© ORCA Education Limited 2005 Society and Food Revise and Test ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 40, 68 PLAY Acknowledge PLAY Explain SAY Hello | Hi | Good Day, SAY I am Tom. | My name is Tom. | I am the VT character Tom. SAY ^PAUSE=300^ I will provide some extra guidance and information ^PAUSE=300^ during this {prez entation=presentation.} | I will help with some extra information during this {prez entation=presentation.} ^PAUSE=800^ PLAY Explain2 SAY In this {prez entation=presentation} we will look at the things that influence our diet. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY GestureRight SAY We live in a global village now^PAUSE=300^ where we eat foods from ^EMPHASIS^many parts of the world. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Announce2 SAY But there are still lots of national ^PAUSE=300^ and even regional dishes and ways of cooking.^PAUSE=1300^ SAY While we are talking ^PAUSE=300^ you can ^EMPHASIS^Suspend us ^PAUSE=300^ or ask us to ^EMPHASIS^Resume ^PAUSE=300^ by right clicking on us and then choosing ^PAUSE=300^ Suspend ^PAUSE=300^ or Resume ^PAUSE=300^ from the menu.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Decline SAY If you choose ^EMPHASIS^Hide ^PAUSE=300^ we will stop completely! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Sad SAY ^PAUSE=600^ PLAY Alert SAY Oh yes! ^PAUSE=300^ SAY There are some terms that may be new to you. SAY If you want to see them before the {prez entation=presentation} click on the New Words button. PLAY Point225 SAY ^PAUSE=800^ SAY These keywords in the text are red and underlined, ^PAUSE=300^ if you click on a highlighted word you will see a ^EMPHASIS^short definition PLAY GestureDown SAY at the bottom of the page. ^PAUSE=800^ END © ORCA Education Limited 2005
Influences on our food choices A Answers our religion our culture personal likes our health where we live 1. Give two other examples of what influences our choice of foods. * ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY GestureRight SAY Your food choices could be influenced by something very special ^PAUSE=300^ or by a combination of lots of things. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Surprised SAY However, there is a ^EMPHASIS^lot of pressure to eat certain kinds of food from big food manufactures! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Decline SAY They basically just have an interest in making money, ^PAUSE=300^ rather than necessarily having a responsibility towards people eating healthily. ^EMPHASIS^ PLAY HandsonHips SAY We a are bombarded ^EMPHASIS^everyday by food advertising on the television for food products that promote ^EMPHASIS^all ^EMPHASIS^kinds of tasty goodies. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY Do you think that ^EMPHASIS^your food choices are influenced by advertising? ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think END
Family A Answers This couple have seen many changes in family life, what we eat, how we eat and how we prepare and cook food. 2. Give one example of how changes in society have changed our eating habits. 3. Give one example of how technology has changed our food choices. * ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Point45 SAY Yes this couple ^PAUSE=300^ who have been married for nearly sixty years ^PAUSE=300^ have seen ^EMPHASIS^many changes. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY GestureLeft SAY When they married there was ^EMPHASIS^rationing ^PAUSE=300^ and a Sunday roast would be made to provide meals for much of the week. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY HandsOnHips SAY Of course no ^EMPHASIS^microwaves sixty years ago^PAUSE=300^ but also no fridges, ^PAUSE=300^ that meant you could only cook with fresh, ^PAUSE=300^ canned^PAUSE=300^ or dried food. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY People have less time today to prepare food, ^PAUSE=300^ we just want something quick and easy to heat up. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Alert SAY Now there are convenience foods, ^PAUSE=300^ chill-cook foods, ^PAUSE=300^ ready prepared dishes and take-away meals. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Surprised SAY There are whole shelves devoted to these products in the supermarkets! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain3 SAY Many of these products are also single servings or for just two people. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY Years ago shops shut at five o’clock ^PAUSE=600^ but today some are twenty-four hour opening^PAUSE=300^ so no matter what time you finish work, SAY you can just pick up your dinner from the shelves and ^EMPHASIS^pop it in the microwave. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think END
Family Mealtime has Changed Answers Family Mealtime has Changed Family mealtimes are much less formal with many households where the family rarely sit down together for a meal. 4. Give two reasons why a family should try and eat their meals together. * ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Announce2 SAY Eating together is a social occasion and it can be the ^EMPHASIS^only time a family get together each day.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY Sitting around the table for a meal also teaches children many social skills^PAUSE=300^ in being polite, ^PAUSE=300^ eating properly ^PAUSE=300^ and learning the art of conversation. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY GestureUp SAY Mind you take a look at this lot! Not a lot of conversation going on here! PLAY Confused PLAY Gestureleft SAY It is, however, ^EMPHASIS^very important for children to sit at the table to eat. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY There are not just social benefits, ^PAUSE=300^ children are more likely to eat a ^EMPHASIS^full balanced diet when given to them as a proper meal, ^PAUSE=100^ PLAY Decline SAY and digestion is much better too!^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think END
Low Income Families A Answers Surveys show these food problems for families on low incomes: they have poor access to affordable shops they have poorer cooking facilities they have less food choice they are at a higher risk of diet related diseases and obesity they eat less fruit and vegetables. they eat more fat and sugar 5. Give two suggestions of low fat, high starch, balanced meals that are also low cost. * ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 12, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY GestureLeft SAY Well food does ^EMPHASIS^not have to be expensive^PAUSE=300^ to be both filling ^PAUSE=300^ and nutritious. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY Many staple foods^PAUSE=300^ such as bread, ^PAUSE=300^ rice ^PAUSE=300^ and {paster=pasta}^PAUSE=200^ are very inexpensive, ^PAUSE=300^ healthy and easy to prepare. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Alert SAY The cost of potatoes, ^PAUSE=300^ beans and many other vegetables or fruit can be reduced by buying from market stalls rather than ^EMPHASIS^supermarkets. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY HandsOnHips SAY Meat and fish can be expensive, ^PAUSE=300^ but there are cheaper cuts of meat and often special offers such as discounts like buy one get one free. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY Generally speaking it is cheaper to buy fresh ingredients than to buy processed food, ready made meals or take-away foods. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Statistics from the National Food Survey show that people who have low incomes have the ^EMPHASIS^lowest intakes of vitamins and minerals^PAUSE=300^ but the ^EMPHASIS^highest intake of fat as a percentage of energy intake. ^EMPHASIS^ PLAY Think SAY How might this affect their health?^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Acknowledge END
Genetically modified food. The Latest Food Trends A Answers Food technology is developing while fashion and our lifestyle is changing. Your grandparents would not have used these food terms when they were young. Organic foods. Cook-chill food Ready meals. Take-away meals 6. People are becoming ‘grazers’ in the way they eat; what does this mean? 7. What are ‘functional’ foods? 8. Give an example of a ‘healthy options’ food? 9. Why are there few clear-cut seasonal foods in the UK today? * Genetically modified food. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 12, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Announce2 SAY Eating out is ^EMPHASIS^very popular. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY In a recent National Food Survey, ^PAUSE=300^ nine percent of ^EMPHASIS^all energy intake^PAUSE=200^ came from eating out. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think PLAY Decline SAY Mind you I wonder how much energy we used ^EMPHASIS^getting to the restaurant! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY HandsOnHips SAY The average amount of money spent on eating out^PAUSE=300^ per person^PAUSE=300^ per week ^PAUSE=300^ is about eleven pounds. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Surprised SAY Can you ^EMPHASIS^guess what we are eating a lot more of when we eat out? ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Alert SAY Apparently it is ^EMPHASIS^salad! PLAY Confused SAY Surprisingly we eat less ice cream, ^PAUSE=300^ desserts, ^PAUSE=300^ sandwiches, ^PAUSE=300^ soups, ^PAUSE=300^ Indian, Chinese and Thai meals. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Are our tastes in what we like to eat changing? ^PAUSE=1300^ END
Shopping Trends A Answers The National Food Survey has studied shopping trends for 50 years. The graph shows some significant changes from 2002-04. 10. Which foods have gained in popularity the most? 11. Which foods have decreased the most? *
Healthy Shopping A Answers (b.) Non milk Extrinsic sugars up The 2004 National Food Survey showed these changes in our food over the last year: (a.) 3.4 instead of 5 fruit and veg. eaten a day 12. If we followed government guidelines about healthy eating, which survey results were going in the right direction and which ones were not?* (e.) Fat intake up (d.) Saturated fat up (c.) Alcohol intake up 6.9% (i.) Salt intake down 2.3% (g.) Fruit & veg. intake down 1.0% (f.) Energy intake down 1.2% (h.) Fibre intake down 2.5%
G.M. Foods A Answers Genetic engineering can alter genes and change certain features of a plant or animal. The advantages are improved shelf life, nutritional value and disease resistant crops. 13. Give one reason why some people might object to genetic engineering. 14. Name a food product that is genetically modified that is commonly for sale in some supermarkets. * ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Think SAY This is a difficult issue! PLAY Explain SAY Many people have ^EMPHASIS^differing views on genetically modified food. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Announce2 SAY Vegetarians may object as animal genes may be used in plant foods. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Decline SAY Damage could be done to wildlife^PAUSE=300^ and to the environment generally in the long term. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Confused SAY However, genetic modification ^EMPHASIS^could be used to produce more food, ^PAUSE=300^ particularly useful in the developing world. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Point45 SAY The government insist there are strict controls to ensure the safety of consumers and make sure GM crops do not contaminate other crops. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY There are other people who object to their development. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY One objector is Prince Charles. ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY He has said, ^PAUSE=300^ “Do ^EMPHASIS^not let the genie out of the bottle!” ^PAUSE=1300^ END
Organic Food A Answers The market for organic food has grown over the last ten years. People choose organic food even though they may be more expensive. Organic food is grown using traditional, non-intensive methods of farming. 15. What do we mean by ‘traditional and non-intensive’ farming?
Environmental Concerns Answers Many people have concerns about the environment, animal welfare and unfair trade with the developing world. What could concerned consumers look for when shopping for each of the following products? 16. Cash crops e.g. coffee, tea, bananas, chocolate. 17. Cereals. 18. Meat and poultry. 19. Eggs. *
School Meals A Answers 20. Give one reason why school meals are important for many children. It has been suggested that we eat at least 5 portions of different fruits and vegetables a day. 21. Give two ideas to how schools could encourage pupils to eat more fruit and vegetables. *
Suggested Answers 1. Age, lifestyle, family, traditions etc. Return 1. Age, lifestyle, family, traditions etc. 2. Less time to prepare and cook food, individual portions, eating out, take away food, individuals eat at different times. 3. Greater choice through new ways of preserving, preparing and cooking food, changes in transport, shelf life, equipment etc. 4. For social and cultural reasons, for children learning social skills, to feel part of a family, to talk, celebrate etc. better digestion to eat slowly. 5. Casseroles using cheaper cuts of meat, jacket potato with fillings, lasagne, pasta bake, fish cakes etc. 6. Food eaten in small amounts during the day. 7. Foods made for a purpose e.g. for digestion. 8. Low fat, low cholesterol, low salt etc. 9. Changes in technology, production all year, new ways to preserve food for global transport and increased shelf life. 10. Fish meals, soft drinks. 11. White fish, low fat spreads. *
Suggested Answers continued Return Suggested Answers continued 12. (a, b, c, d, e and g) are not going in the right direction and should change, / (f, h and i) the trend is going in the right direction. 13. The long term effects on the environment and humans are unknown, ethical and religious objections-animal genes used for plants, animal welfare at risk. 14. Tomato, potato, soya beans, yeast. 15. To farm every piece of land available using pesticides, herbicides, artificial fertilizers and growth hormones. 16. Fairtrade. 17. Conservation grade or organic. 18. RSPCA monitored and sourced to the farm of origin. 19. Free range. 20. Only cooked meal of the day, provide almost a half of a child’s nutritional intake. 21. Serve salads, vegetable soup, fruit puddings, jacket potato etc. *