Teaching the First /Review Lesson Keyboarding… Teaching the First /Review Lesson Basic Keyboarding Guide for Teachers by South-Western Publishing Co.
Bell Work & Objective-Mon. Week 6 Objective-Day 1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of basic keyboarding information through vocabulary terms and techniques. Bell Work Day 1: Pre-Bell Work Question: Explain two (2) Keyboarding Vocabulary Words-See Back of Homework Handout.
Day 1 Exit Question-Closure What did you learned from this lesson on Keyboarding Terminology and Techniques today?
Tues., Day 2 Bell Work & Obj Day 2 Objective: TSW recognize the QWERTY keyboard. TSW will perform keyboard application. Pre-Bell Work Question: What is the difference between accuracy and speed as it relates to keyboarding?
Day 2 Exit Question-Closure Day 2 Exit Question: Describe two techniques in keyboarding that you used in this lesson today.
Day 3 Wed. Bell Work & Obj. Wed. Objective: The student will investigate keyboarding skills and ergonomics in the context of Business Management & Administration career cluster. Wednesday Pre-Bell Work Question: Name and describe two techniques that you should use when keyboarding.
Summarize what you learned from this lesson today. Day 3 Exit Question Summarize what you learned from this lesson today.
Day 4 Thurs.-Bell Work & Obj. Objective-Day 4--The student will review concepts and skills on keyboarding terminology and techniques. Day 4--Pre-Bell Work Question: Name and describe a career that use keyboarding skills.
Day 4 Thurs. Exit Question Describe the objective for today’s lesson. (Think, Pair & Share)
Day 5 Bell Work and Obj. Obj. Day 5—The student will demonstrate their keyboarding skills and techniques with 80% accuracy. Day 5--Pre-Bell Work Question: Name and describe some advantages of keyboarding.
Day 5 Exit Question-Closure Describe how you feel about the Keyboarding Post-Test.
KEYBOARDING TECHNIQUES—NOTES—STUDY- (WRITE IN YOUR NOTEBOOK) When operating a keyboard, wrists should be low but not touching the frame of the keyboard. The best control of eyes while keying involves looking at the copy most of the time. When typing, you should not constantly look down at your hands Fingers in keying position are best described as curved. In proper work area arrangement, the copy (book) should be to the right of the monitor and keyboard. Correct keyboarding posture requires that the body should be reasonably erect in front of the keyboard. MAKE SURE YOU STUDY YOUR KEYBOARDING VOCABULARY WORDS -- SEE HOMEWORK SHEET AND WORDS BELOW QWERTY KEYBOARD, BACKSPACE, DELETE, SPACE BAR, CAP LOCK NUMERIC KEYS, ALPHABETIC (LETTERS) KEYS, ESC KEY, SHIFT KEY, WORD WRAP, GWAM AND HOME ROW KEYS
5 Keyboarding Positioning Rules
Step 1…Learn Good Position Sit directly in front of the keyboard Sit well back in your chair Adjust your position so that your elbows fall naturally just in front of the sides of your body, and your curved fingers reach the second row of keys Maintain this position as we learn good hand-and-finger position Approximate Time: 1min.
Step 2: Learn Home-Key Position To learn to proper position of your fingers on the keys, we first have to identify each finger with a number. Index=1 Middle=2 Ring=3 Pinky=4 Find home row by resting hands on 2nd row of keys on the keyboard…find F and J by feeling the ridges found on these keys…this is where your index fingers will rest! Approximate Time: 3-5 min.
The rest of your fingers just fan out to other keys on home row: A=L4, S=L3, D=L2, F=L1 J=R1, K=R2, L=R3, ;=R4 Now let’s get our thumbs in proper position. The left thumb is not used in keyboarding so curve it down and out of the way. The right thumb should gently rest on the space bar. Fingers should be curved and upright on the keys. Drop your wrists until the base of the hands touches the wrist rest.
Step 3…Reinforce Good Hand-and-Finger Positioning Drop your hands into your lap Now let’s see if place your fingers again in home-key position. Let’s Check It: Are all your fingers resting lightly on the home keys? Are your fingers curved and upright on the keys? Are both thumbs curved and resting lightly on the space bar? Are your hands just slightly above the wrist rest? Approximate Time: 2 min.
Step 4…Learn Proper Keystroking on the Home Keys Find the J key…tell and show which finger strikes this key Strike the J key with a quick tap of the key by the R1 finger Dictate the letter J as the students tap the key Proper motion to use for striking the space bar. Demonstrate proper keystroking on the other home-position keys on the right hand. Dictate and allow students to practice with just right hand home-position keys and the space bar. Approximate Time: 7 min.
Switch to home-position keys on the left hand…model and present these keys in the same way as you did the right hand. Make sure you model proper finger positioning and dictate as you move from finger to finger on the left hand.
Step 5…Learn the Home Keys This will be teacher directed learning… We are going to type the word “jack” which is a flower that grows in South America… Ready? First, let’s rehearse the key locations: j (think this key location without looking) a (which finger?) k (R2) Now type the word as I call the letters: jack (space) jack (space) jack (space) Rehearse with several words…ask, lad, all, fall Approximate Time: 12-15 min.
Step 6: Reinforcement Practice Have students type drill lines reinforcing the home row keys. Check what students learned in this lesson: Good hand-and-finger position Proper keystroking Proper use of the space bar