A simple introduction to Science at ISIS Robert McGreevy ISIS Facility, CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, OX11 0QX, UK.
To see small things – you need a big thing …
What can neutrons and muons do? ’Neutrons (and muons) tell you where atoms are and what atoms do’
Diamond Graphite Fullerene
Neutron Diffraction
Inelastic Neutron Scattering
Momentum – k (velocity) Energy - E Particle Time of flight method Momentum – k (velocity) Energy - E Particle Wave Wavelength – λ (length scale) 1000 m/s 20 m μs 20 ms 10-10 m
Neutrons see the world in a unique way … to hydrogenase From hydrogen … Length and time scales 10-11 – 10-6 m 10-14 – 10-6 s
Neutrons see the world in a unique way … to hydrogenase From hydrogen … Length and time scales 10-11 – 10-6 m 10-14 – 10-6 s
Neutrons see the world in a unique way
Neutrons see the world in a unique way Penetration Large samples, buried interfaces, non-destructive
Neutrons see the world in a unique way Magnetism The neutron has a magnetic moment but no charge
= + + Neutrons see the world in a unique way Sensistivity and selectivity Isotopic substitution/contrast variation
Neutrons see the world in a unique way a(4K) = 14.04212(2) Å 18th order spherical harmonic c18,1 = -0.020; c18,2 = 0.077 Precision Weak interaction, simple interaction
Crystallography Powder diffraction HRPD POLARIS GEM HiPr (ROTAX) WISH (TS2) Single crystal diffraction SXD Engineering diffraction ENGIN-X
Single crystal diffraction - SXD
Anticancer drug studied on SXD in 2005 C. K. Broder et al.
Anticancer drug studied on SXD in 2005 C. K. Broder et al.