Introducing globelics & welcome to the globelics academy 2017 Tampere may 2017 Birgitte gregersen Aalborg university
Welcome to Globelics GLOBal network on the Economics of Learning Innovation and Competence building Systems
Globelics Initiated around 2000 by western scholars coming from Innovation Studies (Freeman, Nelson, Soete and Lundvall) and scholars from BRICS (Cassiolato, Muchie, Joseph and Gu). Gradually more scholars from development studies. 11th conference in Addis Ababa, 12th Havana, 13th in Bandung, 14th takes place this October in Athens and 2018 in Accra, Ghana. First Globelics Academy in Lisbon 2004 (2004-2007, 2009), Rio (2012), Pretoria (2016), and Tampere (2008, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017). Regional lics: Asialics, Lalics, Africalics and Eurolics – also Cicalics, Indialics and Medalics.
The purpose To contribute to scientific capacity building through networking. To contribute to the knowledge base for strategies and policies linking innovation to economic development. A platform both for North-South and for South-South collaboration. To help Ph.D.-students to pursue high quality research in the field innovation and development.
Activities Annual conference (200 papers accepted out of 400 full paper proposals). Annual Academy with research training Regional meetings and academies in Asia, Latin America, Africa, European, China and India. Meeting place for major projects such as: Catching-up (Nelson), Brics-project (Cassiolato), Unidev-project (Brundenius) Innovating out of Poverty (Djeflat) Other resources (Working Paper Series, Globelics Thematic Review, Special Issues,
Future challenges Implementing the new constitution Strengthening regional lics Continuously renew the research agenda Innovation and competence building for inclusive and sustainable development Multilevel analysis Interdisciplinary research Diversity in methods (from case studies to econometrics)
The purpose of the Globelics Academy To get feed-back on your work To learn from the lecturing professors To learn from co-students and To build network “Therefore, you are expected to work hard most of the time and have fun in between all the hard work” [Lundvall]
Thanks for your attention