30 September 2010 Sami Saarikivi


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Presentation transcript:

30 September 2010 Sami Saarikivi Revision project of the Business Register (BR) and business statistics in 2009-2014 30 September 2010 Sami Saarikivi

Background / Results from the present status description (1) Overlapping work is made between different business statistical systems/units Data copies are made and data are processed differently Changes are made to several different databases or in the worst case errors are corrected only in one place! Different definitions in different databases/production systems Unit structures (establishment, enterprise, etc.) Industry, sector, turnover... → Inconsistent statistics

Background / Results from the present status description (2) Change pressures for comprehensive development of the data system are also produced by: Statistics Finland's operational strategy and strategy for economic statistics International regulations and decrees The previous data system revision was made in 1995-1998 → The technical service life is coming to an end

Information Services 17.5.2018

BR into the core of data on enterprises – timetable for 2009-2014

YR45K project organisation in 2010-2014 Steering group Top authority and project marketing Tasks in 2010 YR45K To plan a joint production database for business statistics To plan and advance the creation of warehouse of data on enterprises Sub-project: YR50E To plan and implement a system for receiving administrative data Main project (YR45K) Project Manager 1 + members Help when needed Other experts (e.g. support group from IT and Business Structures units during the defining phase ) Sub-project1 Project Manager 2 + members Sub-project n Project Manager n + members

Collected results of the BR desired state System part Key development targets Benefits to be gained Reception of administrative data Utilisation of metadata Process management Variable editor and editing Intensification / Introduction of uniform practices to pre-checking of data Direct data collections Uniform tools Facilitation of responding Improvement of quality and intensification of activity Databases Adoption of the enterprise concept Uniform production database Improvement of quality International comparability Non-response and response burden get smaller Application programs and processing of data Intensification of processing (decrease of applications) Introduction of a process management application Warehouse of data on enterprises Uniform location for data on enterprises Basic data search Comparison of data Coherence of statistics Statistics and products Introduction of a unit information service (Internet) Adoption of a chargeable target group definition service (Internet) Improvement of customer service Yritystilastojen yhteiset asiat Yritystietovaraston määrittely Yritysten suhdanteet / Yritysrekisteri 17.5.2018 7

General workflow of receiving administrative data Statistics production begins

Problems and challenges of the present situation (Reception of administrative data) Although the reception processes contain the same phases, they are not uniform. That is, overlapping work is done Risks and ineffectiveness are caused by Person dependency Non-uniform modes of operating (e.g. data copies), overlapping and differing error checking Lack of transparency Varying technical solutions Deficiencies in data descriptions

Solution A uniform process-controlled system will be developed for receiving administrative data. Utilisation of metadata The system helps to manage reception of data until the start of statistics production Data descriptions are saved Responsibility data are saved and the progress of the project is followed Pre-checking of data is made on the basis of the data description Data are saved for the use of statistics production

Benefits Benefits from the project are Intensification of activity Reduction in overlapping work Improving the transparency of the data process Unification of technical solutions and modes of action Reducing person dependency New possibilities to divide work Uniform practices for the whole of Statistics Finland This year for business data To be extended in coming years to individual data, too

Metadata related to receiving administrative data Data concerning the data flow E.g. who delivers, who is responsible at Statistics Finland, where the files go to, with what name, how often, where transferred for further processing Data concerning the receiving process Tasks needed for receiving the data, their order, whether performed successfully and when Data concerning the data content E.g. names and descriptions of variables, location in file, length, validation rules, ranges of variation, expected number of data records

Information Services 17/05/2018

IT solutions in 2010-2014 Due to long-term development, IT solutions are made separately in sub-projects The ICT strategies of state administration and Statistics Finland are followed, e.g. Use is made of uniform application development tools, SAS is primarily used for statistical data processing and tabulation The Microsoft.NET environment for user interface and database processing. Sybase databases are transferred to Microsoft SQLServer → Use of the PowerBuilder application is discontinued If necessary, application development is purchased externally Use is made of the XML-based statistical metadata system Information Services 31 August 2010

Further information about the revision: Mr Sami Saarikivi, tel. +358 9 1734 3345 email: yritys.rekisteri@stat.fi Thank you! Business Trends / Business Register 17/05/2018