Gang Membership in the US 1,000,000 members as of September 2008 up from 800,000 in 2005 Current estimates show about 900,000 gang members in local communities and about 150,000 in jail States in the Pacific, Southwest, and Central Regions rank highest in percentage of the population identified as gang members
Gang Types Street Gangs Prison Gangs Motorcycle Gangs
Street Gangs Largest gangs and control the greatest geographical area Their criminal activities pose the greatest threat National and regional level gangs are migrating from urban to suburban and rural areas 11 National level street gangs have been identified in the US May currently be broadening their presence outside the US
Regional level street gangs Are increasingly involved with drug distribution at the wholesale level. At least five street gangs They are typically organized with several hundred to several thousand members. May have members in foreign countries and other criminal organizations within the US
Local Street Gangs Are based in a specific neighborhood Most engage in violence in conjunction with other crimes including drug distribution Usually have no ties to other criminal organizations, but a few local gangs along the US-Mexico border buy from wholesale traffickers from Mexico
Prison Gangs Highly structured criminal networks that operate within the federal and state prison systems Operate in local communities through members who have been released from prison Have great control over midlevel and retail drug distribution in the Southwest and Southern California Work at the National, Regional, State and local levels
Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs About 20,000 members in 300 to 500 gangs Engage in violent crime, weapons and drug trafficking Strong centralized leadership and strict rules regarding membership, conduct and criminal activity Operate at the National, Regional, and Local levels
Criminal Activities Gang members are responsible for as much as 80% of the crime in some locations. Violent disputes erupt over control of drug territory Other activities include auto theft, assault, alien smuggling, burglary, drive-by shootings, extortion, firearms offenses, home invasion robberies, homicide, identity theft, insurance fraud, mortgage fraud, operating prostitution rings and weapons trafficking
Gang Finances Criminal operations and lifestyle is financed primarily through drug distribution Most members are retail level dealers Money is often laundered through “front companies” such as clothing stores, hair salons, music recording and production companies Gangs combine illicit proceeds from drug sales with legal income from these businesses Some purchase real estate and mix drug money with rental income
Gang Communications Members use multiple pre-paid cell phones and the internet Members use social networking sites to recruit members
Cross-Border Activity Trafficking drugs and illegal aliens from Mexico into the US increases gang revenues Gangs are increasingly smuggling weapons from the US into Mexico as payment for drugs or to sell for significant profit
Female Involvement in Gangs Female gang membership is on the rise The National Council on Crime and Delinquency ranked young females as the fastest growing offenders in the national juvenile justice population Studies show female gang membership at 15-50%
Outlook Most regions of the US will experience increased gang membership and continued migration of gangs to suburban and rural areas Gang related criminal activity is expected to increase An increase in violent homicides is expected An increase in relationships with wholesale drug traffickers from Mexico is expected