© Mark Batik Jesuit College Preparatory Manifest Destiny © Mark Batik Jesuit College Preparatory
Manifest What? John L. O’Sullivan coins the phrase a democratic editor “The right of our manifest destiny to over spread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federaltive development of self government entrusted to us. It is right such as that of the tree to the space of air and the earth suitable for the full expansion of its principle and destiny of growth.”
What does it mean to say that America is exceptional?
Key Themes Virtue (american exceptionalism) Mission Destiny
What would be signs of divine providence signaling appreciation for the American project?
What did it mean? A conviction that God intended North America to be in control of the United States and the American people. A justification post hoc for what was already going on and Something of a phenomenon, movement, and systematic body of thinking
Desire to explore and conquer
Nationalism “...It is confidently believed that our system may be safely extended to the utmost bounds of our territorial limits, and that as it shall be extended the bonds of our Union, so far from being weakened, will become stronger...” ~ From the inaugural address of James K. Polk, 11th President (1845-49)
Religion Conrad Cherry—“America is a nation called to a special destiny by God.” John Winthrop—“America had been providentially chosen for a special destiny.” Great Awakenings Mormons
Historic Mission Creation of the sentiment for expansion but not the policy
Trade with the far east
Security on the borders
High population growth
Rise of Agriculture
Other Economic/Agriculture factors 1818, 1839 economic depressions Cheap land Desire for land ownership Technological advances Agrarian ideal Slave states
Is Manifest Destiny the reason or the justification for American expansion? What would the United States look like without such a dominant belief in the 19th century?