Delgado-Sousa,F. 1. ; Rosa, C. ; Sousa,T. ; Amaro–Silva,,C


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Presentation transcript:

PROPAGATION, EX SITU CONSERVATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MENTHA CERVINA AND MENTHA PULEGIUM Delgado-Sousa,F.1*; Rosa, C.; Sousa,T.; Amaro–Silva,,C.1; Oliveira,Mª R.1 1Escola Superior Agrária de Castelo Branco; Quinta Sra de Mércules; Apartado 119 6001-909 Castelo Branco * Species Characterization and Regional Interess The ecotypes in study of Mentha genera, from the Labiteae family, are either spontaneous or cultivated in the Portuguese region of Beira Interior, by their importance as aromatic, culinary and medicinal herbs. Objectives Study the best propagation method of Mentha cervina and Mentha pulegium Morphological characterization to identify correctelly the accessements Material and Methods Germination tests Vegetative Propagation Assays Morphological Characterization Terminal cuttings of Mentha cervina and Mentha pulegium Growth regulator IBA 0,5% Turf and perlite (2:1) The experimental design was completely randomized:two species; two treatments (T, IBA); four replications 100 seeds of Mentha pulegium (3 months old), in 4 layers of wash filter paper Conditons: 16h/25ºC day and 8h/20ºC nigth Colour chart (RHS-2001) Morphological descriptors elaborated in Program AGRO Nº 34 Germination percentage is based on the emergency of the radicules Results Vegetative Propagation Germination Morphological Characterization n Ecotype: Mentha pulegium Seed size(mm): 0,6 Seed colour: Orange grey Number of seeds per g: 978 Germination %: 66 Root % Figure 1- Root percentage and precocity, according to the vegetative propagation method used Conclusions The results show that the most efficient mean of propagation was the vegetative one. This further suggests that, in the future, this method of propagation will be of the utmost importance in the production, preservation and conservation of the above mentioned species. According to other works in Portugal, we didn’t find seeds in Mentha cervina, whose results are only in vegetative propagation. A characterization/demonstration field was established with the plants propagated in autumn/winter 2002. The plants were morphologically characterized so as to identify and to correctly classify botanically, each specie (considering that they have different origins in the Beira Interior region). In this project we are working with other species of AMP, until 2004.The staff pretends to implement in-situ and ex-situ conservation inserting plants in original places of native flora and establish a tematic Botanic Garden at ESACB, to contribute to sustainable development, environmental education and awareness of AMP diversity. Figure 2- Phenological evolution, from March to July 2002 References Franco, J. A. 1984. Nova Flora de Portugal (Continente e Açores). Volume II. Clethraceae-Compositae. Sociedade Astória, Lda. Lisboa.pp: 172-185 Mickey, M. & King, C.2002. The Cambridge Illustrated Glossary of Botanical Terms.Cambridge University Press.United Kingdom Rosa, C.2003.Plantas Aromáticas e Medicinais da Beira Interior-Propagação, Conservação e Caracterização.Relatório de Fim de Curso de Engª de Ciências Agrárias-Ramo Agrícola. ESA-IPCB.Castelo Branco Sousa, T.2003.Ensaios de Técnicas Experimentais de Germinação de Sementes para a Conservação ex-situ de Plantas Aromáticas e Medicinais. Relatório de Fim de Curso de Engª de Ciências Agrárias-Ramo Agrícola. ESA-IPCB.Castelo Branco Acknowledgments This experiment was carried out on behaf of Program Agro nº 34 “Etnobotany, the use and management of aromatical and medicinal plants and their sustainable utilization as a contribution to the improvement of rural areas”, in “Escola Superior Agrária” (School of Agriculture of the Polytechinc Institute), Castelo Branco – Portugal.