A Regional Hydropower Competence Centre ASEAN HYCOM A Regional Hydropower Competence Centre offering Training, Development and Research Assistance to the Small-scale Hydropower Sector Bandung 16. April 2013
Regional Hydropower Competence Centre Strategy and aims HYCOM will facilitate an ASEAN wide knowledge exchange on mini and micro hydropower (1kW up to 1MW). The objective of HYCOM is to provide a competence centre, offering training as well as facilitating research and development to the MHP sector. The main focus will not be on theoretical, scientific research, but on demand orientated technical assistance, training and support of the MHP sector in ASEAN countries and wordwide.
Build up Phase: HYCOM Public Private Partnership (PPP) Private Partners: PT. Entec Indonesia and TEDC, Technical Education Development Centre, Bandung, Indonesia, forming a consortium for the HYCOM project Public Partner: The ASEAN-German Mini Hydro Project (AGMHP), jointly implemented by the ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE) and the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) on behalf of ASEAN and the Government of Germany.
HYCOM Organisational Structure HYCOM is a joint venture of TEDC and PT. Entec. In the build up phase PT. Entec had the lead. During the operational phase TEDC is the leading partner HYCOM is integrated into the structure of TEDC and has the status of a bussines unit and takes care of his financing independently
HYCOM Customers HYCOM’s target groups and potential customers will be private and public sector actors and educational institutions actively involved in MHP development, mainly active in the ASEAN region: Equipment manufacturers, suppliers, consultants Lecturers, trainers and students from private and state universities, vocational schools and other educational institutions. Mini hydro associations Operators and managers of MHP plants Regional, bilateral and national MHP support programs (e.g. AGMHP, MHPP,TSU, IMIDAP) Political decision makers and representatives of government departments Potential investors and financiers Appropriate technology and research institutions active in mini hydropower technology development and dissemination
Products and Services HYCOM will offer the following products and services: Core products and services: Conduction of standard and tailor-made trainings; Development of core competencies and qualifications of teachers and trainers (HYCOM is closely linked to TEDC which is experienced in vocational education and up-grading teachers and trainers in the field of technology and vocation); Become an centre for competence of technicians, supervisors etc.; Systems of standards, quality assurance, accreditation, and measurement to promote greater quality & efficiency and enhance cost effectiveness of local/regional production of MHP equipment. Possible extension of the product/service range Enhance technical infrastructure and competency in laboratory testing, calibration, inspection, and certification based on regionally/internationally accepted procedures and guidelines; Standards for professional qualification (e.g. for trainers in operation and maintenance, turbine producers) in order to facilitate mutual recognition of qualifications between ASEAN member countries.
Expected impact on target groups HYCOM allows to increase the know how of institutions and individuals active in the MHP sector in ASEAN countries, e.g. local manufacturers, consultant companies, public institutions, educational and research organisations, utilities etc. HYCOM can capitalize the extensive experience and know-how accumulated in Indonesia for other ASEAN countries as a basis for promoting standardised technology packages to MHP developers. This will ultimately contribute to improved sustainability of MHP projects implemented in the region.
Offering tailor made MHP Training packages Target 2011 Offering tailor made MHP Training packages
What means demand oriented technical assistance?
Example: Research Work 1997 in Hydrolab University Stuttgart Research work on cross flow turbines was the basics for the T14 cross flow design-
Technology Transfer Indonesia Turbines can now be produced locally covering a wide range of sizes suitable for a variety of projects (stand alone, captive, grid connected) about 300 units operational.
Result: Local Production of MHP Equipment electro- mechanical equipment of about 400 power plants was produced in the last 10 years and implemented all over Indonesia and other countries like England, Swiss, Philippines, Nepal, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tansania, Papua New Guinee, Cameroon, Zaire, Mozambique etc.
Why to establish HYCOM in Bandung/Indonesia?
Introduction of Renewable Energy SMKs in Indonesia In Bandung about 350 qualified people represent a experience of 3000 Man/Years in all aspects of building and operating MHP in the range up to 500kW
Trainings for the Hydro Power Sector on national and international level have a long tradition in Bandung
Exchange of MHP know how 2006 Philippines-Indonesia:
International MHP Training for participants from Laos 2006 International MHP Training for participants from Laos
Introduction of Renewable Energy in Indonesia 2007 Pt. Entec /TEDC prepare the introduction of Hydro Power ti vocational schools
Introduction of Renewable Energy in Indonesia 2008 Pt. Entec /TEDC prepare the introduction of Photo Voltaic in vocational schools
Introduction of Renewable Energy in Indonesia 2009 Pt. Entec /TEDC prepare the introduction of Wind energy in vocational schools
Introduction of Renewable Energy in Indonesia 2009 TEDC/Hivos started the introduction of Bio Gas in vocational schools
Exchange of MHP know how and turbine manufacturer training 2008 Ethiopia-Indonesia:
Exchange of MHP know how and turbine manufacturer training 2009 Pakistan-Indonesia:
HYCOM Training Modules The various training modules offered comprise comprehensive knowledge of and practical exercises on the following topics: 01 – Introduction to MHP & Best Practices 02 – Management of MHP Projects 03 – MHP Project Development 04 – Operation and Maintenance of MHP Schemes 05 – Site Identification for MHP 06 – MHP Feasibility Study 07 – Equipment and Turbine Fabrication for MHP (see www.hycom.info )
2012 First Asean MHP Training at HYCOM
Terima Kasih – Thank You Website: www.hycom.info