Transfer Student Advising Destination Degree
Agenda Advising at CI Degree Requirements Tools for Schedule Building Question & Answer Session
Academic Advising Model Shared Advising Model Academic Advising Major Advising (Faculty)
Academic Advising Meet with an Academic Advisor for: GE requirements and graduation requirements Staying on track for two-year graduation Academic difficulties Clarification of academic policies Referrals to campus resources Non-major degree progress
Major Advising Meet with a Faculty Advisor: Questions about major, including capstone Projected course offerings for major Staying on track for two-year graduation Major course substitutions Research and graduate programs Career options for major Study abroad
Components of a Degree 120 units, 40 upper-division 70 units from community college; 50 university units (including AP, IB & military) Major General Education (GE) American Institutions Multicultural (“C” or better) Foreign Language (“C” or better) Upper Division Interdisciplinary GE (UDIGE) “C” or better Electives, if needed Page 3
Upper Division Interdisciplinary GE UDIGE 9 units required (three courses) Courses numbered 330-349 or 430-449 One of the courses must be outside the major and not cross-listed with major Must earn a grade of “C” or better Must be taken at CI
CI Academic Requirements Report CARR Online tool to track academic progress Follow using Degree Progress Checklist Email sent by Records of completed evaluation. Page 2
Online University Catalog Policies/Procedures Programs and Degrees (Majors & Minors) GE/Graduation Requirements Course descriptions Make sure to review and explain in more detail, including degree planner sheets for major – GE with c3b/UDIGE, course descriptions -For STEM and high unit majors show the multicultural/UDIGE link in catalog
Schedule of Classes Academic Calendar Add/drop table (called “Change of Program Table” on website) Course Offerings Include how to find GE – UDIGE and online classes
Scheduling Suggestions Any remaining lower division major courses Upper division major courses UDIGE courses (330-349 or 430-449) Foreign language (one semester college level) American Institutions Multicultural Course -Emphasize that this is NOT the community college and that it will not be as easy as it was then. -For social science majors suggest English 299 for help with writing. Page 4
University Transfer Courses UNIV 300 (1 unit course) UNIV 349 (3 unit course – variable topics) Topics include: Transitioning to the University Campus Resources Study Strategies Creating an Academic Plan Career and Graduate School Planning Page
Registration Register online beginning June 14th Full-time = 12 units; Maximum = 18 units Add and drop courses the first 3 weeks of semester on myCI Starting August 28th, add by obtaining permission number from instructor Drop (no permission number needed) After the first 3 weeks, only serious and compelling reasons for withdrawal Remember to verify your schedule -Might recommend taking a lighter load than they did at the CC in the first semester here.
Pre-requisites Enforced If prerequisite met, but blocked from enrollment, contact Records: 805.437.8500 Took similar course, but not in ASSIST: Contact Program Chair Check w/ Instructor 1st day of class or week prior Tell students that if they have questions about major pre-reqs to ask faculty advisor in next session
Transfer Model Curriculums (TMCs) If you are a TMC student, also known as “AA-T or AS-T” Some of the major requirements may vary Check the Catalog for TMC requirements
Academic Advising Appointments Scheduled appointments Degree planning, Academic Difficulties Express Advising Group workshops Degree Progress Workshops Grad Check Workshops Student Success Workshops -Show info on appointments, faculty advisor list and workshop information -Advise them to meet with faculty advisor before they schedule an appointment with us because most of their questions are major related
Workshops for Your Success
Graduation Guide Connect Main Contact Information: (805) 437-8571 Stay Connected: