Business in a Connected World Chapter 2a Web 2.0 and Social Media Business in a Connected World Blogging for Business © McHaney and Sachs 2016
What is a Blog? Blog in Simple Terms “Broadcasts” Fun and Engaging Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, media, and hyperlinks provided by the writer. “Broadcasts” The Web site makes content available using RSS technology Fun and Engaging Natural human inclinations help make social media enticing and fun to use Among the First! Among first applications associated with transition from static Web pages to social media What is a Blog? Blogs about Blogging
What is a Blog (Con’t)? Early Forms Web Logs Shortened Name Evolved from Usenet, bulletin board systems, and moderated newsgroups Web Logs In mid-1990s, more online journals known as Weblogs appeared Shortened Name Weblog shortened to ‘blog’ by Jorn Barger and added to Webster’s Dictionary in 1999 What is a Blog (Con’t)?
Video Describing Blogs Click to View
Blog Background Originally Public Voice 1:M Now Weblogs were not collaborative technologies. Public Voice Gave voice to person wishing to place thoughts and opinions into unedited public space 1:M This one-to-many communication tool was updated to allow reader comments and feedback Now Now Weblogs are a place where material can be synthesized, mashed, and opened to comments. Video, audio, images and other media can be incorporated. Likes and dislikes can be noted. In 2015, according to blog expert, Greg Narayan, had 60 million users, had 56 million users and Tumblr had over 150 million users. Blog Background
YES! Should Businesses Blog? Business Uses Direct to Public Sources Perfect for connecting with customers, promoting products and developing recognized business presence. Direct to Public Gives opportunity to get news and message into the world without external edits Sources Can come from many sources including CEO, marketing executive, product development department, product support specialist, and others. YES! Should Businesses Blog?
Example Business Blogs Coca Cola Unbottled
Example Business Blogs Walmart Corporate
Example Business Blogs Goodman Jones (Small Business)
Effective blog use requires understanding key attributes: voice, frequency, style, features and passion Blog’s Personality
Blog’s Voice Customized Voice Conversational Not Just Articles Departure from factual journalist voice. Conversational Create everyday conversation to make messages personal. Not Just Articles Most blogs are not collections of articles---readers expect opinions. Ways of Getting Attention Blogs use humor, sarcasm, self-deprecation, irony, over-the-top seriousness, or other approaches to capture readers’ attention. Blog’s Voice How entries are presented and worded
Blog’s Frequency Immediacy Significant Events Posting Times Timely material provides sense of immediacy. Significant Events When significant events occur, update blog right away. Posting Times Helpful if writer has predetermined time between postings. Study Usage Monitor blog traffic statistics to determine best entry frequency. Blog’s Frequency How often to publish new entries
Most hosting sites offer preformatted configurations (themes) Themes help avoid looking amateurish Blog’s Style Determines readers’ perceptions of a business
Example WordPress Themes
Blog’s Features SEO Monetization Ensures social and traditional Web searches can find content and share via syndication SEO Various mechanisms enable search engine optimization (SEO), social media optimization (SMO), and monetization. Monetization Can be direct (ex. advertising revenue) or indirect (ex. capture of potential customer leads). Blog’s Features Add interest
Features on ‘Nuts About Southwest’ Blog
More Features on ‘Nuts About Southwest’ Blog
More Features on ‘Nuts About Southwest’ Blog
More Features on ‘Nuts About Southwest’ Blog
Additional social media sites listed by Southwest for its blog
Blog’s Passion How to Infuse Passion into a Blog Read Fresh and Thought-Provoking Material Go beyond current news and what everyone else reads Absorb new and fresh ideas Observe the world Talk to people working in related areas Read old and unusual books Spend time reflecting and thinking Discover subject matter unrelated to your blog that will add value because of author’s style or approach to topics. Seek unexpected inspiration and new ways of viewing topics from alternative sources. Blog’s Passion
Blog’s Passion (Continued) Blogs convey an opinion. People read more than just your company’s blog. Choose a direction and make a strong case. Create a discussion online. Reader comments can provide alternative points of view and build a case for opposing sets of arguments. . To influence readers, provide best arguments. Blog’s Passion (Continued) Blogs convey opinions and so don’t need to be balanced
Contact: Roger McHaney, Kansas State University,