An update on the CHFP/SHFP database status


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Presentation transcript:

An update on the CHFP/SHFP database status Celeste Saulo Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera – Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET. UMI3351-CNRS-CONICET-UBA and Dpto. de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y los Océanos (FCEN, UBA) Argentina. with many thanks to María Inés Ortiz de Zárate (CIMA) 16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014

The CHFP/SHFP has been growing… In our previous meeting, we had 8 models, now we have 14: 16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014

Most recent updates Under test: MIROC5: monthly and daily data until 2011 ECMWF-S4: monthly data until 2010 MPI-ESM-LR: monthly data until 2011 GloSea5: monthly and daily until 2009 Under test: The NMME complete data set, including 11 different model runs. However, some of them may be exactly the same as those we already have in the CHFP-SHFP (e.g., ncep_cfs (2 versions), CanCM3, 4) 16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014

Most recent updates (cont.) ENSEMBLES data is going to be archived together with the CHFP/SHFP data base 16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014

CHFP-SHFP size During last year, our storage capacity has been increased from 4.5 Tb to 9 Tb to host the CHFP-SHFP Up to this moment 7.2 Tb are used by the CHFP/SHFP. Recently, CIMA increased its storage capacity to 18 Tb to host ENSEMBLES files (monthly fields from ENSEMBLES need around 6.5 Tb) 16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014

Our data base today Surface variables – Monthly fields 16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014

Upper air – Monthly fields 16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014

Less centers provided daily data: 16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014

And even less, ocean variables: 16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014

Usage statistics Registered users increased from 28 to 59 since our last meeting. ≠ visits #visits pages requests traffic 16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014

16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014

16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014

Active users in the last period CMCC-IT CIMA/ARG Met Office/UK NOAA/USA University of Barcelona U. New South Wales/AU U. Reading/UK MeteoSwiss/ SWISS Finnish Meteorological Institute Department of Meteorology, University of Reading University of Hamburg Institut Teknologi Bandung ITB Princeton University Nanjing University 16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014

Thank you! 16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014

Exchanges 62 – August 2013 16th WGSIP Meeting, UK Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10 to 12 March 2014