Kindergarten Orientation 2016 - 2017 Welcome
Welcome to Good Shepherd Elementary! Today is about providing you with basic information about our school, answer your questions and offer some tips to help your Kindergartener have a wonderfully successful year. Let’s meet the team….
School Team Valerie Forde Principal Josee Ortuso School Secretary Rosanna Fata-Gallo Daycare Technician Clarissa De Souza Kindergarten Teacher Anna Romanini Kindergarten Teacher Charlotte Way Resource Teacher Erin Bryne In class support Barbara Buckley In class support Gabriela Cabral In class support
Specialists Anne Castataro, CLSC Nurse Jennifer McNeil, Special Needs Consultant Vessela Tzokova – Psychologist Alexandra Di Lallo – Speech and Language Pathologist
Messages from our Guests
What is Kindergarten? “Kindergarten is a special place, where children continue their development, increasing their learnings, acquiring new learning strategies and forming relationships with other children and adults.” Quebec Education Program
The Program To perform sensorimotor actions effectively in different contexts To affirm his/her personality To interact harmoniously with others To communicate using the resources of language To construct his/her understanding of the world To complete an activity or project
Weekly Schedule new songs and poems introduced Monday: new sound introduced new songs and poems introduced Tuesday: Library with Ms. Alexis Wednesday: French with Mme. Abby Mystery Bag presentations: Uma and Vihaan Sound Monster today " sh" Gym today Thursday: Ms. Nadia teaching today Friday: No School
Beebots Robotics
Open House and General Assembly In September there will be an Open House where you will learn more about your child’s class. Attendance is important in order to receive information that will guide you throughout the year. The General Assembly will take place the same evening as the Open House. There are many ways to get involved: PPO, Governing Board, library volunteer – just to name a few!
What does a typical day look like? Buses arrive for 7:55 am. Teacher supervision begins at 7:55 am Children proceed into school. The bell rings at 8:05. Classes begin at 8:10 ** parents are not permitted to use the school parking lots for drop off and pick up between 7:55 and 2:40 ** ** for security reasons, we request that parents do not enter the school yard **
Recess and Lunch K Recess is separate from the rest of the school and is from 10:10- 10:30 am. Lunch is from 11:40 am – 12:58 pm. K students eat from 11:40 – 12:10 and play outside from 12:10 – 12:58 (weather permitting) Students are supervised 1:19 in a separate play area.
End of the day The bell rings at 2:40. Students registered in daycare are escorted to their educator. Bus students are escorted to the bus line in the gym. Transportation tags are place on their knapsacks ( Bus #, initials) Walkers and students who are picked up exit by the Daycare door. Parents are asked to remain outside of the main gate.
Help we need from you! Nutrition – please provide a healthy lunch and 2 snacks (Refer to the handouts for tips and suggestions!) Lunches – catering service is available and you will be provided with monthly menus. Microwaves are not available at school We are peanut aware – there are many allergies. Please avoid anything with nuts.
Extra change of clothing in a ziploc bag
LABEL EVERYTHING! – First and last name.
Please be on time! Students are expected to be at school on time, between 7:55 am and 8:05 am. Any student who arrives late to school must go to the secretary’s office and provide a note explaining the reason for the late arrival. The school day begins at 8:10 when students are expected to be in the building. When a student arrives late it disrupts the class and impacts the learning. Please help us create the best conditions possible for optimal learning!
Absences Please call Josée, our school secretary to report an absence. This is very important. We follow up on all absences. Please help us by calling the school.
More important information… Bus numbers and schedules, supply list and detailed information about the progressive entry will be mailed to you in August. Daycare services will be available during progressive entry. You must follow the directions in your August mailing to sign up for this special service.
What can you do over the summer? Visit the playground and have a picnic Establish bedtime routines and morning routines Make up a goodbye routine and practice it in other situations before school starts Help build independence (velcro, zippers, toileting) Read! Read! Read!
Book Suggestions
Some final thoughts… This is a big step on a wonderfully exciting and long journey. It is a special time for you and your child In order to set the stage for educational success, it is important to form a partnership between you and your school.
Have a wonderful, safe summer! Thank you for choosing our school…we look forward to getting to know you and your child. Have a wonderful, safe summer!
Questions? Please hand in your child’s photo if you have one!