Stó:lō Business Association Work to Date Submitted by: Shannon Smith Executive Assistant, Stó:lō Community Futures August 26th, 2016
Start of an Association Beginning with the first Aboriginal Business Connect in 2015, the Stó:lō Business Association is a Member-driven organization, encouraging the networking and interaction of Indigenous businesses and entrepreneurs in Sólh Téméxw. As one of the key Recommendations of the STÓ:LŌ STRATEGIC VISION, and with funding through Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)’s Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program (AEP), the Stó:lō Business Association is gaining tremendous momentum. The work on the development of the Stó:lō Business Association, including survey results, feedback from Event participants, and next steps, are summarized in this Report. Aboriginal Business Connect May 27th, 2015 Aboriginal Business Connect January 27th , 2016 Aboriginal Business Connect Entrepreneurial Event March 31st, 2016 Launch of the Stó:lō Business Association Letśe Q’ép (Let’s Gather) Event June 16th, 2016
Preparing for Letśe Q’ép – Survey Results The Stó:lō Business Association was formally announced at the Aboriginal Business Connect Entrepreneurial Event (ABCEE), on March 31st, 2016. In preparation for the first Stó:lō Business Association Meeting at the Letśe Q’ép (Let’s Gather) Event on June 16th, 2016, Stó:lō Community Futures (SCF) created weekly surveys to collect preliminary information, to direct the activities at the Letśe Q’ép Event. The results of the surveys showed that Indigenous businesses and entrepreneurs are looking for networking opportunities, and promotion and marketing assistance. This was also supported by the results of the survey results, shown on the next page, where Participants indicated that the key benefits they would like from an Association is promotion, branding and marketing supports, and expanding their professional network. What would you like to see in an Association?
Preparing for Letśe Q’ép – Survey Results What benefits would you like from an Association? Other benefits identified by Participants included determining proper pricing for work/contracts; help applying for grants; assistance with finding business opportunities; a job board; calendars of events, particularly showcasing the Stó:lō culture and the Halq’eméylem language; the use of an Association logo in websites: and, international marketing supports.
Vision and Mission Key Words Exercise At the Letśe Q’ép Event on June 16th, 2016, attendees participated in a number of activities and exercises, to assist SCF in gathering information, for the direction of the development of the Stó:lō Business Association. The first activity, led by Facilitator Shirley Hardman (Shxwha:yathel and Swelchalot), Senior Advisor of Indigenous Affairs at the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV), and former SCF Board Chair, led participants to provide key words that would assist is shaping the Stó:lō Business Association organization, and provide guidance for the Vision and Mission. Upon analysis of the key words and phases provided, there were several similar themes. Overall, the theme of support, which includes education and training; honesty, and resources; was key. This was followed by focusing on the future, including building businesses, setting goals, planning, prosperity, and success. Finally, networking was also identified, which includes working together, trust, and connections.
Proposed Mission and Value Statements From the provided key words, Facilitator Shirley Hardman and SCF Administrative Assistant Morris Prosser, composed the proposed Mission and Value Statements: MISSION An Aboriginal business network for sustainable success VISION Business success built on Xwélmexw values Respect, courage, honesty, wisdom, humility, and truth
Benefits of the Stó:lō Business Association The next exercise asked Participants to rank various focuses of the Stó:lō Business Association: Once again, Indigenous businesses and entrepreneurs identified supports as a key focus for the Stó:lō Business Association, specifically with promotions of their business, as well as networking opportunities. An Indigenous Business Tradeshow (5%); an Indigenous Buy Local Strategy (4%); a Business Advocate in Sólh Téméxw (4%); and, the Voice of Indigenous Business, were all combined into the Miscellaneous category.
Group Feedback – Criteria of Memberships The Participants separated into groups to discuss the types of Membership for the Stó:lō Business Association: Group Discussion: Criteria of Membership s Group One (Speaker: Darwin Douglas) Align with First Nation culture Associate Members need to bring something to the table Process developed to review and vet Application Select carefully; as the credibility of Association is crucial Possible other membership, which includes partnerships Group Two (Speaker: Kai O’Shea) Full Members should have a decent business plan Define criteria for Application of memberships Group Three (Speaker: Charlie L’Hommecourt) Associate Members should be nominated by Full Members Intake periodic to prove Associate Members for entry Voting power: small vs large businesses, every business gets one vote Open Discussion Support any regional struggles – Association should be balanced regionally within the Territory Associate Members should employ Indigenous employees Associate members should have cross-culture training No politics involved
Further information – Survey Results After the Letśe Q’ép Event, a new survey was created for Participants to complete, to further provide information for the guidance of the Stó:lō Business Association: Questions: In any type of business association, such as the Stó:lō Business Association, a number of potential benefits are normally developed for the Members of the association. In order to help and assist in structuring the new Stó:lō Business Association, which potential member benefits are very important to your business? 90% Agree as Very Important Access to entrepreneurial education/training Programs (90%) 60% Agree as Very Important Stó:lō Aboriginal Business Awards Newsletter/Updates via Social Media 50% Agree as Very Important Health Benefits Special Speaker Series Member Database Marketing Initiatives Other statistics: 60% felt that Member to Member Business Deals and Regular Meetings were Fairly Important 86% planned to join the Stó:lō Business Association 75% of Indigenous businesses use Facebook
Stó:lō Business Association Meeting Next Steps The key Next Steps, will be to engage the Indigenous businesses and entrepreneurs for initial enrollment into the Stó:lō Business Association , as well as engagement of the STÓ:LŌ MEANS BUSINESS Strategic Planning Committee’s Business Networking/Communications Sub-committee: Business Networking/Communications Committee Meeting Finalizing Bylaws, Constitution, Codes of Conduct and Member Application processes September 8th, 2016 Stó:lō Business Association Meeting Member Finalization of Bylaws, Constitution, Codes of Conduct and Member Application processes, and Member sign-up September 15th, 2016 Formal elections, formal launch of association TBD (October, 2016) Stó:lō Business Association - Regional Tradeshow - Launch November 7th, 2016
Stó:lō Business Association Meeting – September 15th, 2016 To build on the momentum of Stó:lō Business Association, SCF will devise a strategic Communications Strategy to encourage attendance at the Stó:lō Business Association meeting, planned for September 15th, 2016: Communication Strategy Target specific Indigenous businesses and entrepreneurs, and personally invite them to Event. Compose Stó:lō Business Association Newsletter Create social media messaging, and share on Stó:lō Business Association Facebook page, Twitter, and LinkedIn Draft Flyer/Poster for Event Share Article from Mike Watson, in the Benefits of an Association Contact initial proposed Associate Members for the Stó:lō Business Association