Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 2 March 2016 2015/16 ANNUAL OPERATIONAL PLAN (AOP) 3RD QUARTER PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE REPORT (1 October – 31 December 2016) Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 2 March 2016
INTRODUCTION This is a report on the Department of Public Service and Administration’s (DPSA) 3rd Quarter Performance (October – December 2015) on the implementation of the 2015/16 Annual Operational Plan The Progress Report has been verified by Internal Audit and Risk Management Directorate by assessing the accuracy and validity of evidence submitted in support of the reported progress. As required; the 3rd Quarter Report was submitted by the 31th of January 2016 to the Minister, National Treasury and the DPME.
OVERVIEW OF 3RD QUARTER PERFORMANCE PER PROGRAMME /BRANCH NUMBER OF 3RD QUARTER TARGETS NUMBER OF TARGETS ACHIEVED NUMBER OF TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED PERCENTAGE (%) ACHIEVEMENT - December 2015 Administration 9 7 2 78% Policy, Research and Analysis 5 71% Labour Relations and Human Resource Management 6 1 83% Government’s Chief Information Officer 4 50% Service Delivery Support 3 43% Governance of Public Administration 8 88% OVERALL DPSA PERFORMANCE 41 29 12
OVERVIEW OF OVERALL DPSA 3RD QUARTER PERFORMANCE – As at December 2015 Total 3rd quarter targets = 41 Targets Achieved= 29 Targets Not Achieved =12
OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PREFORMANCE PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION TARGETS ACHIEVED The Department’s Interim Financial Statements have been submitted to National Treasury. The 2nd quarter Department’s Programme Performance Report has been submitted to the Executive Authority, National Treasury and Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) by the 30th of October 2015 The 2nd Quarter Internal Audit Performance Report has been submitted to the Audit Committee on 16 November 2015. The Monitoring Report on the implementation of the Risk Management Plan in the department has been submitted to the Audit Committee.
OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PREFORMANCE PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION TARGETS ACHIEVED The Reports on the implementation of Human Resources Policies within the department have been submitted to the Director-General. The Reports on the Communication Campaigns the department embarked on during the quarter have been submitted to the Executive Committee (EXCO). The Revised Draft Regulations have been consulted within DPSA and amended in line with the new instructions submitted to the Legal Council and the State Law Advisers.
Progress Report as at the end of December 2015 TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED AS AT END OF 3RD QUARTER PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Sub-Programme: International Cooperation Programme 3rd Quarter Target Progress Report as at the end of December 2015 Challenges Action Plan to address Challenges 3rd Quarter Report on Best Practices and Experiences shared on established Bilateral and Multilateral Relations submitted to Minister and the Director General for noting Six reports on the Best Practices and Experiences shared on established Bilateral and Multilateral Relations during the reporting period were submitted to Minister and the Director General for noting Reported performance was not supported by valid evidence. Only the approvals of the travel for officials were submitted as evidence. Valid evidence of the six reports has since been submitted.
Progress Report as at the end of December 2015 TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED AS AT END OF 3RD QUARTER PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Sub-Programme: Legal Service 3rd Quarter Target Progress Report as at the end of December 2015 Challenges Action Plan to address Challenges Revised Public Service Regulations submitted to the Minister for approval The inputs received from DPSA branches on the Revised Regulations have been consolidated and submitted back to branches for further comment. The Minister has extended consultation period up to the end of 3rd quarter. The draft Public Service Regulations are being finalised for submission to the Minister for approval.
OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PREFORMANCE PROGRAMME 2: POLICY, RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS TARGETS ACHIEVED The Public Service Research guideline has been submitted to the Director-General for approval. The assessment on the status quo of the existing norms and standards for the 3 Eastern Cape provincial departments has been completed. The draft Public Administration Management Act (PAMA) general regulations have been consulted on with relevant identified stakeholders. The recommendations on the co-ordination of the Thusong Service Centre have been consolidated and the funding model has been investigated with National Treasury. Four (4) workshops have been conducted in the Provinces of Northern Cape, Mpumalanga and North West on the implementation of the Policy on the Provisioning of Reasonable Accommodation and Assistive Devices. A presentation with the analysis of the JobAccess Strategic Framework was shared with departments.
Progress Report as at the end of December 2015 TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED AS AT END OF 3RD QUARTER PROGRAMME 2: POLICY, RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS Productivity and Work Measurement Techniques 3rd Quarter Target Progress Report as at the end of December 2015 Challenges Action Plan to address Challenges National stakeholder consultative workshop held on the final results of study, and future scenario. The national consultative workshop was not held because the study had to be redone using the correct methodology before the final results can be consulted on. The results of the initial accessibility modelling was based on incorrect methodology as a result the study had to be repeated to ensure proper results. The results of the study conducted are being compiled into a report to be consulted on with departments in May 2016.
Progress Report as at the end of December 2015 TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED AS AT END OF 3RD QUARTER PROGRAMME 2: POLICY, RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS Productivity and Work Measurement Techniques 3rd Quarter Target Progress Report as at the end of December 2015 Challenges Action Plan to address Challenges Health and Basic Education sectors to be supported to undertake productivity measurements The workshop was hosted with Health Sector on 8 December 2015 to support health departments to undertake productivity measurements. Similar workshops are planned with the Basic Education sector for 3 February 2015 The case study of the Basic Education was delayed and was only finalised by the end of December 2015 . The case study should be completed before the workshop to support departments to undertake the measurement. The Basic Education sector stakeholders indicated that they will only be available for a sector wide workshop on the 3rd of March 2016. The sector-wide workshop for Basic Education is scheduled for the 3rd of March 2016.
OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PREFORMANCE PROGRAMME 3: LABOUR RELATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TARGETS ACHIEVED The Remuneration policy framework has been developed. The outcome of the feasibility study on the Public Service Graduate Recruitment Scheme and the proposed three options was consulted with the national departments in December 2015. This follows on consultation sessions held with seven provinces. The Support to appoint 20 000 youths into learnership, internship and artisan programmes per year was provided to departments through participation in Human Resource Development Forum workshop with national departments in December 2015. The reports on the implementation of the wage agreement have been submitted to the Minister. The Progress Report on the development and implementation of Government Employee Housing Scheme (GEHS) has been submitted to the Minister.
Progress Report as at the end of December 2015 TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED AS AT END OF 3RD QUARTER PROGRAMME 3: LABOUR RELATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Sub-Programme: Labour Relations and Negotiations 3rd Quarter Target Progress Report as at the end of December 2015 Challenges Action Plan to address Challenges 3rd Quarter Public Service Discipline Management report developed and submitted to the Minister The Public Service Discipline Management report has been developed but was not submitted to the Minister The development of the Report took longer than planned due to the delay in the finalisation of inputs by the National Labour Relations Forum The Discipline Management Report will be submitted to the Minister before the end of February 2016
OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PREFORMANCE PROGRAMME 4: GOVERNMENT’S CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER TARGETS ACHIEVED The Information Communication Technology (ICT) Security and Access Management Guidelines was submitted to the Director-General. The ICT Learning Network forum with departmental Chief Information Officers (CIOs) was held on the 29-30 October 2015. Four (4 ) e-Enablement value proposition for prioritised services of the Departments of Education, South African Police Service, Social Development and Human Settlements have been presented for endorsement by the concerned business owner.
Progress Report as the end of December 2015 TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED AS AT END OF 3RD QUARTER PROGRAMME 4: GOVERNMENT’S CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Sub-Programme: Public Service ICT e-Enablement 3rd Quarter Target Progress Report as the end of December 2015 Challenges Action Plan to address Challenges 2nd e-Enablement value proposition for a prioritized service presented for endorsement by a concerned business owner The 2nd e-Enablement value proposition was developed but not presented for endorsement by the business owner There was a delay in the finalisation of the value proposition. The 2nd e-Enablement value proposition was developed and presented for endorsement by a concerned business owner To date Four (4 ) e-Enablement value proposition for prioritised services of the Departments of Education, South African Police Service, Social Development and Human Settlements have been presented for endorsement by the concerned business owners/departments.
Progress Report as the end of December 2015 TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED AS AT END OF 3RD QUARTER PROGRAMME 4: GOVERNMENT’S CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Sub-Programme: Public Service ICT Stakeholder Management 3rd Quarter Target Progress Report as the end of December 2015 Challenges Action Plan to address Challenges Final draft of the guidelines to leverage government’s Information and Communication Technology submitted to the Director-General for approval The final draft of the guidelines to leverage government’s Information and Communication Technology buying muscle (to reduce the costs of purchasing ICT products and services) were not submitted to the Director-General There was a delay in the finalisation of the guidelines. The final draft of the guidelines to leverage government’s Information and Communication Technology buying muscle is being developed and will be submitted to the Director-General for approval by end March 2016.
OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PREFORMANCE PROGRAMME 5: SERVICE DELIVERY SUPPORT TARGETS ACHIEVED Advocacy, capacity building and institutional support on developing business processes and standard operating procedures have been provided to Departments of Labour (all 5 branches), Transport (Eastern Cape, Kwa- Zulu Natal and Northern Cape), Social Development (Eastern Cape, North West and Free State). Sector workshops on business processes and standard operating procedures were held with Departments of Social Development and Transport for discussion and adoption of generic processes across the sector. 83/111 (74.8%) of the submitted Service Delivery Improvement Plans (SDIPs) have been assessed. 16 were assessed in the second quarter and 67/95 (72.53%) were assessed in the current quarter (third quarter). The National and Provincial workshops on the 2nd generation African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) review were conducted to provide guidelines and roadmap on the review.
TARGET/S NOT ACHIEVED AS AT END OF 3RD QUARTER PROGRAMME 5: SERVICE DELIVERY SUPPORT Sub-Programme: Batho Pele (Change Management) 3rd Quarter Target Progress Report Challenges Action Plan to address Challenges Monitoring implementation of the Batho Pele standards in the 6 departments conducted The monitoring of the Batho Pele standards has not been conducted in the 6 departments. The Batho Pele standards were submitted to the Director-General in December 2015 and departments will begin with the implementation in the 4th Quarter. The monitoring report will be produced by the end of March 2016. Analysis report on the progress made in implementing and communicating the Batho Pele standards specific to each affected produced The analysis report on the progress made in implementing and communicating the Batho Pele standards by departments has not been produced. An analysis will be produced by the end of March 2016.
TARGET/S NOT ACHIEVED AS AT END OF 3RD QUARTER PROGRAMME 5: SERVICE DELIVERY SUPPORT Sub-Programme: Batho Pele (Change Management) 3rd Quarter Target Progress Report Challenges Action Plan to address Challenges Departmental reports on the progress made in implementing and communicating the Batho Pele standards specific to each affected department collected The reports from departments on the progress made in implementing and communicating the Batho Pele standards have not been collected. The Batho Pele standards were submitted to the Director-General in December 2015 and departments will begin with the implementation in the 4th Quarter. The departments will submit their reports as from February 2016. Subject to approval; Revised Batho Pele toolkits and information guidelines issued to provincial and national departments The revised Batho Pele toolkits and information guidelines have not been issued to provincial and national departments. The Batho Pele toolkits and information guidelines were submitted to the Director-General for approval in December 2015. THE Revised Batho Pele toolkits and information guidelines were issued to provincial and national departments on the 25th of February 2016.
OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PREFORMANCE PROGRAMME 6: GOVERNANCE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION TARGETS ACHIEVED The workshop has been conducted with the Northern Cape Departments on delegation registers on 11 November 2015. The Draft mentoring and peer support framework for senior managers has been finalised, presented and endorsed at the Governance and Administration Working Session and the Governance and Administration Cluster. The Information sharing session on the implementation of the competency assessments practice for senior managers was held on 18 November 2015 with all the Service Providers responsible for conducting competency assessments for senior managers. The workshops to support Departments in preparing for the implementation of the Directive on compulsory capacity development, mandatory training days and minimum entry requirements for senior management service (SMS) have been conducted with departments, the consolidated report of all workshops conducted was drafted and has been approved by the Director General.
OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PREFORMANCE PROGRAMME 6: GOVERNANCE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION TARGETS ACHIEVED 5. A report on the average time spent by HoDs in a post has been prepared, submitted and approved by the Minister. The workshops to support the implementation of the Revised Determination on Other Remunerative Work by departments to Prohibit Public Servants from doing Business with the State have been conducted in the following provinces; North West, Gauteng, and Eastern Cape. The workshops were conducted with the following two national departments: Department of Arts and Culture and Government Pensions Administration. The interventions strategy with targeted support mechanisms for departments, who are experiencing challenges in areas such as Human Resources, Organisational Development , Information Technology, etc., has been consulted on with the relevant stakeholders.
TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED AS AT END OF 3RD QUARTER PROGRAMME 6: GOVERNANCE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Sub-Programme: Organisational Development of the Public Sector 3rd Quarter Target Progress Report Challenges Action Plan to address Challenges Consultation on the Guideline for operational delegations workshops held with selected Departments The 1st consultations were held during the 2nd quarter ( July- September 2015) however further consultations were not held during the 3rd quarter as was planned. The Official was tasked with other work on the Handbook on the appointment of Board members which is a Cabinet priority, however the 1st consultations were sufficient to finalise the guidelines The Guideline for operational delegations is being finalised and will be submitted for approval during the 4th Quarter.
DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE As at 31 December 2015 Description R'000 Budget 941 482 Actual Expenditure as at 31 December 2015 668 248 Budget Unspent 273 234 % Spent 70.98
EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME As at 31 December 2015 DESCRIPTION Adjusted Budget Actual - 31 Dec 2015 Available Budget % spent on Budget R'000 % Administration 219 941 131 045 88 896 59.58 Policy Development, Research and Analysis 35 927 21 816 14 111 60.72 Labour Relations and Human Resource Management 76 986 48 918 28 068 63.54 Government Chief Information Officer 21 493 13 643 7 850 63.48 Service Delivery Support 51 679 47 939 3 740 92.76 Governance of Public Administration 45 719 31 349 14 370 68.57 Total DPSA 451 745 294 710 157 035 65.24 Centre for Public Service Innovation 29 003 22 412 6 591 77.27 National School of Government 140 439 106 031 34 408 75.50 Public Sector Education and Training Authority 93 843 79 767 14 076 85.00 Public Service Commission 226 452 165 328 61 124 73.01 Total Entities 489 737 373 538 116 199 76.27 Grand Total 941 482 668 248 273 234 70.98
EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION As at 31 December2015 DESCRIPTION Adjusted Budget Actual - 31 Dec 2015 Available Budget % spent on Budget R'000 % Compensation of Employees 257 348 176 902 80 446 68.74 Goods and Services 186 166 108 667 77 499 58.37 Payment for Financial Assets 10 - 100.00 Transfers and Subsidies 494 224 377 654 116 570 76.41 Payment of Capital Assets 3 734 5 015 -1 281 134.31 Total 941 482 668 248 273 234 70.98
30 DAY PAYMENTS WITHIN THE DPSA The average payment period is 12 days During the past 6 months - All payments were done within the 30 days period During the past 6 months - No irregular expenditure has been incurred
Thank You.