STRAW TRACKER SYSTEM CAD STATUS : Integration with neighboring tracker. Aspects of integration in experimental hall.
? - STRAWS TRACKER & NEIGHBORING COMPONENTS : General layout. 1813 1168 ?? ? 1728 1150 18 mm?? 16mm - FORWARD Z RAIL COORDINATE - BW_EMC 400 1100 - DIRC - STRAW TRACKER - FW_GEM 17mm 543 560 - MAIN ISSUES: - THE OVERALL LAYOUT IS TO BE CONSIDERED FROZEN . Checking the position of the FW_GEM to avoid possible interference. GSI – DECEMBER 2013 - D.Orecchini / P.Gianotti
- STRAWS TRACKER & NEIGHBORING COMPONENTS : General layout. DIRC Inner diameter 448mm Free Space 6mm STRAW SERVICES FRAME Outer diameter 442mm - DIRC - STRAW SERVICES FRAME - STRAW TRACKER - MAIN ISSUES: The intention is to bring the SAFETY FREE SPACE to the minimum required of 10mm. - THE PROJECT IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT. GSI – DECEMBER 2013 - D.Orecchini / P.Gianotti
IP - STRAW-TUBES TRACKER : General layout. - MAIN ISSUES: 560 1168 ??? 1150 20 BW_EMC Limit 1500 1460 IP GEM Forward Limit TUBE LENGTH: 1400mm 350 1050 18 17 143 Free Space - MAIN ISSUES: THE OVERALL LAYOUT IS TO BE CONSIDERED FROZEN . Checking the position of the FW_GEM to avoid possible interference. 30 30 Free Space 20 20 400 1100 GSI – DECEMBER 2013 - D.Orecchini / P.Gianotti
- CENTRAL TRACKER AUXILIARY FRAME: General layout. Vertex GBT Auxiliary Frame: - Central Tracker Assembling Frame; - Transport Structure; - Structure for insertion in the magnet. FORESEEN ADDITIONAL LATERAL SUPPORTS. Straws Tracker Services Frame Straws Tracker Flats, Cables, Gas Pipes. Cross Pipe STILL OPENE ISSUES: The geometry of the various components can be consider frozen. Checking the components to be supported (geometry, position, weight). Foreseen lateral supports for Flats, Cables, Gas Pipes. - IT’S NECESSARY AN UPDATE OF THE PROJECT. GSI – DECEMBER 2013 - D.Orecchini / P.Gianotti
- CENTRAL TRACKER A UXILIARY FRAME: General layout. Straws Tracker Services Frame Beam Pipe 1° Sector Support Component Beam Pipe 1° Sector Cross Pipe - MAIN ISSUES: Checking if it is planned to support also the first sector of beam pipe connected to the Cross Pipe (geometry, position, weight). NB. The support component have to be removed after the connection with the main beam pipe, (In working position) to allow the insertion of BW_EMC (?). - IN THIS CASE, IT’S NECESSARY AN UPDATE OF THE PROJECT. GSI – DECEMBER 2013 - D.Orecchini / P.Gianotti
- CENTRAL TRACKER SERVICES FRAME: General layout. Straws Tracker SERVICES FRAME Flats, Cables, Gas Pipes. Racks. Here… ……the Cables etc. could be routed in the structural frame. Flats, Cables, Gas Pipes….. …. Proposed path from services frame to rack. Here… ……additional cable trays are required. - MAIN ISSUES: Management of the flats, cables and pipes in exit from the SERVICE FRAME and to bring in the racks. - Convoing cables etc. in the structural frame; - Foresee additional race-trays to reach the racks. - IT’S NECESSARY AN UPDATE OF THE PROJECT. Racks. GSI – DECEMBER 2013 - D.Orecchini / P.Gianotti
- MAIN ISSUES AND CONSIDERATIONS: - CENTRAL TRACKER INTEGRATION: General layout. Removable additional Parking Platform Racks Auxiliary Frame Parking Platform Racks - MAIN ISSUES AND CONSIDERATIONS: It seems that there are not problems in positioning the PARKING PLATFORM. (The final dimensions are still to be defined). It should be planned a REMOVABLE ADDITIONAL PARKING PLATFORM to be placed between the racks, which allows to bring the AUXILIARY FRAME near to the magnet, to realize the connection of the Central Tracker insertion system. More space seems necessary between the racks to accommodate the flats, the cables, and the gas pipes which are to be convoyed from the SERVICE FRAME to its rack. - IT’S NECESSARY AN UPDATE OF THE PROJECT. GSI – DECEMBER 2013 - D.Orecchini / P.Gianotti
- MAIN ISSUES AND CONSIDERATIONS: - CENTRAL TRACKER INTEGRATION: General layout. 1160 - CT AUXILIARY FRAME ENCUMBRANCE: 1160mm Free Space for side Free Space for side 200mm 200mm Rack Parking Platform - SPACE BETWEEN RACKS: 1560mm Rack 1560 - MAIN ISSUES AND CONSIDERATIONS: More space seems necessary between the racks (actually 200mm): > to realize the connection of the Central Tracker insertion system. > to accommodate the flats, the cables, and the gas pipes which are to be convoyed from the SERVICE FRAME to its rack. - IT’S NECESSARY AN UPDATE OF THE PROJECT. GSI – DECEMBER 2013 - D.Orecchini / P.Gianotti
Straws Tracker Racks Services Frame Beam Pipe 1° Sector - BW-EMC & BEAM PIPE FLANGE INTEGRATION: General layout. Straws Tracker Services Frame Racks BW_EMC BEAM PIPE FLANGE Beam Pipe 1° Sector Support Component Racks. SOME FINAL REMARKS : 1) The central tracker is in the final position; 2) The parking platforms has been removed; 3) The BW_EMC system has been placed in and shifted inside the magnet; QUESTION: THE BEAM PIPE 1° SECTOR SUPPORT MUST BE REMOVED TO ALLOW THE EMC INSERTION. ..... .........WHAT DOES SUPPORT THE BEAM PIPE SECTOR? 4) The beam pipe pumps has been mounted in the operative position? If yes........ QUESTION: ..........WHAT DOES SUPPORT THE BEAM PIPE LOAD? GSI – DECEMBER 2013 - D.Orecchini / P.Gianotti
CENTRAL TRACKER INTEGRATED ITEMS: “CSF – Central Tracker Support Frame” ……… …THINGS DONE ……………… -TARGET : ACCEPTABLE MAX DISPLACEMENT (Due the Titanium Cross Pipe thickness): 0.05mm > Hypothesized material: 8xM55J+ Rohacell+8xM55J >Translational values – Magnitude Max 0.0197mm > Von Mises: Max 3.75MPa -A) The general design and the main dimensions are fixed; -B) Preliminary mechanical solutions to support the “Cross Pipe” has been developed; -C) The preliminary structural calculations has been made ; -D) A full scale prototype has been realized in collaboration with Torino Group. C A D B - Involved groups: Frascati,Torino. GSI – DECEMBER 2013 - D.Orecchini / P.Gianotti
- Involved groups: Torino and Frascati. CENTRAL TRACKER INTEGRATED ITEMS: “CSF – Central Tracker Support Frame” ……… ….THINGS TO DO ……… -However, all the final design, is still evolving. - Involved groups: Torino and Frascati. -The solutions to support the “Cross Pipe” have had a preliminary approval by the “Cross Pipe” people. A common development of the final solution is still to be worked-out - Involved groups: Torino, Frascati and Juelich (Cross-Pipe people). GSI – DECEMBER 2013 - D.Orecchini / P.Gianotti
-CENTRAL TRACKER “SUPPORT AND SHIFTING SYSTEM”, things to do: -The final solution for the interface between the “Support and Shifting Rails”, and “Up & Down” support beam, is still be to be developed; - Involved groups:“Frascati, Turin and “GSI” people. GSI – DECEMBER 2013 - D.Orecchini / P.Gianotti