Orders Thysanoptera Siphonaptera Neuroptera
"thysanos” = fringe + "ptera" = wings THYSANOPTERA "thysanos” = fringe + "ptera" = wings “Thrips”
Rasping-sucking mouthparts THYSANOPTERA Very small Antennae short Rasping-sucking mouthparts Front and hind wings with a dense fringe of long hairs (many wingless species)
THYSANOPTERA Metamorphosis Paurometabolous (gradual) egg, nymph, adult
THYSANOPTERA Economic Importance Many thrips are pests of plants, especially grain crops, fruits and vegetables, and ornamentals They can transmit plant pathogens Predatory thrips are beneficial
Lacewings, Antlions, Dobsonflies Order NEUROPTERA Lacewings, Antlions, Dobsonflies
Metamorphosis Holometabolous (complete) (egg, larva, pupa, adult)
Green Lacewing Most adults are green Chewing mouthparts Golden or copper-colored eyes Front and hind wings similar in shape and size Long threadlike antennae
Neuroptera Terrestrial: important predators - lacewings: aphids, scale insects, thrips - antlions: larvae build pits for ants Aquatic: dobsonflies - feed on aquatic insects - serve as food for fish
“a” = without + “ptera” = wings Siphonaptera “a” = without + “ptera” = wings Fleas Body bilaterally flattened 2. Piercing/sucking mouthparts 3. Hind coxae enlarged for jumping
Egg Larva Pupa Adult Metamorphosis Holometabolous Egg Larva Pupa Adult
Where do siphonapterans live? - larvae live off host - adults live on host What do siphonatperans eat? - larvae are scavengers - adults eat blood
Economic Importance - Irritating bites - Transmit disease - BUBONIC plague and the rat flea