All about English 2: (IEH4F2)
Outline Welcome Common Rules Learning Goals Learning Materials Lesson Plans Tasks References Grading System Important Dates Q & A
Welcome! Ms. Ima Normalia Kusmayanti (INK) English Lecturer (LUH1B2, IEH4F2) Manager of Language Center Tel-U Advisor of SES (Student English Society) Tel-U MC for Formal Events Judge for Competitions Academic Advisor (CS-37-02 & CS-37-04) Contact Number : 081224001982 Email: (1); (2) Blog: FB: normalia kusmayanti Office hour for consultation: Friday, 14:00-16:00 WIB at Grha Cacuk A, 1st Floor Room A105 or Harang Building 3rd Floor Room… (Note: you must make appointment via texting/WA/LINE one hour prior your coming)
Circumstances Common Rules General classroom activities All students must wear name tag during class, especially during UTS and UAS Texting your lecturer(s) Practice writing text messages in English Coming late to class No entry (“at all” or “until the current activity ends”) Improper clothing (incl. jeans) (May range from) strong warning to no entry False presence, cheating, falsification, plagiarism Grounded into E Additional task or remedial NO. Increasing marks is made by joining LaC Memberships and increasing ECCT/EPrT score. Missing Speaking Evaluations/Exams Make sure you inform your lecturers and switch the schedule with your classmate. Presence Minimum 75%. The 25% is for any excuses. When less than 75%, i-gracias will automatically give you E. Eating/drinking in class You may eat or drink during session. Just make sure you keep the class tidy. Cell-phone/laptop ONLY when assigned by lecturer to use cell-phone/laptop such as using dictionary or surfing the internet Learning Contract Must be signed by the leader of the class and everyone must be committed.
By the end of this course, you will be able to: Learning Goals By the end of this course, you will be able to: Understand information, opinion, and ideas from written and spoken texts critically. Restate the information, opinion, and ideas and construct written and spoken information, opinion, and ideas using proper English. Understand and implement cross cultural understanding. Compose cover letter and Curriculum Vitae. Understand and respond job interview questions. Communicate effectively using proper English.
Lesson Plans Meeting 5: Meeting 6: Meeting 7: Class Introduction, Describing Products Meeting 2: Drafting Your Presentation CCU: Long term vs. Short term Meeting 3: Slideshows Meeting 4: Body Language CCU: Masculinity vs. Femininity Meeting 5: Mid-Test (UTS): Presentation Meeting 6: Meeting 7:
Lesson Plans Meeting 8: Choosing the Right Job CCU: Individualism vs. Collectivism Meeting 9: Getting to Know You (CV) CCU: Restraint vs. Indulgence Meeting 10: Job Interview Questions CCU: Certainty vs. Uncertainty Meeting 11: Final Test (UAS): Interview Meeting 12: Final Test (UAS): Interview Meeting 13: Final Test (UAS): Meeting 14: Final Test (UAS): Interview Submitting evidences of presence in English Course, ESAP, or the new ECCT/EPrT score should be on the day you do the UAS
Tasks Copywriting Slideshow/ Video Cover Letter CV
Main References Glendinning, E.H. (2012). Technology 1. 10th Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Glendinning, E.H. (2013). Technology 2. 10th Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kusmayanti, I. N. (2012). Communicative English for ICT Engineering Students. Bandung: Dewa Ruchi. McCarthy, M. and O’Dell, D. (2013). Academic Vocabulary in Use. 8th Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Hofstede, G., Hostede, G.J., and Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, Intercultural Cooperation and Its Importance for Survival. New York: McGraw-Hill. Kusmayanti, (2014). English for Industrial Engineering Students. Bandung: Language Center Telkom University. LeBeau C. & Harrington, D. (2006). Discussion: Process and Principles. Oregon: Language Solution, Inc. LeBeau, C. & Harrington, D. (2003). Getting Ready for Speech: A Beginner Guide to Public Speaking. Oregon: Language Solution, Inc. Oshima, A. & Hogue, Ann. (2005). Writing Academic English. New York: Longman. Reynold, Garr. (2008). Presentationzen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery. California: New Riders.
Grading System 30% Mid-Test 40% Task 30% Final Test + Bonus points up to 20% TOTAL 120% in 14 weeks 40% Task - Copywriting -Slideshow/ Video about the paragraph -Cover Letter Curriculum Vitae 30% Mid-Test - ECCT/EPrT Score (Certificate) - Presentation 30% Final Test - Interrview -Reflective Paragraph -LaC Membership (English Course, ESAP)
0.00-4.00 217-677 - Topic: your own choice -3-7 minutes Mid-Term Test (UTS) ECCT/EPrT Score (15%) 0.00-4.00 217-677 Presentation (15%) - Topic: your own choice -3-7 minutes
Final Test (UAS) Job interview questions Reflective Writing (10%) - What you have learned in class -Your feedback for your English lecturer LaC Membership (5%-20%) -ESAP -English Course
Grading System Bahasa Inggris 1 80 – 100 = A 70 – 79.99 = AB 60 – 64.99 = BC 50 – 59.99 = C 40 – 49.99 = D 0 – 39.99 = E
i-Gracias Scoring: Regular Class
i-Gracias Scoring: Int. Class
ECCT/EPrT (15%) ECCT EPrT 3.50 500 3.33 487 3.17 477 3.00 450 2.67 423 Class Points ECCT 15 points 3.50 13.32 points 3.33 6.34 points 3.17 6 points 3.00 5.34 points 2.67 4 points 2.00 Class Points EPrT 15 points 500 12.08 points 487 11.93 points 477 11.25 points 450 4.23 points 423 4 points 400
Speaking Criteria ESyP EPrT Score ECCT Score Level 1 <400 <2.00 400-449 2.00-3.17 Level 3 450-499 3.33-3.50 Level 4-1 500-549 3.50-3.83 Level 4-2 >550 4.00 SK Rektor Universitas Telkom tentang English Synergy Program
LaC Memberships (1 year or 4 years) LaC Membership Programs Bonus Points in English Class Rookie 5 points Basic 10 points Plus 15 points Exclusive 20 points
Contact Info
Important Dates Jan.16-Feb.11 Feb.13-Mar.4 Mar.6-15 Mar.16-Apr.15 Class Sessions Registration for LaC Membership Jan.16-Feb.11 UTS: Presentation LaC Membership Feb.13-Mar.4 UTS Week, but we will have no sessions Mar.6-15 Mar.16-Apr.15 UAS: Interview Submitting new EPrT/ECCT score; participations in ESAP & English Course Apr.17-Mei 13 UAS Week, but we will have no sessions Mei 15-24 Publishing final grade via class group or chairperson’s email Mei 22 Checking the final grade May 23-25 Uploading final grade to igracias Mei 26
Q & A (Retrieved on January 4th, 2013 from: