enthusiasm is when you have a tutor that goes out of their way to help you” (Student 2, focus group) “I think it’s (enthusiasm) when they seem to genuinely care about making you a better doctor” (Student 3, focus group) Keele University School of Medicine
Keele University School of Medicine Belonging Learning environment Teamwork Ownership Keele University School of Medicine
Keele University School of Medicine Quote “It’s nice for them (the practice) to be expecting you and welcoming…when they expect you it shows a level of interest and this includes the receptionists and the practice manager…it’s really horrible when you turn up and they say ‘why are you here?’” (Student 2, focus group) Keele University School of Medicine
Student and patch lead comparison Relationship building Student centred approach Tutor motivation Commitment Teaching skills Students enjoyed and engaged more with it Didn’t seem to think about using it for revision New version now available which is more interactive with powerpoint Tutors had reservations about how much it impacted on employability skills of being able to ask questions in public and interact professionally
Keele University School of Medicine Limitations Data Collection Researcher bias (Phenomenological Bracketing) Student recruitment References Bartlett, M., Potts, J. and McKinley, B., 2016. Do quality indicators for general practice teaching practices predict good outcomes for students?. Education for Primary Care, 27(4), pp.271-279. Braun, V. and Clarke, V., 2006. Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative research in psychology, 3(2), pp.77-101. Keele University School of Medicine