Welcome to FAST Student Reporting A Day in the Life: Reporting, simplified! Common Challenges Solved. Your best bet in Vegas!
This is what FAST looks like:
What is FAST Student? Pre-Built reporting to allow end-users to access data Centralized and De-centralized options End-User friendly tool! Flexibility to customize all aspects of the application Ability to build additional custom reports and extend the data warehouse to accommodate all business models
Let’s discuss some common challenges…. How many students have already been conditionally admitted to our fall cohort? What is missing from their application portfolios? How many students have applied to graduate in the spring term? How many students are currently waitlisted in a 100-level Biology course? Of those, how many have already taken a 100-level English course? How many courses, for next term, are still missing an instructor in the online registration system? What does a grading trend graph look like for our Biol and Chem courses for the past 5 years?
Not all Reports are “as they seem”… These are not meant to be “one-size-fits-all” reports, because we know that one size never fits all! FAST reports are designed to be as flexible as possible to accommodate a wide variety of uses; each report can be used, re- used, saved, sliced and diced in so many ways to meet so many unique end user needs Let’s take a look at them using different examples!
A couple cool technical-y bits Everything you’ve seen today comes pre-built So, all the reports and the data warehouse are all pre-built and are ready to use upon installation. What does that mean for you? We can install this product and you can be running reports the next day. You don’t have to wait a couple of months for IT to build everything out. Easy breezy!
Remember, anywhere you want to go, how do you want to get there?... FAST
Questions? www.mcsl.com questions@mcsl.com