CINP Thematic Meeting on Treatment Resistant Depression PRAGUE THEMATIC MEETING 20TH – 22ND JULY 2017 W: E: Grandior Hotel, Prague CINP Thematic Meeting on Treatment Resistant Depression
Scientific Programme & Local Organising Committee Lucie Bartova, Austria Michael Bauer, Germany Eva Ceskova, Czech Republic Katharina Domschke, Germany Co-Chair, ISPC Elias Eriksson, Sweden Maurizio Fava, USA Naomi Fineberg, UK Co-Chair, LOC Cyril Hoschl, Czech Republic Co-Chair, LOC Siegfried Kasper, Austria John Krystal, USA Julian Mendlewicz, Belgium Stuart Montgomery, UK George Papakostas, USA Jiří Raboch, Czech Republic Co-Chair, ISPC Gerard Sanacora, USA Alessandro Serretti, Italy Julia Sinclair, UK Daniel Souery, Belgium Alexandra Sulcova, Czech Republic Torgny Svensson, Sweden Eduard Vieta, Spain Allan Young, UK Joseph Zohar, Israel
CINP Thematic Meeting on Treatment Resistant Depression Key Dates 28th February 2017 Deadline for Poster Submission Deadline for Rafaelsen Award Applications 21st April 2017 Deadline for Earlybird Registration Rate 14th July 2017 Deadline for Late Registration Rate 22nd July 2017 Deadline for On-Site Registration Rate Opening Ceremony, 2017 Prague Thematic Meeting CINP Thematic Meeting on Treatment Resistant Depression
PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME Thursday 20th July 2017 08.30-08.45 - Welcome Address 08.45-10.45 - Symposium 1: Diagnosis and impact of TRD Definitions of TRD Impact of TRD Health regulatory perspective- EMA Health regulatory perspective- FDA 10.45-11.15 – Tea and Coffee Break 11.15-13.15 - Symposium 2: Atypical antipsychotic augmentation in TRD: an update Clinical background and present state of the art Adjunctive antipsychotics in major depression ITI-007 a novel antipsychotic for TRD? Underlying mechanisms of action, preclinical evidence 13.15-14.00 – Lunch Break and Poster Sessions 14.00-15.30 - Satellite Symposium 15.30-16.15 - Keynote Lecture 1: Understanding rapid acting antidepressants 16.15-18.15 - Symposium 3: The glutamatergic approach for treatment of depression Animal models on the Mechanisms of Stress Insight into rapid acting antidepressants R-Ketamine or S-Ketamine? Ketamine and beyond 18.15-19.45 - Satellite Symposium
PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME Friday 21st July 2017 08.30-10.30 - Symposium 4: Psychopharmacology and brain stimulation in TRD Evidence for adding 2 antidepressants in TRD New Add-on strategies in TRD Electroconvulsive Treatment in TRD Neurostimulation in TRD 10.30-11.00 – Tea and Coffee Break 11.00-13.00 - Symposium 5: Results of the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression (GSRD) The program of GSRD To switch or augment? Genetic findings in GSRD and STAR*D Machine-learning approach for big data sets 13.00-13.45 – Lunch Break and Poster Sessions 13.45-15.15 - Satellite Symposium 15.15-17.15 - Symposium 6: Molecular and brain circuit mechanisms in depression Molecular mechanisms of resilience and depression Role of hippocampus-prefrontal cortex circuit for antidepressant response Circuit mechanisms of reward, anhedonia and depression Post mortem evidence of depression pathology 17.15-18.00 - Keynote Lecture 2: Computational models for depression and antidepressant action
PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME Saturday 22nd July – Education Morning TRD in three easy evidence based steps; Diagnosis, Brain Function and Treatment 09.00-09.10 Introduction Diagnosis and Brain Function 09.10-10.00 Lecture 1: Diagnosis and pathophysiology of TRD including clinical presentations 10.00-10.15: Coffee Break 10.15-12.00 Workshop based on summary in Lecture 1 Interactions and discussion with workshop presenters 12.00-12.30: Lunch Treatment 12.30-13.20 Lecture 2: TRD, treatment guidelines/algorithms including the presentation of the new nomenclature project (NbN) 13.20-13.35: Coffee Break 13.35-15.20 Workshop based on summary in Lecture 2 Interactions and discussions with workshop presenters 15.20-15.30: Conclusion
Registration, Poster and Award Submission are now open! Deadline for poster and award applications is 28th February 2017. Visit
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