Education Quality Improvement in Southeast Asian Region


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Presentation transcript:

Education Quality Improvement in Southeast Asian Region Intercontinental Hotel, Bandung August 2, 2016

Education Initiatives toward improvement 1. Regional Accreditation Accreditation is very important in higher education. It is viewed as both a process and a result. 2. Unified Education Framework Should establish ASEAN standards for HEI’s including curriculum, delivery modes, to meet labor market needs. unified curriculum is highly recommended to achieve the desire goal of one community 3. Improve Quality of Education Each country need to improve the quality of education, system because graduate lack of skills.

Education Initiatives toward improvement 4. Scholarship for students/ Faculty Exchange To develop student potential, enable to confidently steps. Educating the teachers, school principle and educational personnel to up grade their professional competency, innovative and strongly motivated 5. Regional Skills Completion To support workforce development and achieve regional standards competency.

Education Initiatives toward improvement 6. Increase Usage of English Language Language is a key towards the development of ASEAN Community. Workers should realize the important of being to communicate in English as an important tool. 7. E-learning/Online learning/ Distance Learning/Open learning To increase access at the higher education and TVET level, increase the number of open universities and online teacher training. 8. Universal Education (access, equity and quality) Free education like Brunei from age of five to university level.

SEA Digital Class: the Strategies ICT Skill: Teacher & Training Platform: User Friendly & Social learning network Contents: Digital book multimedia-based Applicable: Mobile, iPhone, TAB, Laptop, PC

Background changed the way of study, work and implementation in the field of learning The new 21st century learners demand quick access to new knowledge and skills The new 21st century learners demand quick access to new knowledge and skills. They are able in engaging learning at a whole new level. With the world literally at their fingertips, today students need teachers to re-envision the role of technology in the classroom. This phenomenon has changed the way of their study and implementation in instruction, which is marked by the emergence of new technology such as digital book, e-learning, ubiquitous learning, cyber/virtual campus, and mobile learning This phenomenon has changed the way of study, work and implementation in the field of learning, which is marked by the emergence of new terms such as e-Book, e-learning, ubiquitous learning, cyber/virtual campus, and mobile learning. Meanwhile ICT itself supported by three main components: Computer, Communication, and Content. For Content, the materials are very varied, but must be tailored to the users. The content component will not fully guarantee the success of learning process, because it depends on the users.

SDC: New Way of Teaching & Learning Social Learning Network (EDMODO): e-collaborative Learning Periodically of online examination and try out Video Conference (WebEx) Digital Book (multimedia-based) Considering these situations above, there is a need to foster not only for students but also for teachers to use new way of teaching and learning. This can be done by taking the benefit of a Social Learning Network (SLN), and starting to use the digital book (e-book) as one of the learning resources as well as presenting the idea through video lecturing.   To support the needs of the new paradigm happens in teaching and learning in the 21st century, SEAMOLEC initiated SEA Digital Class Program to be implemented in all level of education as which is inaugurated by the SEAMEO President Council on last February in SEAMOLEC office.

SDC: Program eSchool eTraining eResources eAssessment eCollaboration eSchool (infrastructure for school); eTraining (training for teachers); eResources (create digital learning material for teaching and learning); eAssessment (conducting online evaluation/test for student), and eCollaboration (conducting comprehensive learning activities among schools in SEA region).

SDC: Program eSchool eSchool Internet Access Digital Library(eLibrary) eTraining; eResources; eAssessment; eCollaboration. eSchool At this stage school ensure that infrastructure could support digital class model such as: eSchool At this stage school ensure that infrastructure could support digital class model such as: 1. Internet Access Internet access is needed in this digital class learning model. Internet access use to share resource from teacher to student, communication from school to other school and teacher to student. 2. Digital Library(eLibrary) Digital library provide learning material such as eBook, video material and application that support teaching and learning. Students can personalize their own learning material. 3. Computer Lab Computer lab is supported media if the student don’t have computer. In this lab student and teacher as participant create their learning material. 4. Kiosk Computer Kiosk computer is a personal computer outside computer lab. Kiosk computer place is in strategic place where student can access that computer easily. Internet Access Digital Library(eLibrary) Computer Lab Kiosk Computer

SDC: Program eTraining eTraining eSchool; eResources; eAssessment; eCollaboration. eTraining for teacher and student on how to implement the process of teaching and learning in digital class. for professional development such as conducting training to empowering teachers in SEA to upgrade their skills and knowledge related the subject taught. eTraining There are two model of eTraining activities. The first one is refer for teacher and student on how to implement the process of teaching and learning in digital class. The material for eTraining consist of preparation of digital class learning model, how to create digital learning material (eBook, Mobile Application and Animation) and the utilization of Social Learning Network Platform (Edmodo). The second one is the eTraining for professional development such as conducting training to empowering teachers in SEA to upgrade their skills and knowledge related the subject taught.

SDC: Training Program Virtual Class/EDMODO Web Conference Digital Book (E-Book) Animation Presentation

SDC: Program eSchool; eTraining; eResources eAssessment; eCollaboration. eResources is an activity for students and teacher to create digital learning material. documents, mobile application, animation and video learning. This eResources could be upload into Google Play, YouTube or virtual class using Facebook or Edmodo. eResources eResources is an activity for students and teacher to create digital learning material. Its in the form of the simple ones such as in documents or pdf format up to mobile application, animation and video learning. In addition, students create mobile application using MIT Apps inventor and animation using blender software. This eResources could be upload into Google Play, YouTube or virtual class using Facebook or Edmodo.

SDC: Program eSchool; eTraining; eResources; eAssessment eCollaboration. eAssessment Is an activity for student to do the online test in for the purpose of trying out or exercise. It is conducting in and out of class session where the students could do it by mobile anywhere in particular time as on scheduled. eAssessment is an activity for student to do the online test in for the purpose of trying out or exercise

SDC: Program eCollaboration. eCollaboration eSchool; eTraining; eResources; eAssessment; eCollaboration. eCollaboration A collection of tools that applied in the digital era of teaching and learning in related to build the collaborative learning activities among schools in SEA eCollaboration A collection of tools that applied in the digital era of teaching and learning in related to build the collaborative learning activities among schools in SEA

SEA Joint Degree Program Universitas Terbuka August 26, 2014

Background The infinitives SEAMEO Council (consist of 11 SEAMEO Education Ministers), on student mobility in the region. To prepare for the ASEAN Community. Education Network improvement and potential for supporting the University partnership between 11 SEAMEO countries and beyond.

Objective To build collaborative study between University in Indonesia with Southeast Asian and beyond; To improve the quality of education through collaborative teaching and learning; To provide the opportunity for lecture/teacher to do the research together; To support student mobility through student exchange To do double/joint degree To share knowledge, culture, and values.

Collaborative Steps MoU (Memorandum of Understanding): University/Poltek to University/Poltek MoA (Memorandum of Agreement): Program Study to Program Study CM (Curriculum Mapping): Detail of Courses/Short Courses to be taken SA (Supplementary Agreement)

Program Collaborative in several study programs (IT, Accountant, Civil engineering, Mechanic, Electro etc.) through the system of Open and Distance Learning that supported by SEAMOLEC; Up load learning material and evaluation for students that involve (web based, Edmodo, Digital Books); Have similar standard of learning material and evaluation/examination; Collaborative through email and via video conference.

Joint Degree Program in IT Institution - NPIC – National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia, IIC University of Technology, CIEDC Community - ATVETIC - Association of Technical Vocational Education and Training Institution of Cambodia

Take a photo with Indonesian President in the occasion KTT in Phnom Penh

Joint Degree Program To get acknowledgment by DIKTI need to write proposal for Double Degree Program, proposal content is general consisted: - A proposal from Institution to DIKTI - Background of each institution - SK Senat for Double Degree Program - SK Senat for International Officer - List MoU, MoA, Mapping Curriculum - Planning for Double Degree Program After get recommendation/SK: run the program

Implementation Students Exchange in 2011, 28 Cambodian students come to study in Indonesia for one semester Program (6 months), 8 Indonesian students study at NPIC Indonesian Student participate in KTT Asean in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 20th Asean Summit, April 2012 Indonesian Student participate in KTT Asean in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 21th Asean Summit, November 2012 Program “Double Degree”, 2012-2013, for Bachelor degree in IT for one year (last semester students) Cambodian student come to study in Indonesia and Indonesian student study in Cambodia

Cambodian Institutions (Send their student to Study in Indonesia) Implementation Cambodian Institutions (Send their student to Study in Indonesia) 201 1 201 2 2013 201 4 201 5 2015 NPIC 15 10 5 9 CIEDC 4   12 ITI 8 2 NTTI NIB IIC 3 Meanchey University MoEYS Total 119 Students

Implementation 2 5 9 1 4 8 3 45 Students Indonesian Institutions (Send their student to study at NPIC) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 AMIK Bandung   2 5 9 Polytechnic TEDC SMIK IKMI Cirebon 1 4 8 STMIK Tasikmalaya Polytechnic Input Serang DCC Lampung 3 STMIK Bani Saleh Total 45 Students

Collaborative Learning Online learning with Open and Distance learning media Learning Method use: - Learning content online use Moodle Online instruction use Cisco WebEx Final Assesment - Use two languages - For Indonesian is Indonesian and English - For Cambodian, Khmer and English - Examination by 2 institutions Indonesian and Cambodian use CISCO WebEx

General Obstacles Selection candidate students for Double Degree, that has English ability Processing student visa need complete document, like MoU and other related document Looking for cheap air ticket, but the promotion time is too short.

Collaboration Obstacles Language factor Language is main factor for both parties, because student have to get good English ability, but the student really not ready for English communication Food factor - Difficult looking for food that suited with our tongue Difficult looking for “HALAL FOOD” in Cambodia Religion factor Friday praying for Muslim, NPIC provides transportation for Indonesian students every week, because the Mosque is a bout ± 20KM

Collaborative Obstacles Payment factor High payment for international airfare is main factor, but living cost is relative cheap in Indonesia Legalization factor/Administration/Visa and Immigration/INTEL Pol Long process immigration in Indonesia need long time Self report to police must to do in 1x24 hours, become obstacle because the foreign student not ready.

Institutional Reputation Internasional atmosphere/environment in Campus - The culture of lectures and students start to change Student Motivation Student more motivate to be able to follow this program, especially more and more student concentrate for English language Student Experience Students follow this program have the memory that unforgettable Campus Promotion Increase campus promotion with this program, after have foreign students study in the campus.

Thank you Open and Distance Learning: Reaching the Unreachable, Making the World into One World of Learning Thank you