9/19/14 – BR: Complete the sentence. Democrats are________ 9/19/14 – BR: Complete the sentence.. Democrats are________. Republicans are _______. Liberals are _______. Conservatives are _____. Today: Understanding a Different Political Spectrum “I am a leader” PP is due MIKVA FORMS
Vocabulary Journal #4 Belief – an idea or thought that a person holds, or accepts that shapes action Value – an idea, concept or thought that a person places importance on. Ideology – a set of beliefs about politics and society that help people make sense of their world Political Spectrum – a line that plots someone’s stance according to how liberal or conservative they are. Liberal - favoring social change and government action, especially in the direction of broadened political and social rights protected by government, expanded social services, and a more regulated economy; generally favoring equality over freedoms
Vocabulary Journal #4 Conservative – favoring the preservation of traditional social practices and policies that limit government’s regulation of the economy, provision of social services, and restrictions of individual freedoms; generally favoring individual freedoms (freedoms from government) over equality Moderate: Anarchy: Absence of Government Totalitarianism: Total Government
As you watch.. List any forms of government that are mentioned What is the danger of democracy? How is that danger eliminated (or lessened)? Hand this in ! Remember Leadership Packet and PP – “I am a leader” is due tomorrow!