INTERIM REPORT on MANX after MICE Preamble Several presentations related to the uses of the MICE infrastructure after MICE PHASE II were made at CM22. The MICE executive board “concluded that it would be god (sic) if a smaller group of MICE physicists would take the time to go through these various proposals (by any means they see fit1) and answer specific questions which are within our competence as MICE and produce a short report ”. The question “which is the most relevant R&D program after MICE’’ was excluded as not being within MICE competence. 1 Waterboarding was excluded MANX interim CM23 January 2009
Scope Committee The questions suggested by the EB were: Space-consistency in the MICE hall Scope and adequacy of proposals in view of existing MICE instrumentation, and Infrastructure Consistency of time scales Comment on resources available from MANX and MICE Good use of MICE infrastructure resources Committee John Cobb (chair) Chris Rogers Malcolm Ellis Yoshi Kuno keeping the MICE Spokesman informed MANX interim CM23 January 2009
After consulting the MICE spokesman it was decided that MANX was the most developed current proposal and that the committee should concentrate principally on MANX. Nevertheless there are other possible experiments which could use some or all of the MICE infrastructure, and these should be considered similarly in the near to medium term. Initial information about MANX was obtained from the latest MANX proposal [1], supplemented by specific questions to the MANX spokesman (R. Johnson). [1] MANX interim CM23 January 2009
BRIEF MANX OVERVIEW 3 m long He-filled Helical Cooling Channel 6D cooling Two possible configurations ‘With Matching’ Requires extra matching sections ‘Off-axis’ Inject & extract beam at an angle MANX interim CM23 January 2009
MANX CONDITIONS & INSTRUMENTATION From MANX proposal: 350 MeV/c muons in 150 – 200 MeV/c out Longitudinal momentum measurements by Hi-res TOFs Up- & Down-stream ~4pSec resolution using MCP PMTs Being developed HCC interspersed with fibre tracker planes Expect factor ~2.5 (6-D) cooling in 3m HCC Starting from 40mm transverse emittance & 8m longitudinal >> Largest MICE emittance of ~10mm What is performance for ‘standard’ MICE beams? Including internal fibre planes What resolutions are required? Factor 2.5 (in 6D) comes from lowest figure of Fig4, P14 of proposal, starting from 40mm transverse, 8m (???!!!) longitudinal MANX interim CM23 January 2009
OFF-AXIS MANX Smaller experiment – no matching sections Presumably requires N periods to be all in one plane (?) Smaller experiment – no matching sections More money for cooling rather than matching But 50% losses into downstream spectrometer MANX also considering 0.5m matching sections One end close to iron shield wall Space for services close to wall? Possible large error fields? Magnetics & Forces Transfer of non-axial magnetic/quench forces Torques on Spectrometer coils Not designed for these Probably ‘Show Stoppers’ & did not consider OAM further MANX interim CM23 January 2009
SPACE CONSISTENCY – MATCHED MANX HCC cryostat No detailed dimensions available HCC is 3m x ~0.5m radius Should fit – but service turrets etc ?? HCC + Matching Longer overall Possibly need to extend false floor a few m Cryogenics Cryo. system not specified (tankers?) ‘Considering using left-over cable from SSC for HCC; might prohibit cryocoolers’ Estimate ~2,500 litres of LHe in HCC Space/cost for refrigerator ? If LHe shipped in, who pays ? TOF counters (Hi-res) Additional space downstream ~1m for dp/p = 1% Beam expands on leaving spectrometer large area TOFs ~1.2m x 1.2m (3 sigma, 5mm emittance) Implications for size of downstream PID Mucal (EMR) etc. Beam has beta = b0 = 33cm in solenoid Expands in drift as b = b0 + s^2/b0 So rms size is sig(x) = sqrt(b epsn*m/p) Say s = 100cm, eps = 3mm so Sig(x) = sqrt((33+100^2/33)*0.3*106/150) = 14.9cm for eps=3mm So +/- 3 sig(x) 2 x 3 x 14.9 = 89cm for 3mm And ~~ 115cm for 5mm MANX interim CM23 January 2009
SCOPE & ADEQUACY of INSTRUMENTATION Resolutions required ? Transverse What is MANX criterion for (deps)/eps? What is expected performance with standard MICE beams of 3, 6, 10mm? (Esp.with internal HCC tracker planes.) 10mm is ~maximum beam emittance Longitudinal Proposal says dp/p of 1% for pl New 5pSec TOFs for longitudinal momentum measurement Estimate 2D cooling for 350 150 MeV/c Equilibrium emittance ~ 2.2mm 10mm 5.5mm = 45% 3mm 2.5mm = 16% MICE spectrometers probably more than adequate for transverse planes What does ‘longitudinal’ mean if no RF? Would like to understand goals better Equilibrium emittance = (X0 dE/dX of H2)/(X0 dE/dX He) * beta = 33cm / beta = 42cm * (about) 2mm for equilibrium emit of H2 in MICE Estimate final emittances as e2 = e0 + (e1-e0)*(p2/p1) dp/p from timing dp = (c/L)*E*(p/m)^2 dt MICE tofs give dp = 2MeV/c at 200 MeV/c P dp dp/p 2 1% 250 3.8 1.5% 300 6.4 2.1% 350 10.0 2.9% Don’t understand what longitudinal cooling is with no RF bunches Simply reduction in momentum spread??? MANX interim CM23 January 2009
SCOPE & ADEQUACY of INSTRUMENTATION - 2 TOFs Upstream PID MANX considering new Cerenkovs Downstream PID Downstream momentum MICE upstream TOFs with 8m give dp/p of ~1% @ 200 MeV/c ~3% @ 350 MeV/c + ~3MeV/c straggling in TOFs Degraded by diffuser (15mm Pb) – how much ? Estimate additional ~3 MeV/c Expect worse pi/mu ratio @ 350 MeV/c MICE Cerenkovs designed for <= 240 MeV/c Is downstream PID adequate for higher pi/mu ratio? (don’t know; really for mu / e anyway) Hi-res TOFs ~1m extra space downstream of spectrometer Downstream PID detectors must be larger Gas-filled TPCs in place of fibre tracker? (save some space) MANX interim CM23 January 2009
MICE INFRASTRUCTURE – BEAM Operation at 350 MeV/c Somewhat unknown territory D1 can give 480 MeV/c Have run D2 up to 450 MeV/c for protons Mu’s from forward pi decays (?) Worse pi/mu ratio, probably (?) Useful muon rate? Probably possible ‘can be studied by MICE within the next few months after the decay solenoid works’ (depends on other MICE priorities) MANX interim CM23 January 2009
INFRASTRUCTURE – SPECTROMETERS Matching Beta HCC matching section ~33cm Upstream field ~6T May have to increase Match Coil currents Estimate ~ 350/200 = 1.75 Probably cannot be done with current design which is ‘good enough’ for MICE Needs evaluation Possible show stopper Engineering Margins of match coils – little in hand Forces – go like B^2 How to transfer? Could matching be done with extra match coils (as well as MANX matching sections)? even longer channel; not nice MANX interim CM23 January 2009
INFRASTRUCTURE – 2 Shielding / Stray fields HCC is not symmetric (6T 3.5T) Is shielding adequate for 6T? Larger fields in Hall Effect on other equipment? Asymmetric error fields? Effect on performance (if any)? Needs evaluation LH2 MANX could use it: ‘Would be better experiment but engineering issues’ (RJ) HCC is 3m long x 50cm radius ~2,500 litres ~ 40 x MICE LH2 volume Unlikely MICE LH2 systems could cope Would need different systems for LHe MANX interim CM23 January 2009
INFRASTRUCTURE – 3 RF systems Not required; no plan to use them Could be removed to make space Use for ?? DAQ Expand for HCC tracker planes & Hi-res TOFs Space in MCR / racks? Software Assumed that MICE software will be sufficient Yes, but… (a) Needs adapting for specific MANX detectors (b) Need to use something now to demonstrate goals & feedback to engineering Upstream part of Hall / Beam Probably no change D1 can go to 480 MeV/c D2 can go to 450 MeV/c MANX interim CM23 January 2009
TIMESCALES Plan to follow MICE in 2013 ‘Mount within ~1 year of MICE finishing whilst expertise available’ HCC would take ~4 years to engineer, design & build 2013 if started now 1 year to install No engineering design for HCC; No simulation in MICE context Need to demonstrate engineering, develop Hi-res TOFs, … within about two years. Seems challenging – despite savings in infrastructure & detectors – cf time from MICE LOI / Proposal to now ~8 years Requires engineering resources soon and substantial interaction with MICE experts (if available) Timescale seems rather optimistic MANX interim CM23 January 2009
EFFORT NEEDED Simulate MANX Software Engineer & build Demount MICE Mount MANX Some assumptions that MICE has resources available to contribute to MANX MANX proposal has 34 signatories; MICE is already stretched on some fronts Resources look very tight Run MANX Maintain: Target Beamline Decay Solenoid MICE detectors DAQ Software… Estimate ~9 FTE simply to maintain MICE infrastructure and instrumentation fairly comfortably MANX interim CM23 January 2009
SUPPORT – Stating the obvious, perhaps MANX proposal assumes much of MICE will exist MICE is a collaboration Infrastructure is not (yet) a facility Operated by MICE collaborators Instrumentation is not owned ‘in common’ by MICE Owners of instrumentation may have own preferences or funding agency constraints ‘MICE’ itself cannot agree to support any new initiative MANX – or any new cooling experiment – at RAL would probably require substantial UK involvement RAL is small part of MICE Not same relationship to users as CERN or Fermilab MANX interim CM23 January 2009
SUPPORT Straw poll of some members of MICE with some responsibilities for infra-structure or instrumentation was conducted in order to obtain an idea of support for a non-specific future experiment & indication of attitude of funding agencies. It was indicated that ‘No comment’ would be a valid response. (Five still to reply.) Responses (paraphrased) : ‘No comment…, sine qua non to finish MICE ’ ‘Will discuss & respond shortly’ ‘Difficult to foresee future; …will consider’ ‘Would hand over [ ] to RAL; involvement would depend on details of experiment’ ‘Would support… if MICE supports & US supports strongly’ ‘NF is important; would support [infrastructure] & recruit’ ‘Probably welcomed by STFC… support the development of a proposal for an appropriate and realistic experiment with enthusiasm …Hall… & UK contributions… would be available’ Qualified support; STFC would most likely support a new initiative. Would require UK & other groups to agree on a program & apply for new funding. Significant inverse correlation between degree of support and distance to RAL!!! MANX interim CM23 January 2009
ADAPTING MANX to MICE 3m MANX not well matched to MICE instrumentation Shorten MANX MICE instrumentation should work 150 – 240 MeV/c Shorten MANX to ~1.5m 240 MeV/c in 150 MeV/c out (v. roughly): Should still be plenty of cooling Would ease upstream PID Would ease matching & engineering Match into 4 Tesla instead of 6 Tesla Smaller He requirements ~1300 litres Still large; still couldn’t use LH2 systems Downstream TOFs would still require space & area (~1m2) Use TPC instead (?) MANX interim CM23 January 2009
SUMMARY (1 / 2) Off-Axis MANX may have engineering difficulties associated with transfer of non-axial forces, and torques on the spectrometer cold masses; it was not considered in detail. Matched MANX has no obvious space incompatibilities; the space required for the helium system needs to be assessed. The MICE LH2 systems would be too small for a LH2-filled HCC; the RF systems would be redundant. The resolutions required by MANX are not precisely specified but the MICE spectrometers appear more than adequate for transverse measurements; the TOFs could provide a momentum resolution of 1% at 200 MeV/c to 3% at 350 MeV/c, but degraded by straggling. The Cerenkovs would not be adequate at 350 MeV/c. The down-stream PID detectors may be too small, given the space required for the downstream TOFs for longitudinal momentum measurements. MANX interim CM23 January 2009
SUMMARY (2 / 2) Engineering considerations (margins and forces) suggest it may not be possible to operate the MICE spectrometers to match into the 6T HCC field required for an input beam of 350 MeV/c. [To confirm] A shortened MANX, using a 240 MeV/c input beam, could be a better match to the MICE instrumentation. If the MICE software is to be used for MANX some effort should soon be devoted to its adaptation and use to demonstrate the performance of MANX with the MICE (or other) instrumentation. The effort required to design… and install MANX, and to maintain the MICE infrastructure and instrumentation should be quantified. The timescale looks rather optimistic, given the available resources. There is some support within MICE, with qualifications, for a (non-specific) second generation experiment at RAL; a strong UK presence would be necessary. MICE itself could not agree to any next experiment; a new collaboration would be required. MANX interim CM23 January 2009
THE END MANX interim CM23 January 2009
MANX interim CM23 January 2009
MANX interim CM23 January 2009