Ancient Rulers
Indian Religion
Fall of Roman Empire
Ain’t I a Woman?
Fall of the Roman Empire Ancient Rulers Architecture Vocabulary Indian Religion Fall of the Roman Empire Ain’t I a Woman? $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100
I was a king of the Babylonian Empire and created the oldest-known legal code
Who was Hammurabi?
Starting in the Xia and Shang dynasties this is the title given to a Chinese Emperor
What was the Son of Heaven?
I was a Mesopotamian king who searched for eternal life
Who was Gilgamesh?
These ancient rulers were believed to be gods on Earth
Who were the Egyptian pharaohs?
This society carved giant basalt heads of their rulers
Who were the Olmec?
What is an Egyptian pyramid?
What is a Sumerian ziggurat?
What is the Parthenon?
What is the Stupa at Sanchi?
What is the Colosseum?
Common to most early civilizations this is the belief in more than one god
What is polytheism?
Common in Mesoamerica, the Indus Valley, and Sumer these are urban areas with their own government
What are city-states?
This is the nickname given to pastoral nomads due to their violent tendencies
What is courage culture?
Used in Ancient Egypt this is the name of a government ruled by God
What is a theocracy?
Used in the Zhou dynasty this is the name for a type of government in which the central government gives political and military autonomy to the aristocracy in exchange for loyalty
What is feudalism?
The ultimate goal for a Buddhist
What is nirvana?
Both Hindus and Buddhists believe in this force that is generated by a person’s good and bad actions
What is karma?
The ultimate goal of Hinduism
What is moksha?
These start with life is suffering and end with following the Eightfold Path
What are the Four Noble Truths?
I am the most widely worshipped Hindu god
Who is Krishna?
This group finally destroyed the western Roman Empire in 476 CE
Who were the Germans?
This city was made the capital of the eastern half of the Roman Empire
What is Constantinople?
Daily Double!!
The death of Marcus Aurelius in 180 CE marked the end of this era
What is Pax Romana?
I divided the Roman Empire into two parts in 300 CE
Who was Diocletian?
I legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire in 313 CE
Who was Constantine?
I was the legendary last pharaoh of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt
Who was Cleopatra?
Women in this society were to worship their husbands as gods
What is India?
I wrote Lessons for Women which encouraged women to respect their husbands
Who is Ban Zhou?
Women in this ancient society could own their property and divorce their husbands
What was Egypt?
It was common for women in this classical region to be active in business
What is the Mediterranean (Greece & Rome)?
Classical Rulers
What Am I?
Chinese Philosophy
Oppress Me
Early Inventions
Classical Rulers What am I? Vocabulary Chinese Philosophy Oppress Me Early Inventions $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
I unified China in 221 BCE and started the Great Wall of China
Who was Qin Shi Huangdi?
My reign began the period known as Pax Romana
What was Augustus Caesar?
I was tutored by Aristotle and conquered Persia and Egypt
Who was Alexander the Great?
I started an imperial university and examination system in China based upon Confucianism
Who was Han Wudi?
My conversion to Buddhism helped contribute to the collapse of my empire
Who was Ashoka?
What is a Roman aqueduct?
What are Egyptian hieroglyphics?
What is the Terra Cotta Army of Qin Shi Huangdi?
What is quipu?
What is an Oracle Bone?
Practiced by ancient Athens this is a form of government where power is granted to the people and is exercised by them directly or indirectly through free elections
What is democracy?
A group of non-elected officials charged with carrying out the basic duties of government
What is bureaucracy?
I pledge my allegiance to a type of government in which power resides in representatives of the people who govern according to the law
What is a republic?
Daily Double!!
Practiced by the Jews this is tracing family descent through the mother
What is matrilineal?
This is a type of government common to ancient Greece where a small group of elites exercise political control for their benefit
What is an oligarchy?
This term meaning respect for ancestors is supported by many Chinese philosophies including Confucianism
What is filial piety?
The idea that the Chinese dynasty is supported by god to rule and the family will continue to rule as long as they rule properly
What is the Mandate of Heaven?
According to Laozi humans should live according to this spiritual force
What is the Dao?
This chaotic period brought about hundreds of new Chinese philosophies including Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism
What was the Warring States Period?
The ultimate goal of Confucianism and Daoism
What is societal harmony?
This group the lowest caste in the Hindu caste system
Who are untouchables?
This type of agriculture made Greece and Rome dependent upon slaves
What is commercial agriculture?
This lowest level of Chinese society was distinguished by green scarves
Who were the mean people?
Slaves in this region could be tutors as well as domestic servants and general laborers
What is the Mediterranean?
This monotheistic religious group was enslaved by the Egyptians
Who were the Jews?
This culture invented paper
Who is China?
This ancient civilization was the first to use plumbing
What is the Indus River Valley?
This society invented the wheel, the sail, and bronze
Who were the Sumerians?
This group were the first to use iron
Who were the Hittites?
This name is often used to explain the importance of the human discovery of farming and herding
What is the Neolithic Revolution?
Double Jeopardy!!
Human Migration
Silk Roads
Fall of Han China
If you ain’t first…
Math, Science, etc.
Human Migration Silk Roads Fall of Han China If you ain’t first Math, Science, etc Monotheism $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
This group migrated into India around 1750 BCE and would influence early Hinduism
Who were the Aryans?
Polynesian migration to Madagascar brought this fruit to Africa
What is the banana?
This group migrated from Central Asia and influenced the fall of Rome, Han China, and Gupta India
Who were the huns?
This group migrated from the Sahel region in Africa to southern Africa bringing with them language, farming, cattle, & iron
Who were the Bantu?
This group colonized most of the Pacific and started kingdoms on Easter Island & Hawaii
Who were the Polynesians?
The primary source of silk in the classical period
What was China?
The name for this desert means “he who enters does not come out”
What is the Taklimakan desert?
These two powerful empires were connected by the Silk Roads
Who were Han China & the Roman Empire?
This type of society often offered protection for merchants but they also robbed them as well
Who were pastoralists?
The message of this religion was spread to Central Asia & China along the Silk Roads
What is Buddhism?
Took over the Han dynasty in 9 CE & attempted unsuccessful land reforms
Who was Wang Mang?
This group of nomads frequently pressured China’s northern border
Who were the Xiongnu?
This religion became very popular during and after the fall of the Han dynasty
What was Buddhism?
This group of Daoists led a rebellion against the Han dynasty in 180 CE
Who were the Yellow Turbans?
Some historians argue that nearly 50% of all Chinese died of this in the first century CE
What is the plague (disease)?
Founding of Christianity Founding of Buddhism Founding of Daoism
What is the founding of Christianity?
Start of Roman Empire Start of Gupta India Start of Han Dynasty
What is the start of Gupta India?
Invention of bronze Invention of iron Invention of paper
What is the invention of paper?
Invention of farming Invention of herding Invention of writing
What is the invention of writing?
Start of Egypt Start of Olmec Start of Norte Chico
What is the start of the Olmec?
This culture invented 0-9, the decimal point, & negative numbers
What is India?
He is considered the father of modern geometry & his book would be used for over 2000 years
Who is Euclid?
This society created the first alphabet based upon sounds rather than words or symbols
Who were the Phoenicians?
He is often considered the founder of Western science despite the fact that most of his ideas were later proven to be inaccurate
Who is Aristotle?
Daily Double!!
This Hellenistic city built the first research library
What is Alexandria?
The first monotheistic religion
What is Judaism?
Christian missionary and author of a large portion of the New Testament
Who is Paul of Tarsus (St. Paul)?
I was emperor when Jesus was crucified
Who was Augustus Caesar?
I am considered the father of the Jews
Who was Abraham?
These rules are the beginning of the Jewish law
What are the Ten Commandments?
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