Public Policy: a key for right based approach to development What role for Handicap International ? Atelier de travail sur la RBA – Handicap International – 27 Juin 2007
A need for public policy ? The principles of accountability, Reference to international human rights instruments, non discrimination, participation for the development of public policy because It implies ultimate responsibility of state (state shall ensure, guaranty…) and universality of rights and entitlements for all
Needs, rights and policy? Public Policy Social innovation Governance Rights Local legislation International binding legal instruments Needs Survival Full Participation Resources StateCommunity
What is Public Policy? A set of defined or at least definable values; A clear vision of a desirable future that is based on these values that should foresee positive change in life of population Appropriate strategies that can be implemented in order to realize that vision. Implementation package includes: Legislation Adequate Procedures Enforcement body Implementation plan Dedicated resources Monitoring and Evaluation public policy is the output of politics and his most of the time the results of strong negotiation whether we talk a bout legislative, budgetary issues… the interaction between policy and politics can be define has policy making
Which level? International policy / agenda : EU/ WB. Accession process, structural adjustment, aid conditionality National Agenda: PRSP… National Disability Strategy National specific policy (health care, education, employment, child protection…) Local level (community development, local disability action plan, agenda 22…)
Stakeholders… International organisation Local authorities Civil sector Interest groups Disabled people organistaion Social Service providers Private sector ? ? ? National authorities
A process Peoples lives : Level of autonomy, quality of life Degree of participation in the community life. The impact of politics and output of policy Practice : How does it work on the field The outcome of politics and output of policy Policy : The output of the politics. Polis : The rules and the stakeholders Politics : The political power play. Ideology and interest Policy making
Policy making Bring practice in people lives Peoples lives : Level of autonomy, quality of life Degree of participation in the community life. Practice : How does it work on the field Policy : The outcome of the politics. Polis : The rules and the stakeholders Politics : The political power play. Ideology and interest
Bring new practice in people lives (2) HI support local stakeholders in their social innovation HI Develop and Support pilot projects that target new categories of population, usually left apart by existing systems to show that it s possible demonstrating feasibility of new services or programs (Tunisia, Madagscar, Burkina faso on inclsuive education
Brings peoples life in Peoples lives : Level of autonomy, quality of life Degree of participation in the community life. Practice : How does it work on the field Policy : The outcome of the politics. Polis : The rules and the stakeholders Politics : The political power play. Ideology and interest From consultation to lobbying Policy making
Brings peoples life in PM(2) The quality of participation of DPOs and the way authorities involve them is a key indicators of their empowerment HI Support to DPOs capacity building for them to become credible counter part in policy making process HI Support to advocacy initiatives of DPOs and civil society (Sheepac, Sapesh, Mali, Togo, India, Bangladesh, SEE, Honduras..) HI Campaigning and Monitoring about challenges faced by people (Togo, SEE, Mero, Madgascar, India, Bangladesh…) Supporting state capacity to assess situation of people with disabilities (Maroc, Togo, Afghanistan, BiH…) Supporting consultation process (médiation between state and civil society- PRSP process)
Bring practice in Policy making Peoples lives : Level of autonomy, quality of life Degree of participation in the community life. Practice : How does it work on the field Policy : The outcome of the politics. Polis : The rules and the stakeholders Politics : The political power play. Ideology and interest
Bring practice in PM (2) HI support social innovation, assessing and Promoting good practices. It bring lessons learn from HI pilot projects and from others stateholders (capitalisation / study visit / promotion about experiences / Use experience to develop advocacy tools…) (Balkans, India, Emploi rapport insertion…) HI support association of professionals and service providers to give a voice to practioners, link DPO services providers and states
Policy making Support policy development Peoples lives : Level of autonomy, quality of life Degree of participation in the community life. Practice : How does it work on the field Policy : The outcome of the politics. Polis : The rules and the stakeholders Politics : The political power play. Ideology and interest HI
Support policy development (2) HI bring technical support to authorities in charge (Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Rwanda, Kosovo, Mozambique, India,…) Formulation of scenarios Support to planning and monitoring design Support for consultation process In some case use STEPS for expertise
Bring policy to practice Policy making Peoples lives : Level of autonomy, quality of life Degree of participation in the community life. Practice : How does it work on the field Policy : The outcome of the politics. Polis : The rules and the stakeholders Politics : The political power play. Ideology and interest
Bring policy to practice (2) Staff training (on the job or initial training) (Albania, Tunisia, Algeria, Lebanon, Rwanda, …………….) HI Support implementation process in general (Rwanda, Albania)
Public policy in challenging environment Public policy on disability issues will not have the same shape and content in functionning or in fragile or failed states State guaranty in the logic of progressive realisation means: -At least plan and facilitate -Then regulate -Then pay for and/or deliver
Who Regulate, Who Deliver, Who advocate? WHO SHOULD?WHO CAN?WHO WANT? Central authorities? Local authorities? Community? DPOs? NGOs? Central authorities? Local authorities? Community? DPOs? NGOs? Central authorities? Local authorities? Community? DPOs? NGOs?
WILL CAPACITY Direct or indirect Influence towards policy makers -non state mechanisms to develop policies - Identifying the strengths and weakness of potential policies -Supporting Users awareness raising and advocacy activities - Advocacy towards Donors to bring resources - direct or indirect substitution to duty bearers - Capacity building of providers - strategy for supporting empowerment of users - advocacy and awareness raising SUPPORTING THE CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT AND THE MONITORING BY PEOPLE CONCERNED -Advocacy towards Donors to bring resources -capacity building of policy makers and service providers - Supporting advocacy by users - beneficiaries WHETHER DUTY BEARERS WILLING AND ABLE TO DO IT? (from DFID improving services delivery in difficult environment )