Presentation “Young generation for healthy lifestyle” ” Created by Tebekova Arunay Form 11 Encouraged and supported by G.A. Djusenbaeva the English teacher. Novyi-Beltir 2015
physical inactivity taking drugs drinking alcohol smoking Some people care about their health, others don’t. They have bad health habits. obesity physical inactivity taking drugs drinking alcohol smoking
smoking hair and clothers teeth yellow smell cancer a headache causes cancer a headache pneumonia a cough
DRINKING ALCOHOL skin unhealthy speech unclear slow reactions causes slow reactions loss of memory brain disease
blood,heart and brain diseases TACING DRUGS ruins one's mind and body causes blood,heart and brain diseases LEADS TO DEATH
Good health habits: Eating high fiber food Dieting Eating low Exerсising fat food Eating wholemeal bread
depends on many things: We see our health depends on many things:
The food we eat
Our good or bad habits
Our physical activity
Cut out snacks and desserts Eat more fruit and vegetables Popular ways to lose weight and avoid gaining it Cut out snacks and desserts Eat more fruit and vegetables Follow a diet Use low-calory foods Eat less of everything Cut down on fat Exercise more Don't eat at night Count calories
Popular ways to be fit and healthy: Swimming Aerobics Cycling Jogging Yoga
Do you know that... 18th of November is the day when people all over the world quit smoking. Every year 3 million people die of smoking. Our life is 25% shorter if we smoke. 10 million people gave up smoking in the last decade in Great Britain. Only 13% of the population smoke in the USA.
According to the latest surveys 74% men and 15% women smoke in Russia. Young girls smoke twice as much than women of mature age in our country. Every year the number of smokers increases by 2% in Russia. That means people smoke 15 billion cigarettes more.
Statistics shows that Russia is among the most smoking countries in the world, because every second person smokes in our country. We don’t know why, but it’s up–to–date to smoke now, especially with young girls and teenagers.
In January 2005 the law restricting smoking was approved in our country.
Now according to this law the school administration can impose a fine on those students who smoke in public conveniences or on the territory of our school yard or sports ground. Selling cigarettes is also forbidden in the nearby shop and kiosk. “Young generation for healthy lifestyle” it’s the motto of the decade which is organized at our school annually. Its aim is to make us think that any form of addiction or excess is unhealthy, whether it is tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sugary things or money. It may be a sign of not growing and not being able to cope. They want us to remember for all our life: “If I try to be like him, who will be like me?” It’s not good to follow the crowd. Only strong people can say “NO” to all bad habits.
Fruit and vegetables group Healthy types of food: Milk group Meat group Fruit and vegetables group
body by providing protein. Meat - helps you have a strong and healthy body by providing protein.
Dairy - builds strong teeth and bones by providing calcium.
Fruits and vegetables - help you have healthy gums, good eyesight by providing vitamins.
Sleeping eight or nine hours, getting up early, regular meals, a healthy diet and sport is really a good way to enjoy the life and be happy, to love and to be loved.
The aim of my project is to convince everybody to follow healthy way of life. I would be pleased if today while listening to my report you’ve thought about your health, your health habits, your lifestyle. I’m sure tomorrow you’ll change your bad health habits (if you have any) into good ones.
Dear friends! To make my project more interesting and presentable, to attract your attention I designed a questionnaire and created a quiz. I’m sure you were attentive audience. I hope you’ll easily cope with my tasks. I wish you good luck and success!
To help you learn if it is, answer this questionnaire. People say that you are what you eat. Do you know if your diet is healthy and balanced? To help you learn if it is, answer this questionnaire.
a) often b) never c) sometimes 1. How often do you skip your breakfast? a) often b) never c) sometimes 2. Did you eat any fruit or vegetables yesterday? a) no b) yes c) a lot 3. Do you often eat chip, crisps, nuts etc.? a) often b) never c) sometimes
a) fruits and b) dairy c) fats, vegetables products sweets 4. What are fast sources of energy? a) fruits and b) dairy c) fats, vegetables products sweets 5. What helps you have a strong and healthy body by providing protein? a) fats and b) fruits and c) meat sugar vegetables 6. What products help us build strong teeth and bones by providing calcium? a) meat b) dairy c) bread and cereal
Answers: Q2 a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 Q3 a) 1 b) 2 c) 0 Q4 a) 0 b) 0 c) 1
9 points: Well done! You seem to eat a healthy diet. 7-8 points: Not bad, but you could improve your diet. Under 7: Oh dear! Your diet may cause health problems for you. You should change it to a healthier one.
THESE ANAGRAM. SOLVE " " a y s o n o t l a l d a b b t I s a h
" " s a y n o t o a l l b a d h a b I t S
n a e p l p a a y a d e s e p k h e t r t c d O O y a w a
a n a p p l e a d a y k e e p s t h e d o c t o r a w a y
l y r a e o t d e b l y r a e o t r e i s m e k a s a a n m a h l t e y h l w a h t e y , n d a s i w e
e a r l y t o b e d e a r l y t o r i s e m a k e s a m a n h e a l t h y w e a l t h y , a n d w i s e
Match the left and the right columns. drinking sweets environmental cigarettes eating drugs taking alcohol influence smoking
drinking eating taking drugs smoking cigarettes alcohol environmental influence eating sweets taking drugs smoking cigarettes
The letters in these words and expressions are mixed up. Bring them in order and try to read. dieting gniteid exercising gnisircexe eating wholemeal bread gnitae laemelohw daerb eating high fiber food gnitae hgih erbif dofo eating low fat food gnitae wol taf doof
5. Mach the two parts of the famous English proverbs and sayings. We eat to live Exercise to the body To have a healthy mind Good health is you must have a healthy body keeps the doctor away Early to bed, early to rise what reading to the mind above wealth what we eat We are We don’t live to eat makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. An apple a day
Exercise to the body what reading to the mind Good health is above wealth We are what we eat. Exercise to the body what reading to the mind An apple a day keeps the doctor away Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. To have a healthy mind you must have a healthy body We don’t live to eat but we eat to live.
Thanks a lot for your hard work!