How to support your child through SATs SATs Parents Meeting 2017 How to support your child through SATs
Test Dates The 2017 Key Stage 2 tests will take place from 8th – 11th May. Schools have been asked to keep this period free for administering the Key Stage 2 tests. Date Test (AM) 9:00 start Length of test Monday 8th May English reading test 1 hour Tuesday 9th May Paper 1: English grammar, punctuation Paper 2: Spelling test 45 minutes 20 minutes Wednesday 10th May Paper 1: Mental Arithmetic Paper 2: Reasoning Paper 30 minutes 40 minutes Thursday 11th May Paper 3: Reasoning Paper
The Tests Levels- NO LONGER EXIST! Types of questions See examples.
Test results The results arrive in school in late June – early July. The results arrive in the form of a scaled score. A scaled score of 100 means that your Child has reached the expected standard. See Scaled Scores website link.
How we have prepared the children… Children have completed mini tests every half term which link to the new style of test and new curriculum. We have bought new homework books which have questions like the SAT tests and that link to the new curriculum. Children have been given SAT papers that are similar to the ones they will do on the real day. Children have opportunities to go through their papers in small groups with an adult. Staff drop in sessions have been taking place all year over lunch times. Easter school (we’ll go into more detail at the end).
THE RIGHT ENVIRONMENT Atmosphere at home Proper time given to revision and homework.Use online timers / stopwatches. Support and encourage your child Mosque commitments Revision timetable with free time
HEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY Eat healthy Sleep well Drink water Breakfast Attendance and punctuality
MATERIALS TO SUPPORT YOUR CHILD Homework books CGP practice SATs WH Smith in Blackburn Websites …
No appointments during school time over the next 7 weeks. If the hospital GIVES you the time, ring and re-arrange this. Before school / after school / Saturday / Sunday / East holidays
USING ICT TO SUPPORT REVISION School Website Oxford Owl IXL Maths IXL English My Maths BBC Bitesize
Easter School A chance for your child to continue to prepare for the SATs. 3 days in school over the Easter break Timetable given- allocated time slots. Relaxed environment. Non uniform. Contact number given for any absences.
Thank you for your support Thank you for your support. We at St Thomas’ want the very best for each and every child. Lets help them to fly at high school by giving them best possible chance now. Any questions?