based on efficient European practices Towards a more effective remedial teaching based on efficient European practices 1 1 1 1
Learning Mobility of Individuals School staff Key-Action 1 Learning Mobility of Individuals Objective 1: improve the quality of its teaching as well as the professional development of the staff by supporting learning mobilities abroad. Objectif 2: enable the institutions offering vocational teaching to give the learners the opportunity to gain new skills and to improve their employability, through the organisation of traineeships 2 2 2 2
Consortium 2015-2017 General Department of Education organized by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation Athénée Royal Vauban - Charleroi Athénée Royal - Ganshoren Athénée Royal Prince Baudouin - Marchin Athénée Royal - Pont-à-Celles Athénée Royal - Saint-Ghislain 3 3 3 3
Project Remedial Teaching 3 countries : Italy, The Netherlands, England because of a good progression of PISA results Teams : 8 teachers/principals/educational advisors Hosting partners : training operators – Italian secondary school 4 4 4 4
Assen (NL) – January 2016 Our participants discovered some educational sotfwares, and learned how these programs can help pupils work in teams. 5 5
Assen (NL) They were shown some places where pupils regularly go with their class or alone to implement interesting projects. These projects give life to the Dutch schooling. Pupils are at the centre of their academic learning 6 6
Southampton (UK) February 2016 A mini-bus was hired to cross the Channel with a ferry. Our brilliant educational advisor drove easily on the left side of the road and brought the entire team back to Belgium. 7 7
Southampton (UK) In England, as in The Netherlands, pupils are always working on projects which raise their interest and let them be the real actors of their training. Schools are provided with the suitable equipment to work in that way. Teachers wouldn't think of another way to teach. They are increasingly letting go of classic face-to-face teaching methods and encouraging independent, creative learning. The same trend is at work in The Netherlands and in Italy. 8 8
Prato (I) February 2016 In Prato, our team was hosted by a fantastic principal who had had a partnership with one of our schools for years. 9 9
Prato (I) Our teachers and principals were really impressed by the way this inclusive school runs and gives a place to each of its pupils. Teachers are trained to child-centred, active pedagogy and help pupils develop cooperative learning, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 10 10
Prato (I) Robotics is an amazing and excellent way to teach mathematics. Moreover, one of the schools of our consortium had the opportunity to take contact with teachers in Prato who were planning an Erasmus+ project with robots, and joined them thereafter. 11 11
Highlighting elements common to the three visited countries Report for political decision-makers Highlighting elements common to the three visited countries 12 12 12 12
Report for political decision-makers For example : - constant enhancement of the students' progresses, whatever their results; 13 13 13 13
Report for political decision-makers - immediate remedial teaching, very few structural remediation hours; - a continual activation of students, who are really involved in their learning. 14 14 14 14
Europass-Mobility distribution March 2016 Our general director was pleased to deliver the Europasses to all the mobility participants of our project. This project was the first one to be developed by the general department of education organized by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. 15 15
Compendium of good practices Short description Observation place(s) Objectives Link with school subjects and skills Practical application 16 16 16 16
Compendium of good practices Example : coloured reading ruler To improve concentration and help reading 17 17 17 17
Training module Presentation - in two schools - to the staff of teachers' trainers - to volunteer teachers And that's not finished yet! 18 18
Website Dissemination Website 19 19 19 19
Days of the principals : August 2016 and November 2016 Dissemination Days of the principals : August 2016 and November 2016 20 20 20 20
Dissemination A3 Poster distributed in August 2016 21 21 21 21
A2 poster for teachers’ rooms Dissemination A2 poster for teachers’ rooms 22 22 22 22
Dissemination Fédé-Hebdo (on-line newsletter for the staff of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation) Fédémag (internal magazine of W-B F) Vers l'Avenir (newspaper) La Meuse (newspaper) Magazine Prof n°28 (magazine for teachers) 23 23 23 23
Dissemination January 2017 Informations asked by the Millenium Challenge Corporation (United States Agency for International Development) for a project on remediation in Morocco. The Millenium Challenge Corporation (United States Agency for International Development) asked us for informations about our project because they were working on a benchmark on remediation in Morocco. 24 24 24 24
Dissemination Closing ceremony – 12 May 2017 25 25 25 25
Participation to this seminar in Bonn Dissemination Participation to this seminar in Bonn 26 26 26 26
. Thanks for your attention! 27 27 27 27