A Case Study of Brazilian Troops Deployment in Haiti Social Power and Stabilization Strategies A Case Study of Brazilian Troops Deployment in Haiti Doctor Juliana Sandi Pinheiro, University of Brasília, Brazil jusandi@gmail.com ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ Doctor Danielle Sandi Pinheiro, University Brasília, Brazil danielle.sandi@gmail.com
Power Forms of power that reinforce poverty and marginalization; Positive kinds of power that can be mobilized to fight poverty and inequality; Lack of power - lack of opportunities, resources and security; Power relations : equal x unequal; Power dynamic: experienced differently from one moment or place to another.
Positive consequences for the combat of poverty and inequality UN PKO Positive consequences for the combat of poverty and inequality PKOs may contain social power tools that stimulate positive social power response from impoverished communities. MINUSTAH actions: Strategies of the Brazilian Army to counter the gangs within the framework of the MINUSTAH. Intelligence on main security threats and sources of instability => social – economic - political. Haitian military x Haitian Gangs Gangs were identified as violence entrepreneurs and political instability tools.
Main Objective Analysis To analyze the Brazilian troops engagement in UN peacekeeping missions, notably the coping strategies of urban gangs and paramilitary groups in Haiti.
Theater of Operations Analysis Haitian scenario Unsuccessful democratic transition. Poverty and socioeconomic inequality. Political instability Weak institutions ANOMY Social instability Pathological behavior Lack of opportunities Institutions do not provide means for social and economic improvement.
Analysis Hypothesis We consider MINUSTAH military actions with humanitarian goals as a potential source for social empowerment and that the use of military troops to this goal can be effective for local pacification and strengthening of the process of socio-political stability.
Content Analysis Methodology Final Deployment Reports of the Infantry Battalion of Peacekeeping Force (FDRIBPKO). 1st to 20th Brazilian Military in Haiti (MINUSTAH). Brazilian Military Strategies Adverse forces confrontation ("adverse force", "gang", "ex-military“) Humanitarian support activities ("civil affairs", "humanitarian", "civic-social actions", "cooperation/coordination civil-military", "quick impact project“)
Main results Conclusion Military intervention had to become sensitive to social needs and people empowerment to be successful (people/institutional empowerment x power kidnapers/violence entrepreneurs) The Brazilian troops along with MINUSTAH contingents were able to break the ties that bound the gangs to the dysfunctional society through actions that combined coercive force means with activities of social and humanitarian impact. Brazilian way of peacekeeping: social empowerment tools combined to the use of force for military purposes => Hearts and minds doctrine in UN PKO.